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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. We all hated Call of the Wild, we actually quit using a literature program because dd disliked that book so much. Didn't like the program much anyway so it was a great excuse to shelve it. ;) MitGoGaE may not be considereda classic yet, although it has appeared on a few of our infamous lists so it might be considered one by some expert out there. It does give a great view of a part of uniquely American southern culture. Good storyline. I don't think I even set it down the first time I read it. I will admit to having some strong friend connections to Savannah along with having visited there several times. Those may have made the book more meaningful. I wonder when a book becomes a classic? Midnight... has been around 20 plus years and is still appearing on lists. I think it was on one of the 100 must reads. If you think about it many of the "classics" I read in high school were 20 plus years old.
  2. You all have been busy this morning. I looked a few hours ago and saw Rosie's post. Didn't have time to reply but my thought was a never read anything by him. ;) I managed to skip American Literature in high school. Took a Modern Lit/ Sci Fi combo instead. Probably a sad statement that no one cared if I skipped it. I have read a few of the recommendations above, I love Twain, To Kill a Mockingbird,and Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil best. I love MiGoGaE and have read it a couple of times. I might feel a reread coming on. :lol: An interesting side note is my fifth grade teacher was a much younger cousin (maybe once removed) of Twain. She read aloud beautifully, we listened to Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn that year. I always think of her when his name is mentioned.
  3. Eliana, the pictures are all lovely. Dd is in love with your granddaughter, she was very disappointed to learn that the baby I was looking at belonged to a BaW friend not a real life one. :lol: Your son looks so happy, actually you all do in the family photo. Lovely. My Murakami won't be here for a month or two. I may be second but that library system takes quite a while for a transfer. I may be glad. I did request Kafka on the Shore during a bout of Murakmi love last week. Picked it up today. Jane's canning sounds like fun and is making me very hungry.
  4. Personally when I am visiting a new church I just want a pleasant Hello and to be handed whatever I need to participate in the service, hymn book etc. Non invasive and no arranging childcare for my kids. Can't tell you how many churches we never went back to because of being repeatedly told about Sunday School etc. Touching me is not appreciated either. Definitely no touching the dc's. That being said I am frequently now in the position of being a greeter, generally I only do special events. I try to live by what I just said I want when I visit a church. My only deviation is I generally have some sort of a schedule of upcoming events at our church...performances, children's services etc. If time permitting I frequently give a quick pitch for one of the upcoming events......the Children's Christmas Service is lovely if you have never attended etc. The only time I have ever hugged anyone is when my best friend came to preform at our church, totally appropriate. ;) If someone wants to shake hands I do but not initiated by me.
  5. My link in "items I participated in" has disappeared. I am hoping to get it back by posting. ETA This thread is still missing. Not even showing on view current content. I did finish (Big) Little Lies by Liane Moriarty. It was one of those books that make you keep reading. Found a link that doesn't say much so no spoilers but does tell you where the author got her idea. The book was based around a series of conflicts between the kindergarten parents at a posh public school outside of Sydney. Huge spousal abuse storyline. The main thing I took from this book, outside of the obvious message (you never know ....), was that I am really grateful to be a home ed mom and not have to face an opinionated group of moms at the fence 5 days a week. Home ed has lots of politics and responsibilities but this book made public school seem like far more unpleasant work. http://www.smh.com.au/entertainment/books/review-big-little-lies-by-liane-moriarty-20140723-zvmtf.html
  6. Since I messed up and double posted I can't quote in my edit. I have Her Royal Spyness in my stack also. Glad to hear you enjoyed it.
  7. Currently reading The Bookman's Tale by Charlie Lovett. I know Jenn read it but can't remember if she ended up liking it or not. I am just starting out but so far am enjoying the current time period parts quite a bit and the Tudor Shakespeare parts not so much. It is my kindle read so I have set it aside until night time. I have also set aside Treachery by SJ Parris because it is also set in Tudor times with close to duplicate characters. It will only cause confusion. Therefore I started Little Lies by Liane Moriarty. So far not as good as the Husband's Secret but entertaining. Someone died and I keep reading to figure out who. I managed a few chapters of HotAW. Not caught up but I am hopeful that I will be soon.
  8. :lol: I had a feeling you would end up there. I looked at the mysteries, but nothing appealed.
  9. For the list loving among us. http://www.express.co.uk/entertainment/books/500115/Best-women-s-fiction I found a few interesting looking fluffy ones that I plan to try and find. One of of them is supposed to be a fictionalized British Bake Off which is one of our favorite shows. Not sure if it airs on BBC America or not but lovely baking and a nice contest. The book is called The Art of Baking Blind by Sarah Vaughan.
  10. Stacia, I can just imagine the library organization that will go into your next visit to you sister's house. Picking up your holds upon entering town.... :lol: As part of our library changes we have outsourced the stocking of the shelves. Being done by computer including original ordering. Right now I am finding all sorts of odd for this system new releases with an on order status, one click an it appears two weeks later at my branch. Not sure how long this will continue. I know it isn't a case of all new releases are appearing on the system but far more than normal imo. This is the library system that didn't want to order a new Nora Roberts last year, Dark Witch I think, which has gone out a large number of times. Not sure how well purchase requests are working from individuals these days.
