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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. I am so sorry for your loss. :grouphug:
  2. Well I tried The Glass of Time very briefly and suspect I won’t be going back to it. Just didn’t catch my interest if that makes sense. I haven’t read the previous book which did not appear to be in Northampton. The bits of reviews I read made it seem like a rather unconnected seres. I have been finding the Tey books to be a bit uneven for lack of a good description. They seem to sink into hugely boring for 30 or so pages frequently. So far there has been something I have loved on the other side but can easily understand not wanting to read on. Woot! for the clever ds. Nothing motivated my son as much as a computer of his own. He loved his Fire!!! Our neighbor has a “free range†bunny who refuses to go in his hutch. His pile in the corner of his yard that he considers to be the bathroom is huge. Cannot believe how much from one rabbit! Yes all the fun things. If one of the fun things isn’t fun just propose a fun substitute to Amy and I. We want this to be fun!
  3. When I was in 8th grade we had an English assignment to do a family tree and write a research paper about one of the countries your ancestors came from. We also had to give a presentation about an ancestor. That sparked an interest! I started researching again in my 20's. My parents helped so we all enjoyed ourselves. Got to know a couple of really wonderful distant cousins who are now deceased which can only be described as a blessing. I also got to meet my best friend through meeting her mom(who I refer to as my second mother) thanks to a genealogy group I joined back in my 20's. For me it hasn't really been so much about who I may be related to but the stories and people along the way. For the record I have been pretty successful. Traced into the 1500's with decent documents on one side. Helps that they lived in a small village in England. The wives marrying into that line have been a problem. A couple of very historically fascinating last names with no locations to do anything with. One of my favorite ancestors escaped a German prison ship when it docked in the US, think conscripted forcibly into the navy. He is who I did my report on back in the 8th grade! :lol: He lived in fear of being forced to return so muddied his past as much as possible. Did a fabulous job! :lol: Both he and his brother (another escapee) took a rather successful trip to California in the mid 1800's and returned rolling in gold. Started a town and named it using their new last name. His 3rd wife murdered him after making him sign a new will!
  4. In consultation .......... Bf loved The Bees and now you love it. I need to read this!
  5. A wild card is what we decided to call books that are set in fictional towns. There are quite a few of these series. Seriously read the books set in England that you enjoy and have access to. This is fun. We want everyone to be able to participate who is interested. If you end up with extra books set somewhere real they can be wild cards if needed. There are counties where there are so many great books available and others with almost none. We totally understand the need for wild cards. I can't tell you how thrilled I was when the detective in Cambridge Blue went to interview a suspect in Bedford! It became my Bedford mystery instantly! :lol: Also don't worry if you end up late or early because of the library. Both Amy and I guarantee this will happen to us while Brit tripping.
  6. Thanks Robin for all the great Ireland links. I have been lost in Irish rabbit trails for the past couple of hours. I have had to reserve more books. I hope I can carry what I have waiting! I am particularly excited about a book by Erin Hart called Haunted Ground https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/905451.Haunted_Ground. Thrilled the library has it. I am also planning to read at least one Cora Harrison while in Ireland. She has a whole series featuring a lady judgehttps://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1625740.My_Lady_Judge?ac=1&from_search=true. Bingo square!!!!! I can't find the first in the series but have a later book in the series reserved. My Northamptonshire books will be A Long Shadow by Charles Todd https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/205.A_Long_Shadow and possibly an audio version of A Glass of Time by Michael Cox. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/7174668-the-glass-of-time. Let's just say I wanted backup in case jumping that far ahead in the Ian Rutledge series is too much for me! :lol: Currently completely off the bus reading JD Robb's Dark in Death and listening to Chinese Sci Fi with The Dark Forest https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/25332122-the-dark-forest.
  7. The book sounds wonderful! There is a great movie that tells the same story called The Scarlet and the Black if anyone wants to use it for high school history. One of Dh's favorite movies.https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NgRxWrlMCOA Some counties are harder than others. Remember you can substitute a "wild card" book if you need to. :) Congrats on spelling Rose.
  8. Today was my day to finish up a couple of my books and I loved both of them. The first was Dark Fire https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/138683.Dark_Fire which is the second in the Matthew Shardlake Mysteries. I read and enjoyed the first a few years ago and during my Brit trip research rediscovered this series. They are chunky and I think I may have given up because I couldn’t get them on my kindle......fat books tire my hands. ;(. This book was set during Henry 8’s reign right at the end of Cromwell. Great background with the main character, a hunchbacked lawyer, being a rather unwilling agent of Cromwell. Definitely reading the next one but I have a stack of Tudor books waiting for me at the library so will wait until I read those! I also finished my audiobook which I ended up giving 5* simply because I enjoyed it for Sci Fi which is not my genre. The Three Body Problem is actually a trilogy. I had no idea unfortunately and need to know how it ends.....I have started the second in the trilogy already. Glad it was available on overdrive! I waited months for the first one.......
