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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. Personally I think a series title should count. I have also found a mystery series which has my name in the series title which I am planning to try. In my case there are lots of titles with sandy beaches etc but not people named Sandy. If anyone doesn't think a series title should count please let me/us know....I can read one of the others easily. Steampunk as a genre was something I spent quite awhile trying to get my mind wrapped around. Definition wise it's a bit wibbly wobbly because there can always be exceptions but in general they are set in the Victorian era and are filled with wondrous steam powered devices. Many of these books have paranormal elements. I did a quick google search and these lists probably offer the widest range. Soulless by Gail Carriger is a favourite and you would probably like it. Lots of choice. ;) Some of these lists have classics like Jules Verne's 20,000 Leagues and Frankenstein. https://www.bustle.com/articles/173944-8-steampunk-novels-every-reader-will-love http://www.flashlightworthybooks.com/Best-Steampunk-Books/403 http://www.torbooks.co.uk/blog/2014/11/12/ten-essential-steampunk-novels The aim is to try and do something for each months stone. Rather like the Around the World challenge of past years. Robin has thought of many variations which should make this challenge a good one for all.
  2. What a neat idea! I have a Sonlight Book of Time that we only used for a couple of years. I read your post and felt great enthusiasm for a few short minutes when I decided my reading even using setting would hugely concentrate in a few time periods. Gormenhast is pretty good. I read most of the first book on a holiday a few years ago. I enjoyed it but the book I was reading from was a challenge...teeny, tiny print and incredibly chunky with all the trilogy in one. I saw it on overdrive recently and I have considered trying again. Thank you for the link. Dd's best friend will enjoy it, loves anything Iceland related. I am so impressed with everyone's Bingo lists. I have a few books on wish lists for some categories. A few that fit a square that happen to be in the stack won't be read until next year. I found some garnet books.....I feel like such an underachiever! ;) :lol:
  3. A friend makes hundreds of pies that are served at many local events and Sadie's recipe looks like his. He just uses muffin/ fairycake tins normally which are slightly smaller than American cupcake tins but not mini muffin size. Served with coffee or tea. Sometimes mulled wine. I have never seen custard or cream eaten with the pies and have been at lots of dessert events where both were available with other choices. Eaten warm if possible. Era.....dry sherry is served sometimes too.
  4. I remember the cover! :) :lol: Sounds like my choice has been made. I found this review https://www.theguardian.com/books/2011/jul/15/sisters-brothers-patrick-dewitt-review.
  5. I am. Just got home from the bell tower. I am sooooooooo very cold. Drinking tea and just had chocolate! :lol:
  6. Thanks Shawne, Great to see you. I took the test, 81 which put me in ths top 15%. Totally amazed because I hadn't read many that lots of people here have been reading and are on the list. Many of the ones I had read were read decades ago. Echoing Jane, I have several Scandinavian Mystery authors on lists that I will find in the next few days. I have really enjoyed The Passage and Station Eleven this year. I would love to find some more books that are similar in the apocalyptic/dystopian category.
  7. Wow, room air!!!!! Strong little one. Congratulations! Will keep you in my prayers.
  8. Thank you! I used the search function at Goodreads.https://www.goodreads.com/search?page=1&q=Melissa&tab=books
  9. :lol: My husband and I were born in the same year. So I have two years to choose from. From my quick glance The Poisonwood Bible is probably going to be in my stack. My name is hard. I finally found a cozy series with my name in the series title. Bonus was I already owned it as a Kindle Freebie!
  10. Jelly in England is a slightly less set version of American Jello. Frequently served at children's birthday parties with vanilla ice cream. Quite a shock for a couple of children who were expecting cake with the ice cream! I think it's an acquired taste, as far as I know my kids still just have the ice cream with the other toppings on offer like M and M's.
  11. Crumpets are more moist than English muffins. Even toasted. They are yummy.
  12. Ethel :grouphug: Angel, I hope you start feeling better soon. Congratulations to Mom Ninja for completing Bingo! There is so much I could do but I have been being lazy and reading, both books and websites! :lol:
  13. :grouphug: How far away from your sister does your family live? If you are her main support I would try to attend the initial consultation with the oncologist so you also know what to expect with the drugs that your sister will be given. For my mom(at 94) who was part of an experimental study with drugs and protocols, we were told that there was a good chance the effects would be mild. Which is why she insisted on trying it. They were until the 5th treatment but after that it was terrible, so terrible she quit. Mainly due to her age and quality of life issues. She died last summer but due to a fall. Not cancer related, as far as we know the surgery plus the completed chemo worked. On a side note...One of the girls (neighbour growing up) she did her treatments with was in her early 40's and for her the side effects hit even sooner but because she was younger and an athlete the effects weren't as traumatic. She appeared to handle it better and was having a few good days before the next treatment. With a different protocol a good friend here had the one bad week/ one good week which seems to be more typical. Her husband(great guy) went to the initial oncologist meeting and all the subsequent ones. He took great notes and followed all the tips that he could. A big one was he made her buy her wig before she started the treatment. Hair loss was a huge huge thing for my friend and my mom. My mom was told hair loss was unlikely but in reality was pretty common so no wig before, unfortunately. My friend was told it would happen. My friend has had huge personality changes which still exist so be prepared.
