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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. I finished The Moor this morning. It is part of Laurie R. King's Russell and Holmes series which I have been reading sporadically alongside dd. I am finally caught up to her again on this series. I think several of you might enjoy this book which is to some degree a continuation of Hound of the Baskervilles. Admittedly I haven't read the original in years but I think some here read the original a few months ago. The parts that relied on the original seemed accurate. Basically Holmes is called back to Dartmoor because the Hound is appearing again. Here is an excerpthttp://www.laurierking.com/books/book-excerpts/the-moorfor anyone who might be interested. Even though it is part of a series this particular book was rather stand alone. Jenn, Glad you are enjoying Jonathan Strange. I really thought you had recommended it to me!
  2. Dd likes to use thishttp://web.uvic.ca/hrd/latin/wheelock/index.htm. She has sucessfully used it with the 7th edition.
  3. Wow, it's beautiful. I can't wait to show the kids in the morning!
  4. Both of my dc's were always at the 100th percentile as infants but ds was truly huge, his rolls had rolls. They are two years apart but strangers thought they were twins for years because their size was similar. They were heathy looking children wearing normal sized clothing for their childhood.Fast forward to teens, Dd is a curvey but slim 5'5" and ds just keeps growing. Just bought size 30 by 36 jeans for the boy.
  5. Jenn, before I forget your New Mexico trip sounds lovely. Great picture. i am finally reading a Prachett, just not one of the books dd had intended me to read http://www.npr.org/2015/02/09/383875652/an-early-peek-at-pratchett-in-dragons-at-crumbling-castle. Dragons at a Crumbling Castle is adorable. Most of the stories are rather short. Great illustrations and some are pretty humorous. I may have to buy this for my future grandchildren. It is one I would enjoy reading to little ones. It has been a stressful week. I managed to find a quick humorous series to cheer myself up but the titles sound really inappropriate (I can't think of a better word). The Naked Nobility series by Sally Mackenzie is simply pretty light even for fluff, quick reads, adult content. The first one is The Naked Duke http://www.fantasticfiction.co.uk/m/sally-mackenzie/naked-duke.htm. So far they all start with a scandalous meeting where a nice young lady meets a titled man, who happens to be looking for a wife, who for some reason is less than fully dressed.
  6. Bumping you for the morning crowd.http://www.rfwp.com/series/mct-literature-program. I know there has been discussion of his guides in the past. Might want to do a search.
  7. Our family loved doing CGC. It is a curriculum that seems simple but is actually not.
  8. I am so very happy to read such a good report. Continuing to pray.
  9. Zip lock freezer bags are what we used. Dd got carsick frequently when she was little and her having control of the bag helped greatly. For her part of it was definitely nerves because she hated happening so much that she thought about it, vicious circle.
  10. We started young and did Latin together for several years. It probably should have been on my list of things I am glad we did. We had fun. Never were overly intense about it but the benifits still exist today. Ds is my mathy computer programmer who harbours a serious dislike for most non stem subjects, therefore he gave up Latin at 10. That being said the kid does understand grammar and how language works. So much so that he has picked Swedish for his two year modern language because it meant several of his own criteria based on what he considers to be a logical language. I think the early Latin gave him these insights. ;) He can also read signs on old buildings and enjoys that. :lol: He would never take the time now but would probably admit that he is glad for the bits of Latin he remembers. Dd has always loved all languages but is really grateful for the early Latin. She picks up languages easily and gives full credit to Latin for that ability. She is currently studing for both the Latin and German Subject exams. She recently did well on the French subject exam, which she has been self studying for roughly 2 years. She would love to do a Latin AP but probably lacks the time. She is learning several other languages going on Duolingo.
  11. Codeacademyhttp://www.codecademy.com/wasgreat. There have been some recent changes apparently so not familiar with the current format. It is free.
  12. I just finished Maybe Someday by Colleen Hoover. I am not sure how this book ended up on my holds list, potentially a Kareni or Teacherzee recommendation. It might even be Kareni's latest unusual romance because I can't remember which one, just that I requested one. This book was good.https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/17788403-maybe-someday Modern twenty somethings. Bands and music but different because it is a huge love triangle with the hero being (slight spoiler) unable to hear. I lost my choices like font type recently. There is actually what I consider a bigger spoiler so I think it is OK to mention that one. Overall quite a good book. Noseinabook, glad you are feeling a bit better. :)
  13. Which one? We are starting to collect those too. ;)
  14. Under an hour public transportation commute to 6 good universties. Some are a far easier commute (bus to train station, then train) than others. I was amazed when I started counting. Drive times would vary quite a bit to some of them.
  15. Just wanted to say the day of Mathcounts is much more fun with a team. Where ds competed everyone was given a free tshirt and pizza for lunch. We had non mathy friends on the team who were totally there for day out with their friends with pizza and shirts. What that did was give ds and his mathy friend the opportunity to do the speed rounds (Ciphering???)where they excelled to an almost scary degree. They loved it (and I loved seeing it). Individuals couldn't compete in those. We prepped the serious competitors at home individually but had a couple of group sessions the week before to familiarize the not so serious. Reveiwed some basics. We were really successful. Great experience. I honestly think the most non mathy of the kids had the best time. He loved cheering his friends on and was amazed at how well he actually did...the team got a medal because of him. He was the low score but it was high enough. ;) We did AMC and AIME at one of the math association test sites.....basically local university. Once again positive experience. Easy to sign up online. I liked the fact they were in a strange environment and still did well.
  16. I feel like I am joining you in your job a bit this year, I will be done June 6. Dd and these exams is all I can handle. I can't imagine having to deal with a large group of overly dramatic teens losing their belongings constantly. We are picking her up from the exams and heading off to the Harry Potter Studios as a well deserved surprise.
  17. Aggieamy, Have a great time! I just looked at Goodreads and I rated Chageless lower than the rest of the series. I don't remember that one very well because it was a bit boring. The next in the series is more entertaining but be warned I spent a large portion of it absolutely furious with Lord Macon. I rated it 5 in the end, so just need to get through the upsetting bits. You do such a wonderful job with all the babies. They are so lucky to have you come into there lives. Everytime you post about one arriving I want to come and cuddle it. I love babies, nothing like having a little one sound asleep in my arms. Although a new baby a couple days after having wisdom teeth out leaves me really amazed. I never could of handled that!
  18. What fun! Definite gift potential for my best friend.
  19. What fun! Definite gift potential for my best friend.
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