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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. It was self paced when he took it so not sure what is going on. Dd took it at least a year before Ds and it wasn't self paced. At that time it was offered pretty continuously with a new section starting as soon as one ended. The quizzes are multiple choice. There are class assistants that answer questions. Dd was a class assistant after she completed the class. She answered lots of questions while volunteering. Ds just asked Dd. ;) Grades....you should be able to keep track of your average on the dashboard. This class is free with the textbook provided online which is the big advantage. eta the videos are 5 to 10 minutes each but there are several of them. Also there is a problem generator for extra practice. Dd liked it....ds says there were plenty of problems without the generator. lol
  2. Ds did this course https://www.coursera.org/learn/calculus1 on Coursera. He may have done part of the Calc 2 course at the point he took the Clep. He got a great score. Get the REA Clep guide for her to use right before the exam.
  3. I hope your cold gets better in time for the actual wedding day.
  4. The only AP with a portfolio requirement is Studio Art. https://apstudent.collegeboard.org/apcourse/ap-studio-art-2-d-design/about-the-portfolio. Not sure if there is a location for that exam in the UK anymore. Remember SAT Subject exams are also used by several schools in the UK for American Students so a combination of AP and Subject exams might work. This is a question for the admissions people at the Uni you are hoping for. Another thing you should be aware of is the last time I looked different AP exams were sorted onto two tiers by many Uni's with Calculus being a higher tier than Art History (those are all I can remember and can't find the link). Regarding the Calculus exam a good review book pays off. He should be ready after he takes Calculus but like everything it depends on what was covered in his course. Also knowing the format helps. Also the ACT is acceptable at all the Uni's we have looked at.
  5. Robin, Happy Birthday!!!! The dessert looks wonderful! I cannot resist saying that Remarkable Creatures was one of my favourites last year.
  6. Jenn, Glad you enjoyed the Claire Ferguson book! :) I am in line with Ethyl waiting for the next book to be released... I read a good cozy today. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/19228141-trouble-in-the-town-hall. Trouble in Town Hall is the second book in Jeanne Dams series. It features a retired American widow who has moved to England following the death of her husband. Nice and fluffy.
  7. My Flufferton book is done and it was lovely. That being said I discovered Mrs. Tim of the Regiment is actually Stevenson's own real life diary dressed up for publication. It was so interesting. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/10211428-mrs-tim-of-the-regiment I am still reading the new Ben Aaronovith and listening to The Twelve.
  8. I have been waiting for Stacia to comment first. I read Horrastor( ?) as an ebook and enjoyed it greatly but didn't get the total catalogue feel of it obviously. I am a wee bit addicted to Ikea and have been to many stores in several countries. I loved the Ikea turned really bad....I tend to picture books in my mind as I read and the IKea was so easy. I know the departments really well. ;) That being said we haven't been near an Ikea in months. I have the yearbook one on hold as an ebook too. I was the editor of a yearbook in 1981 so I suspect I will have a great time reading it.
  9. Van, Don't give up no matter what happens on Monday.
  10. Not Kareni but I will give an answer on how it works with my Kindles. When I download a free book it only appears as downloaded on the kindle I "bought" it on. On my other connected Fires the cover might appear but I can download if I want to win th or without the cover. Simply search your books. If I don't want to read it now I simply remove it from my my device and it still exists in my kindle account. When I want it I can search and download for free because I own it. Still chuckling over deaf relatives on opposite sides of the table. :lol: I hope it works! Still listening to The Twelve. I had to renew it. I am enjoying it but I have no idea where the story is heading. Background and more background on everyone. I am keeping characters straight so maybe I need all the backstory. ;) Good narrator. I also started my Flufferton, Mrs. Tim of the Regiment.
  11. Stacia, Congratulations!!!!! Kareni, I finished the Chet and Bernie book during the night. The end was better than the beginning. I would read another but won't go hunting for another. We weren't big Hank the Cowdog fans either. I used to like the Midnight Louie serieshttp://carolenelsondouglas.com/book-series/midnight-louie/ and the Mrs. Murphy https://www.goodreads.com/series/41273-mrs-murphy series. I have tried to revisit both in recent months and had to give up in both cases. Might just be me. I find that I still enjoy The Cat Who books......but the cats don't narrate.
  12. Stacia :grouphug: I hope the vet appt. goes well Once I am pretty sure I never said Happy Birthday! :grouphug: to all the sick BaWer's. Feeling a bit off today myself. Hoping not to come down with something nasty. I am currently reading Dog On It, A Chet and Bernie Mystery. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/5600151-dog-on-it?ac=1&from_search=true. It was on a list a couple of months ago and my hold finally arrived. I can't say I love it. It's an OK cozy narrated by a dog. Seriously I think I prefer cats as narrators. Never thought that statement would be part of a post here. The dog is portrayed as an impulsive fool which is a bit over doing it. I have considered abandoning for most of the 50 percent I have read but keep going because as a middle of the night book it works well, very easy to put it down! Also started The Hanging Tree, the latest Rivers of London. Good so far but early stages. Many of us love looking at the lists etc that get posted here. Always fun to look. Thanks for posting it.