  14. I found this commercial when I started reading this thread. Hilarious! . It's for Whites Lemonade which is what I think ofwhen someone asks for lemonade not Sprite. Huge taste difference. Sprite is much more sugary.
  15. I just put the first book on my hold list. It's a series I have been meaning to read for auite awhile. Thanks for reminding me. :lol: :lol: :lol: Tell him some of us do seriously look at the books you recommend.....the ones I can find and decide to read are frequently some of my favourites! My ds told me the other day that I'm wasting my life quilting and reading. He seemed shocked to be reminded that even though I am retired from teaching sort of (he is online now but I still make sure things are getting done!) that I still am keeping the rest of his life filled with food, clean clothing, and transportation. He didn't like the conversation turning to the fact that for 20 years my life has has been all about my family. He thinks I read rubbish, I do much of the time. ;) When I added that I enjoy quilting which is my favourite creative outlet and it was hard to do with their needs the guilt crept in. I guess he thought knitting useful things with him as a recipient made more sense! Not sure which of us came out of that conversation feeling worse.
  16. No to the "mind you." Hiya (which I hate) is common, even my husband says it. Grrr, but no to mind you. I had wondered about you and Jasper Fforde especially as an audio. I think I only read two but dd loved them all when she was about 14. Loads of swear words but adult situation wise the ones I read were pretty clean. She loves Jane Eyre and Charles Dickens (second book). I think that might be why I enjoyed the first book but not the second. I'm not a huge fan of Dickens so it simply wasn't as charming. ;) Regarding the YA, dd gave The Eyre Affair as presents to her friends that year after I cleared it with the mums. They all loved it....so it definitely is a YA hit.
  17. Glad to hear you think I would like it! :) I put it on hold when you mentioned checking it out and it's already in my stack. :lol: I'm currently reading Exposure by Helen Dunmore https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/25613408-exposure. So far it's good. It came off of one of our lists. Cold War espionage storyline which I used to love. This one is done well. A British intelligence officer in 1960 takes a file that is top secret home with him and takes it to a hidden room in his house. Before returning it he has an accident and lands in hospital. After surgery he makes a frantic phone call to a colleague and begs him to grt the file and return it to the office........big problem, colleague has a German born wife. At this point I think other's may like Exposure. Maybe even Jane..... :lol: Still listening to the City of Mirrors. Love it but it's long. I just had to put the book on hold because I will never finish it before overdrive takes it away. I stream my audiobooks so it will go but the book should be here in the next couple of days so all is well.
  18. Both of my closest friendships in my new country happened because our families took a chance on each other. In both cases I happened to start a casual conversation with another woman with a child my dc's age. In both cases there was an activity mentioned and we decided to go together. In both cases the dh's were not happy campers. Could not believe they were stuck with strangers doing that, etc! Best things we ever did! It didn't always work but twice it did. Some friendships develop over time. When you get your home well organized try to find something you enjoy doing and go. Yogo class, knitting social at a shop, book group. Something for you. Be pleasant and talk to those people who are willing to chat. Positive results do happen. Btw, I totally agree with the timeframe others have indicated. I still morn my old life occasionally when something major happens there but wouldn't go back.
  19. Fun! I ned to rewatch that episode now. It is a favourite of mine. I knew about the Cluedo and had caught most of the book references. I emailed dd the link. It dawned on me after that I could just go show it to her because she is in the next room! Technology makes us lazy.
  20. :grouphug: I'm so glad your new medication is working! Also congratulations on your Bingo!!!! Jane, It's great to have you back. Glad the surgery was successful. Now that your surgery is done any surprises? One of my quilting buddies (also young for cataracts) was pretty irritated with us a few months ago after her surgery because her sense of color is back to normal and her then new coat is very purple (in her opinion). She thought one of us should have told her just how purple it is....actually it looks good on her so it never would of occurred to anyone, plus who am I to say your clothing is brighter than you normally wear! My tower friend is doing well also. I finished a couple of books yesterday while accompanying dh and his journeys. Malice in Miniature by Jeanne Dams https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/659498.Malice_In_Miniature was the next one in the Dorothy Martin series for me. This one took me a very long time. I have to admit I am not a particular fan of doll house collections so perhaps the interest isn't there. I will try the next book.... Also read The Raven Prince by Elizabeth Hoyt. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/12687572-the-raven-prince. The first in her Princes series which has a new book being released soon. To be honest I put myself on the hold list about a month ago thinking the new one was part of a different series. I decided to suffer ;) :lol: through and read the rest of a new series rather than cancel my hold! It was an enjoyable, some adult content. One of the unusual storylines in this book is the Duke was a smallpox survivor, the only person in his family who survived. It made the book a bit different. Planning to continue with the series.
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