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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. :grouphug: to both Sadie and her dd I really enjoyed that series. Stacia, I think you may have managed to read the most Spooky books this year. My list is really small due to the stress of my mom's memorial service. Fluffy was better choice. I did finish The Passage, Down a Dark Hall, and two books in the Sarah Booth Delaney series (it's a stretch but there is a ghost ;) ). I plan to read London Falling on my way home. One book I finished that might interest someone here is Meg Abbott's You Will Know Me. I read it a couple of weeks ago but haven't posted (I think). https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/25251757-you-will-know-me. I decided to read it because one of my best friends has a seriously competitive gymnast in the family and my neice trained to be a dancer. I know intense kids! This book was filled with that world but in reality I felt that was simply the setting for a story that I didn't necessarily like. Maybe a parenting guide to not ignoring one of your kids completely. I actually abandoned it but ended up reading it on a plane because I couldn't concentrate well enough to start a new book. I'll be honest and say it wasn't great but readable.
  2. I have 35 books on my to read list which were entered on March 8, 2013 which is probably the day I signed up for Goodreads. I have 378 books on the list and have never decluttered it. I don't really use it much either. I tend to use my overdrive wish lists which are much easier imo.
  3. AThank you, at some point I think I will reread. Her house is about two hours from us, near Cambridge. It's open to the public and the pictures show a quilt in the pattern on one of the beds. http://www.greenknowe.co.uk/gallery.html. I hope to visit sometime.
  4. A friend recently talked me into trying the Lucy Boston quilt pattern which I think is mentioned in The Children of Green Knowe. Is it part of the book? I read it as a read aloud years ago....http://www.marcusfabrics.com/features/articles/addicted_to_paper_piecing.shtml#.WBDv_OwXYv4
  5. The Shining Company is one that many people love.
  6. I have Before the Fall on hold. Thanks to Kareni's post I know why! I am almost done with Interred with the Dead https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1002539.Interred_with_Their_Bones by Jennifer Lee Carrell. It was recommended on my search for books like The Historian. I discovered that I must have read it along time ago but have continued because it is sort of a lingering familiarity. It's pretty well done in a mild Davinci Code way. The storyline centers on the search for a lost play by Shakespeare and the race to find it between two groups of scholars who have vested interests in it's existence. The Will camp verses the Oxfordians in this case. I discovered there is actually a second book with these characters so am looking forward to read that also.
  7. Dd and I took a class offered by a wonderful quilt shop a few years ago where we were taught how to care for and tune our machine. Dd keeps our really bottom of the Singer running really smoothly. Fixes lots of stuff that I would of had to pay to have done or buy a new one. Our group brought that speaker in for an all day seminar. It was one of the best things we ever did.
  8. I belong to a quilt guild and several of our members have and use a trusty old Bernina that they inherited from someone. Definitely take it.
  9. The only series of hers I don't particularly enjoy. :lol: I did join a list for the second book. Never finished.
  10. I am going to plead ignorance on that particular show but in general ITV is more sensational in their adaptations than BBC. I do think PBS just bought the series and are airing it as shown here. I looked up the time slot from when it was shown here and it's a bit transitional. It was shown Sunday night at 8. Huge competition for family friendly shows at 7 on Sundays.....think Dr. Who timeslot. The 8 o'clock hour tends to still be gentler....as in no nudity etc but could have swearing. Followed at 9 by crime shows, Poldark, Victoria, etc. I am going to be honest and say the show wasn't popular like Grantchester or Poldark here. I couldn't miss the fact that those shows were on if I wanted to. All my friends talk about those. Somehow I missed the Durrell's completely. British view on eccentric is quite affectionate. I had a great time listening to a talk given by a local son of a Baron last week. He is next in line I think. His ancestor basically spent the family's entire huge fortune being the Prince Regent's best buddy back in Victoria's day. He was killed in the war. The talk was to a large degree centered on what an incredible time the guy had. Lavish costume balls etc. He brought the costume from a jubilee ball...amazing to look at but weighed pounds and it was lined with a burlap like fabric. No resentment even though the speaker works really hard to keep what is left of the estate. He was actively pitching the facilities for conferences and weddings he has created. Garden tours. The no real resentment part surprised me. He was lovely, totally dreamy, completely charmed the ladies one and all. Believe my group booked tea at his house next summer. He promised a personal tour and we all plan to be there. He told me to call him by his first name. Swoon........ Not sure if any of my ramblings answer your questions, I tried. ;)
  11. The problem a friend had who tried it was the grammar back to English. Wait a couple of years.
  12. I really enjoyed the book overall but found the California section hard going and considered stopping there. After that I had a marathon read. That being said if you aren't liking it stop! I feel quite a bit of pressure to read the rest of the trilogy right now and pressure is not a good thing in my life. The Twelve stares back at me with 40 pages read a week ago every time I turn my kindle on. I have it on hold on two other library cards so I can keep checking it out until I can find it within myself to read it. I just sent City of Mirrors back but put it on a long holds list. Quote from ErinE.... We Have Always Lived in the Castle[/url] by Shirley Jackson. Horror. A young girl protects her sister from outsiders. I can't reveal much else other than I absolutely loved this book. I've read Jackson's The Haunting of Hill House, but this novel has less supernatural, but more sly wit and delicious evil (a mash up of Stacia's term). Highly recommended. Thanks for the comparison between the Haunting of Hill House and We have always lived in a Castle. I had been considering looking at Hill House because I can get it easily and all this Shirley Jackson enthusiasm was making me curious. I will wait..... Glad the nose is recovering!
