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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. According to the sign at the first refreshment spot it rains 6 months out of the year so your odds were good for rain. We are supposed to go back at the end of summer with another family. Today was a little bit of a private test for me -- definately need two poles for the way down, lots of loose shale. Totally doable but I wll pay later. My knees and ankles are a bit tender now. I told dh (now that I have seen) that if the weather is questionable I would rather sit and drink a lot of tea while I read a good book at the base than ride up on the train. It appears very slow and smoky, tea and books are lovely. :)
  2. I saw your post yesterday? about not reading info beforehand. For me I generally don't remember beyond a sort of vague this "sounded really good" or a " out of my comfort zone " but......... So sometimes I read extensively and sometimes if I like the cover and a very basic description it makes the pile. I may go hunting for it. Did you read his first one?
  3. Just got a notification from Goodreads that Nick Harkaway has released a new book. I LOVED Angelmaker. To be honest not sure about Tigerman. The description from the Guardian was a doubtful one for me. The Scotsman ( in honour of VC )shows http://www.scotsman.com/lifestyle/books/book-review-tigerman-by-nick-harkaway-1-3414430 more potential. Hoping someone will go first. ;)
  4. Stacia, I hope you are starting to feel a bit better. Phoenix, Thank you! :) We are home. Only went half way up Snowdon. Very sunny and very hot. Decided to try again later this year. We did go to several nearby National Trust Properties and gardens. Lovely flowers. Shukriyya--decided my peach coloured floxglove is special. Saw every other colour that I know of. Must take good care of it. ;) Also took a very quick visit to Anglesey--no William and Kate. ;( Finished Monument Men!!!!! I knew I could! Beautiful coastline! We have never been to Swansea but feel like we know it well. Back when we did our UK license all the practice simulation driving was done in Swansea. We are both a bit terrified to drive there. I am actually a bit serious. Sheep seemed to jump out in front of our cars pretty regular. FYI a portion of the exam here is identifying driving hazards and the speed in which you spot them. That was the hardest bit, we both got 100 on the written and about 80 on the hazards. Everything needed to be spotted on 10 one minute tapes with multiple hazards. Two sheep got me in less than a minute. On my way out of I told the nice test man, the appropriate thing would be to slow down on that road, which was not an option. Already said a prayer for him!
  5. They are far from my favorites either country but will eat both in UK if hungry. Actually kit kats are growing on me. Thought I had the fried Mars bar quote. They only serve them at chippy's in Scotland apparently. I actually had to try them at the fish and chip at Downtown Disney. Couldn't get them in this area. It was forgettable...probably cheaper in Scotland. :lol: Incredible owl picture. I try to savour them, occasionally I manage it. :lol: I grew up with Hershey but never loved it. Each time my mil dropped in when the dc's were little she brought a bag of Hershey's kisses. In those days I was very anti sugar, one or two pieces max a day. Many sugar free days. I kept trying to tell her no more...anyway I had a very high rather deep shelf that was essentially useless so I tossed the bags of kisses up there after each visit. I gave many away over the years but never looked at my accumilation. When cleaning to move dh was shocked to discover I had garbage bag full of ancient chocolate stashed up there, I was too. Obviously she drove by frequently...... Snowdon is tomorrow's destination. I will think of you if we are able to climb. Sunny weather predictions. :lol:
  6. VC -- Have you tried Crunchy bars? My personal favorite. Cadbury chocolate coating on honeycomb. YUM
  7. I am very behind on HotAW, hoping to have a chance to get at least partially caught up later this week. We are taking an overnight trip tomorrow so will hopefully get through a few from the stack dd and I are sharing. Still reading Monuments Men. I don't think it has ever taken me so long to finish something I like. I finally got it on kindle Friday because the paperback I was reading was driving me nuts. It had been cracked and was perfectly fine but because of the picture section felt like it was falling apart. Anyway only could stand it a few pages at a time. Currently reading The Collected Works of A.J. Fikroy by Gabrielle Levin. I believe the US title is a bit different. Roughly 50 pages in and loving it. Should work for the Father theme, a baby was just abandoned in the bookstore which I think will be kept by the widowed bookstore owner unless the cover is leading me astray. Finished: Clandestine in Chile by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Really liked it, BaW recommended by Eliana I think. Great for my geography challenge, before this I had no South Amercan books. Also finished Rivers of London by Ben Aaronovich. This is another one with two titles. It was interesting. The main character is drafted into the special branch of the London police department, dealing with paranormal types. Not sure how to describe it beyond it was the first thing I managed to sustain the reading of this week. My pile of partial reads is high this week. Completely rejected several. I kept thinking things like that idea is like Chicagoland Vampires and that is Harry Potter. Just a huge mish mash. Sometimes good and sometimes so so. I will read more but not in a rush. Shukriyya, if you need me to try the pictures again I will after we return. I need dh to help.