  13. I used a combination of a book called Building Thinking Skills that was an earlier version of this http://www.criticalthinking.com/building-thinking-skills-beginning.html. and a complete set of Funtastic Frogs http://www.carsondellosa.com/products/0742427706--Funtastic-Frogs-Math-Volume-1-Workbook-0742427706#/?book media type=e091d5e65323435b92f055af13b101f0. I had all the manipulatives to go with both. We had a great time and were never bored. My dc's are 18 and 16 so there may be far better things out there but I did raise two mathy kids. ;) We did lots of other stuff but that was the curriculum. Puzzles, stacks of jigsaws.
  14. I am going to admit that I have never read Wodehouse but that is because I really enjoy Jeeves and Wooster and haven't wanted the worlds to meet. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tk7pk58Bq4Q. Jeeves and Wooster is occasionally used as stress relief.......I own them all.
  15. Dh and I normally make friends easily too. That first location was just not a good fit and we felt such pressure to make it work. We made lots of friends during that time but they were all from other areas. Its far harder to connect with people when you are under pressure to. We came very close to moving to to a completely different area of the country because we kept meeting great people from there. Home ed opportunities etc. We ended up giving a village about 10 miles from our original city location a try. Still there although that wasn't our plan. We love it here. We rented for several years with no regrets. I lived with cheap temp furniture for all that time too in case we wanted to move! :) own a house and good furniture now so probably here long term. ;)
  16. Just a few thoughts on relocating to new places. Our situation was rather like yours because the time table had to accelerate by a few years. We simply rented a flat in a city we don't think we ever even stopped for petrol in and moved. Needed the location for work. We had visited the country 30plus times but where we now live was never part of the itinerary. The relocation specialist did a fabulous job meeting our physical needs but socially our first location here was a disaster. We did not fit at all. Until you truly experience something you won't know. Spending a couple of weeks in a town less than an hour away on holiday a few years before was useless in terms of our real life. We knew about some good museums....:lol: Do your research and try it. I wouldn't commit beyond a six month lease. It sounds to me like HI might really be your dream. Islands anywhere are expensive and HI is probably going to be easier to really collect data regarding costs. I wouldn't rule it out. Actually I would compare everything else to that because you are the most familiar with that island. We never considered how much our water bill would be here and were shocked to discover thats its way less and we probably use far more. Look at the whole picture.
  17. I know, I hope they figure out why and are able to save them. They are so sweet and very special. We have only spotted one twice in all our time here. Both times at large National Trust properties. We do tons of nature walks and see an amazing variety of creatures but red squirrels just are not common. My hold on this just became available yesterday. I am now curious. Plan to come back and read the comments after I read it.
  18. Thanks you for the interesting browse. I ended up putting The Portable Veblen on hold because of the cover. I love red squirrels! :) https://www.theguardian.com/books/2016/feb/18/the-portable-veblen-elizabeth-mckenzie-review
  19. From the descriptions I have read of the Liz Williams series I would probably describe it as Fluffy if I were writing a review of one of them. A bit of humour, certainly eyebrow raising oddities(which I love), so as long as no overly gorey situations or extremely violence. I consider many of my lighter reads fluffy. FlufferTON for me requires a bit of an atmosphere that paranormal type books normally don't have. Admittedly I only add the TON if I think Amy might be up for reading it! ;) :lol: Thanks for the review of the Susan Hill book. I kept running into that book while lookinv for the series Jenn is reading. I thought it looked good. I plan to find it again and add it to my stack!
  20. The NTC National Testing Center which is part of the University of Maryland on your base will be able to help you. They also provide CLEP exams if you want to star working on a college degree.
  21. I just wanted to let you know that our friend wasn't able to come today. We are hoping to see them before Christmas. I do have a few other people I can ask who may be able to answer the science requirement part of your question. I will keep trying. On a side note I have seen the Butterworth Thinking Skills text before and remember it as interesting. After looking very quickly at the links this morning I think that might be a good place to start for BMAT preparation since Thinking Skills appear to receive equal weight to the scientific knowledge portion of the exam, at least the multiple choice portions.
  22. Aggieamy, I just wanted to say Thank You for the great post about one of my favourite genres ;) Fluffertons. In honour of this weeks theme I happen to already have my very first Mrs. Tim book sitting in my Overdrive account. What a wonderful coincidence! On the Seaweed topic while in the US we were in a Costco and the sample was Sea Weed Chips. I am amazed to report that even my picky ds liked them. Haven't had a chance to look for them here but Costco members really should consider them.....ds generally prefers not to eat green food and ate them. Yes, he was hungry but he did say he would eat them again.... I did manage to read and enjoy Jar City last summer. I just checked and my overdrive account now has several books by Indridason available. Jane and Jenn, we had much discussion about where I should start with this series so my next question is where should I go next. Should I read Reykjavik Nights https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/18803656-reykjav-k-nights or Silence of the Grave https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/82991.Silence_of_the_Grave or ????? Anyone is welcome to offer advice! :) We are having a peaceful evening after spending the day with many old friends from when we first moved to the UK. It was wonderful to see everyone. We had a great surprise because one of the dc's friends had flown home for the weekend with her now husband (another dc friend). We never expected them to be part of our day! A great time was had by all.
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