  13. Along our home ed journey I have bought loads of curriculum. At this point as almost retired with the last dc outsourced I am going to look at this question as what would I replace in my home ed library. My WTM book, 1st edition Lower grades..... Manipulatives and Fantastic Frog workbooks Singapore Math A Beka Math Ordinary Parents Guide to Reading BOB Books SOTW with workbook FFL....I only had the first book but think all would be great Science, lots of Usbourne books and kits for experiments Magic School Bus Draw Write Now.....these are the first purchase I would make! Several books from Critical Thinking Press Upper elementary and beyond...... LoF.....starting with fractions Key to......not the geometry NEM (Singapore) A Beka through Algebra definitely WWE and WWS Shurley High School.... LoF Excellence in Literature Wheelocks Latin Pretty much everything else could be replaced with different. I have stacks of curriculum I am saving but if I had to pick what I wanted to save the most it would be these items. As a side note, I recently had to declare some of my elementary favourites lost because the effort to get them back from the person I loaned them to is not worth the aggravation. This led to dh placing an order to fill in the apparent holes in our LoF collection.
  14. quote name="NoseInABook" post="7246762" timestamp="1476654392"] I read All The Little Liars by Charlaine Harris this week. It was the newest Aurora Teagarden mystery and while I wanted to love it, it was pretty obvious she was trying to push out some new books because she has another TV series based on one of her series coming out. I gave it three stars because I still like the character and have hopes that Harris will put out some better books. I haven't been able to find that book yet although I was notified by goodreads it was coming. Are they turning Aurora into a series? I just watched the most recent Poldark tonight. Are you on Series 2? I have the books someplace. Very dusty. Glad to hear there are some other EZ fans here. Does not surprise me. I wish we all lived near each other. We would have so much fun! Young Frankenstein is one of my favorites. I haven't watched it in years. Not sure if my kids have ever watched it. Fyi, I just managed to pull a quote from last week using multiquote.....the only problem is I can't seem to edit the quotes. I have to say after my EZ post I have a huge urge to knit her baby sweater. planning to locate my pattern soon. Great timing for this weeks thread! :) Obviously I had technical difficulties!!! Hopefully I can copy from my post on last week. Sorry for experimenting.
  15. Today was the day I decided to treat myself to Down a Dark Hall https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/538757.Down_a_Dark_Hall a favourite spooky book from my childhood, since it was first printed in 1974 I probably was reading it in 1974. ;) I was impressed to find it in kindle format but didn't think or look beyond. Well I missed an all important word, revised. For the first few pages it felt timeless :lol: then wifi, cell phones, et. Started appearing. I am not pleased! I did make it to halfway pretty quickly. I don't really remember the original other than it had a great gothic feel. This doesn't so far. The spooky bits are clipped. I discovered my favourite (not!!!) author Stephanie Meyer (Twilight) bought the rights and turned it into a movie. That's how it ended up revised. I am so disappointed. I also finished my Miss Julia Hits the Road. Such a great story. Fun! I really liked this one.
  16. We used the old version and the big complaint was too slow. Over time I think the slowness contributed to my ds getting bored with Latin. I remember him complaining about the dvd. We did the recitation afterwards which was really fun with both dc's together. With too fast you can pause if you want to recite with the dvd.
  17. :lol: I feel better now for some weird reason. You always read them immediately. I generally manage it within the first month or so.
  18. I have spent my morning reading my craft blogs in between laundry and making everyone waffles. I was going to say just the reading bit but that sounds too peaceful! I found this fun book review which I know several here (maybe just Jane and Jenn but decided to share) will be curious about. The book called In the Footsteps of Sheep. It is published by Elizabeth Zimmerman's publishing company so probably has a pretty limited distribution. Knitting shops and Amazon. I plan to investigate. Fyi, EZ is sort of the grandmother of modern knitting. Her patterns are special and clever about making easy look great. Her daughter used to publish one of her mom's patterns every few months in Vogue knitting. I saved them. https://www.masondixonknitting.com/introducing-books-franklin-habit/?mc_cid=308fc5798f&mc_eid=608fd86829 In the Footsteps of Sheep is about a journey by foot around Scotland to visit all ten native breeds of sheep in their native habitats. Along the way she collects their wool, spins it, and completes a pair of socks. Eta I just went looking and Amazon sells it. More of a coffee table book because of photography and includes 11 sock patterns. Even better is the fact that I located it at a library that I occasionally have access to! I put it on the list. Eta again....went back to the blog and found this wonderful Elizabeth Zimmerman story https://www.masondixonknitting.com/arnolds-scarf/?mc_cid=308fc5798f&mc_eid=608fd86829. I wanted to share it.
  19. It appears that I might be the first BaWer to finish Robb's Apprentice in Death https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/28186363-apprentice-in-death. I can't figure out how I managed to read it before Robin and Teacherzee. I enjoyed it. It's amazing how this series keeps staying enjoyable. I don't think I ever mentioned that I listened to another Elizabeth Peter's Amelia Peabody. A few weeks ago the narrator and voices were discussed for this series. They are irritating but at that point I didn't mind overly. The Lion in the Valley was boring and the narrator didn't help. I join the pretty tired of Ramses group and hope that I manage to find another series to listen to the next time I need an audio book.
  20. This is a really hard thing for me to say (devote series reader) ;) but I think you could happily skip right to the new book. One new character comes from the last book but I am sure you could figure her role out pretty quickly. I have Midnight Riot on my kindle right now. I might give it to dd to try and report back. The problem here is I have to give her my kindle literally.
  21. Your dd might like them. Pretty sure mine will. She's busy trying to finish the new Flavia so we can return it. I think you will enjoy the first one.....your dd the whole series. :lol: To everyone else remember the dd's being discussed are college students. I not suggesting Amy get them for her dd. ;)
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