  11. I think you will really like Tigerman especially since you are a fan of action movies. Seriously reading it was a bit like watching a movie imo. Make sure to get the one with the cute comic book cover if you buy it--not the boring cover I linked. Even dh liked that cover. Glad the Murakami arrived. I am looking forward to figuring the cover art out now. I may be second on the list but the libray system that I had to use for Murakami takes ages.
  12. Here are several ideas for the pages. http://www.pinterest.com/lizpal80/book-page-crafts-repurposed-old-books/ These Christmas ornaments look like fun. I think the picture frame/memory box idea is a good one for the covers if you really want to keep them. Maybe add a family photo of something LotR ish into the frame if you have something. Dh used to collect autographs (sold collection during the big move) and we framed most of them with a bit of memorabilia. Looked great and made them really interesting.
  13. Just finished Tigerman and loved it. Not at all what I was expecting which is why I had it sitting in my pile for awhile. I thought it was going to be some sort of a Clark Kent with speeding trains aka Angelmaker. I was convinced disappointment lurked for me when I read it and I really didn't want to go first. In my pile reduction efforts I started it expecting to return it and await your reveiws before continuing. All I can say is I was hooked a very few pages in. No speeding trains just a really nice guy with a military background in a series of extraordinary circumstances. I suspect this one has movie written all over it. More Die Hard than Bond...... Anyway I found a good review that doesn't really contain spoilers and gives a good idea of what Tigerman is about for those who didn't have it on their list. I gave it 5* and would not be surprised if it makes my top ten list. http://www.scotsman.com/lifestyle/books/book-review-tigerman-by-nick-harkaway-1-3414430
  14. Thanks for the fun lists. I love the dedications one. Marriage proposals ..... so sweet, just hope she read it! :lol: Wouldn't it have been embarrassing it she skipped that part? Also I might just have to read Dark Places because of that dedication. I have been avoiding it because I didn't like Gone Girl much, overrated imo, but obviously the author might be more interesting than I thought.
  15. :grouphug: I am so sorry for your loss.
  16. This is just fun, not book related exactly. The dc's rang for a Steampunk themed wedding today. Refreshments of ice cream (ice cream van with free cones) in the cemetery. The dc's and their friends had a great time....invited for ice cream when they were done with their job. Best wedding ever (until another one that feeds them happens ;) ) dd says the outfits were great.......they didn't run home and get me so I am a bit disappointed.
  17. I have only watched a couple of episodes but there is a television show by that title that matches the basic description. I didn't know that books existed.
  18. Not sure how well this will work because the multiquote function just put both of these together with no boxes. First the likes now the quotes.... Onceuponatime -- I am so tempted just to return the entire pile. I have been weeding, taking 4 or 5 back unread each week which is a bit freeing......Also reading what I want to read lately, not what I must return soon. Of course that philosophy has brought on a huge desire to read historical romances so not sure where this is going. Also started Tigerman by Harkaway. Love it so far...... We watch the telly during dinner too. Just finished the Tour de France, it took forever just to get through the daily recaps. My kids love Once Upon a Time, we are only through the second season. Warehouse 13 is good also. I need to look at our Amazon Prime and see if Continuum is there. ETA. This looks normal with big spaces which is intentional because I wanted to separate the text and didn't expect the boxes to appear. Let me know if multiquote works normally for the rest of you.
  19. I am hoping to start something similar. I have arranged with the help of a friend the rental of a local hall and have invited all the local teens who are loosely involved in the local churches (multi denominations) activities. Kicking off with a pizza party. Hoping to make it a regular school holiday event. I have heard a few are planning to come and bring their board games, sounds like it will be lots of chess, Monopoly, and Clue to start. My dc's have stacks of other games so will try to raise interest in a couple of those.
  20. Pam, Thank you for the incredible list. I need to sit and go through it with my notebook! :) Stacia, Yes, I am now on the list for the Murakami. It just appeared in the system very recently as on order. I am the second on the list but it may be awhile. I finished The Book of Life by Deborah Harkness and loved it. Only rarely can that be said about the third book in a trilogy but that book deserves it. I loved the first one, Discovery of Witches, several years ago and felt a bit ambivalent about the second. I know someone recently read the first two books here but can't remember if they read the third. I highly recommend reading it if you have read the others.
  21. Your version of the Suvivor's Club sounds like something my ds would love. I requested it for him. Thank you.
  22. I finished Mrs. Sinclair's Suitcase by Louise Walters which I so enthusiastically posted about yesterday. I just went back and read my post and discovered that I linked but never actually said the name of the book--I am sorry! Well it ended up being very blah after a great first chapter or two. Not a good book about books, barely acceptable WWI, and even failed my romance test. It ended up essentially being a romance novel in the end although it certainly wasn't advertised as one. Not really worth it imo. I gave it a 3 because I liked where it started and it was an OK read, it could have been great.
  23. Sounds good......I ended up requesting the first in the series since it was available, Simply Unforgettable. Already waiting for my Survivor's Club series by Balogh. During my search I found a new author that looks good, Annie Grace. The first in that series is The Perfect Rake. Opinions anyone? The rest of my Julia Quinn's arrived yesterday. Yeah!!! Really relieved they made it since mary of the in transit items didn't arrive at our branch and they are something I want to read right now not something to add to the stack. ;) Working on finishing the Smythe/Smith family.
  24. Looking forward to your Murakami review. I keep checking my libraries and it hasn't shown up as ordered. ETA. Just looked again and it is now showing as ordered. I am second on the list!
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