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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. Can't wait to hear what you think of Supernatural Enhancements, it went on my overdrive holds list a few days ago. Looks intriguing and I remember thinking it looked like a Stacia book. :lol: OK I messed up multiquotes obviously but since I just have two will continue. Shukriyya, I also have Claire of the Sea on hold. Hardcopy, currently on order at the library. Angel, :grouphug: All I can say is I understand a bit of what you are going through. I spent a year of my life in the shambles of our big move. Being able to spread it out over months sounds like a blessing but allows a great deal of time for doubt. Trying to preserve as much of my stuff which I saw as my life as possible. It is funny because now, eight years later I am getting ready to go back in a purge much of what was saved and is sitting in storage. This will be a long project hopefully, two or three US visits. I am a bit shocked as I mentally sort the inventory how much can now be sold or donated. Other than my grandmother's paintings and some of our children's toys that I want for grandkids a majority is up for discussion. Yes even my books. I have already reread many on the kindle so the love for my copies is essentially gone. I know big gasp from my BaW friends. Admittedly my box of old Nancy Drews and Cherry Ames books is also on the preserve list. Not sure if any of what I just said will offer any comfort to you Angel as you prepare for the future changes and as someone who did not embrace mine with much grace, I literally hid for my first year in England wanting to go back in time. If you haven't guessed although I am very happy now I did not want to move, poor dh, I had other comments and can't remember them now. I loved reading about Jane's day. You should start blogging, or at least post your day for us occasionally. Ladydusk, looking forward to your reading the Sebastian St. Cyr books. My overdrive just got the first three. Put them on hold after a discussion with Amy. I feel the need to reread coming on.
  2. I love the puppets, especially the jellyfish.
  3. Can't remember if I ever mentioned that I finished Aunt Dimity and the Duke last week. I was a bit disappointed to discover that it(listed as number 2 on series order lists) actually takes place before Aunt Dimity's Death (number 1 on lists). I spent the first portion of the book wondering if my memory was going. Kids grew younger, wives had different names......irritated me greatly. Overall just a perfectly pleasant cozy after I got over my timing issues. Amy(since you are always hunting for books for your dd) I found an interesting link when looking for a review http://www.fictiondb.com/author/nancy-atherton~aunt-dimity-and-the-duke~53308~b.htm. This website appears to rate books by appropriate reader age, appears to be a precursor to goodreads. Not sure how accurate I feel it is because Aunt Dimity is pretty mild as a series thus far. Would not have minded dd reading them younger, so 18 is a bit old imo. The only part of the book 1 that I remember that could be objectionable was a one line comment along the lines of the couple went upstairs (night time) and had a wonderful time, not sure if they were married at that point or not( they were definately seriously going to marry asap). In book 2 the female main character was recovering from a 15 year partner relationship where she was dumped and he immediately married a younger woman. Once again undertones but not descriptive at all.
  4. I managed to find it at one of my libraries. Placed a hold. This is one of those that will be a stretch for me but sounds intriguing. Glad you loved it Stacia.
  5. In my experience the heavier the person is in front of you the more the seat reclines, I recently spent a flight with the top of some guy's head uncomfortably close. Seat might of been broken but I have looked and many seats appear to go far more than 2 inches. I never recline because I do think it is rude unless it is long haul and the person behind me has reclined. I have long legs and my knees normally naturally touch the back of the seat ahead when I sit properly. I really resent having to sit at an odd angle so someone can recline especially on an under 3 hour flight.
  6. One plus for the M and P stroller is that you can get the plastic rain cover. Can't tell you how much I wish I had owned one of those. It is a popular model because I recognize it, so people must like it, right? Have to admit though I had cheap umbrella strollers that we used for years. Never broke and lightweight. Packing wise--My tip is to separate things using pillow cases. Three categories clean, can be worn again if needed, as soon as I can wash these. Makes traveling much easier for the wardrobe coordinator. ;) Throw the pillowcase in with the dirty and you have a laundry bag to carry your clean clothing away in.
  7. http://bsapp.com/forensics_illustrated/ Someone recommended this on a previous thread at least a year ago. Took me awhile to find mt bookmark. Never tried it but it looks good.
  8. Not sure if this is any help but my dd just started doing a Coursera class in Forensic Science from the University of Singapore. They are only one week in so it should be possible to sign up still. I have heard of people downloading and saving the lectures to use at their own pace. Dd wants the certificate. The course is free.
  9. I agree with Amy. :) Definately not cozy but not overly brutal description wise either. I love the continuing backstory in this series. Definitely a page turner. Reading the series in order is a must. Eliana, the photos are lovely. Your grandbaby is so cute!