  8. Watched the youtube link with the dc's. Very funny! :lol:
  9. Here are DD dino mini-cakes and the Japanese quilted bag (in progress). :)
  10. I am experimenting at copying pictures so please bear with me. This is a blue front Amazon parrot who looks quite a bit like mine did. Would love to see your bathing cocktails, Shukriyya. Mine loved showers also, at one of our houses someone had installed a towel rack that got wet every time someone showered which was a perfect Bird perch...the bird demanded a shower daily at that house. Bobbing and singing as he preened. At other houses he ran around on a rubber mat under the spray for a few minutes every few days. He ate whatever we did. He had a perch near the table and I prepared a bowl for him while fixing my plate. As you can tell I really miss the Bird. Would happily get another someday. Jane, notice his shade of blue is close to the cocktail. :lol:
  11. I would really like one of those about now! Dd and I have spent our morning decorating dinosaur cupcakes for a garden party fundraiser for church. Turned out great ( might post a picture later) but our weather forecast failed us -- currently chucking it down (local phrasing) instead of just plain old cloudy. Anyway my autocorrect is good for some laughs. Obviously I meant Shukriyya's crazy cockatiels! :lol:
  12. Both are in my pile. Hopefully in two or three week I will also have an opinion! :lol: Loved it so much it actually made last year's top ten. Not sure how to line this up with Shukriyya's birds, So let's just say birds are my favourite pets. Opinionated little beasties but very funny! Do they natter in Scotland? They do here. We sit down and have a natter or go to a knit and natter.....much nicer than a knit and b*tch. Love the cockatiels . My Life used to be ruled by a very opinionated blue front amazon. He talked well and could generally get his point across in English. Very frightening.......Dd and he did not like one another. He had chosen me as his mate, Dh survived(thought the Bird, that's how Peanut referred to himself, was hilarious) but Dd didn't think a bird should be above her in the household pecking order. Neither did we, after a year he went to live with our vet's assistant. He never figured out how to fly very well(hand reared)-- splatt on the patio doors frequently. Wing clips bring back funny memories of a very indignant parrot. ETA changed my autocorrect error back to cockatiels. It first posted as cocktails-- love those too! ;)
  13. Just ran into this article while looking up something entirely different. Very pertinent to yesterday's discussion. It looks fun but I am to tired to enjoy it so will share here. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/culturepicturegalleries/9817505/30-great-opening-lines-in-literature.html?frame=2458291
  14. Not a book sniffer. Too afraid that I will discover a smell in a book I really want to read. I have an aversion to mold, mildew, and cigarette smell. Even worse Dh seems to notice my smelly ones and I get the " Are you REALLY planning to read that" question. To be fair he does normally offer a new non smelly copy in exchange but sometimes it just isn't worth it....... My first sentence for Sacrilege....I knew I was being followed long before I saw or heard my pursuer.
  15. http://www.stavepuzzles.com/index.php?p=store&cPath=802 Couldn't resist adding a link to these incredible puzzles. Years ago I read an article by Barbara Bush detailing her love of jigsaw and these in particular. Way Out of our price range but gorgeous.
  16. Should be great for the tourist industry in Naples....... This was a good one. Read it two or three weeks ago. Jigsaw -- Dd loves them. Her bedroom floor is always covered with her work in progress which is currently a 3000 piece one, her largest ever, which is maybe 200 pieces from done. I have spent the last few years doing puzzles with the kids. Ds and I are very much edges and colour sections types where Dd quickly fills in based on shape. Although for the 3000 piece one even she sank to edges and colors. For dds birthday Dh and I discovered rather last minute that her loot was predominantly good jigsaws. We both buy as we see and toss things in a big box in the garage that the kids don't look in. Then normally a few days before we look at what we have and flesh things out a bit. For Dd we had forgotten pretty much until the day before to look. Anyway I ended up wrapping her a huge stack of puzzles mixed with a couple other things (books,dvds). Honestly expected a slightly miffed girl because it was a bit boring imo instead she was thrilled. Loved her puzzle birthday, keeps her stack of to be done ones on the floor of her room too.....the floor is full. :lol:
  17. That is how we return early also.
  18. I was apparently a huge banned book activist when the dc's were younger and didn't even know! :lol: The 17 books list looks great but the main library computer system appears to be down so have no idea what is available to me. Our branch opens in less than a half hour....this whole volunteer thing is not going to be easy. Big sigh........ Jane, Sorry you didn't enjoy And Only to Deceive more, Dd and I are patiently waiting for the rest of that series. Amy, Does your library have the Eragan series on Audio book? They are long and enjoyable. Written by a home ed boy at 15 which definitely intrigued my kids.
  19. I would probably just return it. After reading that I doubt that I would ever really enjoy the book if I did pick it up and read it. I try to wait and read the reviews after for that reason. :lol: I finished Midnight Crossroad by Charlaine Harris. Someone here described it as a continuation of her Shakespeare series. It was but since I really don't remember the character who crossed over not a problem. Also there was all the background I needed so not a problem for new readers imo. That being said it was a book I started off really liking and it just deteriorated as the pages moved on. Not bad just not as good as it could have been, disliked the end. Gave it a 3* in the end.
  20. I am so sorry. :grouphug: to you and your family.
  21. Absolutely beautiful!!!!! Congratulations to all but especially to you Eliana. So glad mother and baby are well! :)
  22. Loesje :grouphug: Heather -- I hope traveling goes well and that you enjoy your visit home. I just finished A Pleasure and a Calling. Really enjoyed it although totally creeped out. Not much more to say. It was masterfully written with lots of layers. Circumstances kept changing as the next bit of history was revealed. Fascinating.
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