  10. I finished Treachery by S.J. Parris this morning. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/books/bookreviews/10692064/Treachery-by-SJ-Parris-review.html. It is the forth book in a series that it set during Elisabeth I reign using many historical figures to solve a crime that somehow always has consequences for the Queen. ;) A former monk, Giordana Bruno is the main character, and is very likable. I have greatly enjoyed reading this series and look forward to another being published
  11. Learned my lesson long ago also. Math happens in some form everyday at our house also. :grouphug: dd still talks about how horrible it was to not remember her math when we took a month off when she was 7. The was problem for us was Singapore Math also....
  12. So glad you still are enjoying these books. I haven't had a chance to read All the Kings Men yet. It came out shortly after I finished my Sebastian St. Cyr marathon. I need to get it but the stack is high. Apparently another on is coming in May 2015. I have read several of Hillerman's Navajo Nation series also. They were quite good. On the Flufferton Abbey front I think I have managed to find the perfect book for my fluuff reading tastes....the Abbey (castle) is owned by a vampire. Fun stuff so far imo. http://www.publishersweekly.com/978-1-4926-0491-4#path/978-1-4926-0491-4 Violet Crown, Happy Birthday!!!! I hope you have a wonderful time at your Special Dinner.
  13. Not totally book related but Steampunk theme related, last night's premiere of the new season of Dr. Who had a huge steampunk influence going on. I know a couple of you watch also just not sure when it will show in Australia and US. Just googled Australia has had their episode too. I watched several opening sequences on youtube but none were what I saw last night-- Tardis flying through clockwork. Lots of cool devices used throughout. Steampunk novels on screen, I thought a couple of BaWers might want to watch a few minutes of it just for the steampunk visuals if they have BBC America. As you can guess we liked it. ;) Dc's watched with friends so dh and I watched all by ourselves which was a bit odd.
  14. Happy Anniversary Robin!!! Hope you have a nice meal in tonight and a lovely dinner out on Monday. Yummy! :) Once upon a time we loved Ruth's Chris, you idea gave me a huge craving that cannot happen anytime soon. ;(
  15. I just lost my post so will try again. Grrrrr I finished A Bookman's Tale by Charlie Lovett. It was highly readable but somehow missed the mark for me. http://www.nyjournalofbooks.com/book-review/bookman%E2%80%99s-tale-novel-obsession. I think I didn't feel enough interest in the historical part of the book. It was a bit blah for me but not a particular point of interest either so hard to say whose fault it was. I did enjoy the current day parts of the book quite a bit and had no problem with the time shifts.
  16. Yeah!!! Really glad that worked out well. Lit curriculum is always so hard to choose because I always want to combine several. Anyway glad you picked the one without CotW. Also love the photo of your feathered friend. Beautil coloring and he matches the background art! ;)
  17. MMV, I am also quickly approaching the stage where I am going to have to decide what to do next. Quite honestly your musings gave me a bit more to consider. Thank you (meant sincerely). Please keep us updated. I think quite a few of us are quickly approaching our teacher retirement. :grouphug:
  18. :lol: I remember the cottage! We could have really used you as an expert tour guide. People were actually buying jams etc at a couple of houses we saw to get updated directions. I think we live about a half hour away from there. We were at Clipstone the other day for an archeology outing which I think is pretty close to that abbey. Fyi. Fairly common for people to have handmade signs for produce, honey, eggs.....just knock.
  19. Amy you will love the next one too! At least the start, if I remember right the mystery element is a bit of a snooze but you won't care because the personal life is good. :) The chapter in our course was titled something like "naturalism in literature". Dd does not like that term now. We have been to Newstead Abbey but I can't remember much about the Abbey. We went on a walk in the surrounding countryside. The footpaths were really poorly marked. Our four mile walk ended up being at least eight, almost got locked in. They let us out special. We haven't been since. Is I Capture the Castle set there? I might need to read it sooner rather than later if it is. ;) I know the surrounding countryside quite well. :lol:
  20. Thanks to google and Rosie I now know what stubby shorts arehttp://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=stubby+shorts. Thinking of Paul Hogan now in stubby shorts not a good thought. :lol:
  21. :lol: That pyramid took tons of patience! Have given up on the sleep front. Watching telly.......
  22. :lol: I can't say anymore, I really should try to go back to sleep. Love the books Stacia! :lol: Thanks for the laughs everyone, regarding the Booker Prize 2011, maybe readability should be hoped for. I started reading and linking that topic and people were so not happy. I have never read any of the books for that year. Makes me tempted but I know I can't handle much more than Flufferton Abbey right now.
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