  9. Oh my! :grouphug: I hope Amazon gets this resolved soon!
  10. Wow, you're making great progress Brit tripping. I am thrilled you enjoying it so much! When we made the original schedule we wanted to stay in Yorkshire for awhile and let everyone enjoy some of the great books set in here\there. ;) Many books set in Yorkshire visit York at some point so we used York for a location on our journey, plus it really is the end\start of the Roman Roads we are currently following. I think Clouds of Witness works great for York! :). I just looked at Leeds with google and get North Yorkshire for the county but suspect most of my neighbours who are Yorkshire born would guess West Yorkshire for Leeds, I would have. Feel free to count it as west. Bradford which many of the Leeds based mysteries visit definitely is West. To be really technical Doncaster and Sheffield are currently in a new county called South Yorkshire but for Brit Tripping need to be put with East and West. East\West\South was just too much for the schedule! The Yorkshire borders have shifted madly about in the past 50 or so years including names of the county's. In the past few months signs have been going up telling us which county we are entering on most roads. I think they are going up because of the Tour de Yorkshire bike race. ;) Basically the aim is 3 books set in Yorkshire. :) I am almost done with my audio book which is quite good, it's actually a contender for 5* on Goodreads. The Three Body Problem is Chinese science fiction and quite different from my normal reading but totally enjoying it. It is on Robin's list for her Sci Fi challenge over on 52 books which made me really happy since so far the book isn't set in Cambridge as promised. People went to Uni there but for the most part set in China so far. Jenn, have you read it?https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/20518872-the-three-body-problem
  11. I will pray! My only tip is to go into the exam comfortable......dressed so not too hot or cold, not hungry or thirsty, essentially ready to concentrate.
  12. Raifta, Glad you are feeling better! :grouphug: I hope things improve. I was so glad to see your post because I have missed you! I looked up Thrapston and have come to the conclusion that I must have been there at some point at least in the car since I have been to a nearby town off the A1. I finished my first Bedfordshire book by reading Bednobs and Broomsticks by Mary Norton. Disney's movie has always been a special favorite of mind so I was excited to read the book. The book is probably much better when you aren't constantly comparing to the movie and deciding it falls a boring by comparison! I did run into a free prime memberr mystery set in Bedfordshire called Murder Now and Then https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/22494226-murder-now-and-then and put that on my Kindle to try. For Northamptonshire I remembered one of the Inspector Rutledge Books is set there. I'm going to skip way ahead in the series and try A Long Shadow which is Book 8 and see if I prefer the later books in the series. I had to give up on the planned book because it seemed to be a bit too gritty for my current mood so needed to find another book!
  13. :grouphug: I think both the food and the cleaning services sound lovely. I think staying in touch with her is what will mean the most to her.
  14. I saw Kareni’s post right before turning the light out last night. I have been thinking about this all night. So here goes.......... Remember I am a series reader. I love series so individual retreads happen rarely. These are series I have either already reread or am rereading. A couple that I plan to start on soon. The Cat Who.......by Lillian Jackson Braunhttps://www.goodreads.com/book/show/508903.The_Cat_Who_Could_Read_Backwards. Reread in progress. St. Cyr by CS Harrishttps://www.goodreads.com/book/show/39149.What_Angels_Fear A new release this spring. I may try for a series reread before reading the new one. I can’t wait! The Others by Anne Bishop https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/15711341-written-in-red. Eventually;) Waiting for the new release. Would love to reread soon. Alphabet Mysteries by Sue Grafton https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/64863.A_is_for_Alibi. In progress. I’m on J I think. Inspector Gamache by Louise Penny In my plans for when Brit Tripping is over. https://www.goodreads.com/series/42154-chief-inspector-armand-gam ache Rivers of London by Ben Aaronovitch https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/9317452-rivers-of-london. Spooky London here I come! Agatha Christie.........Loving the current reread so will probably do it again when finished Dorothy Sayers.......Same as Christie with a longer break Harry Potter.....I have read them in order with each new release. Maybe this year if not next. The Oz series by Baum.......My favorite read aloud! I adore this series and all of the wonderful characters.This is my ultimate craft project before grandkids. I want to make main character dolls. So far all I have is Scraps.
  15. My dh has been my best friend since we were 14 and his family moved next door. Much of our life has been spent together to some degree even when we were at University with hundreds of miles separating us. We didn't officially date until we were 21 and have been married for almost 30 years. I also have a friend that I refer to as my bf who is the sister I never had.
  16. mumto2


    :grouphug: I am so sorry. This happened to me and it was such a shock. Years later it is still a bit hard to believe. Try to take a bit of time for yourself to process it.
  17. I just discovered that Nadia May is the narrator that I loved with The Secret Adversary. She was wonderful! I will try to find more that she has done. I'm not seeing the Last Auto Saved on either my fire or IPad. Wondering if it doesn't show on mobile devices?
  18. I remember Roger Ackroyd as being the best also! I am looking forward to the review. :) I have to admit I seem to be enjoying some of the Agatha Christie's far more in order than in the whatever I can grab off the shelf method that was my first time through. I really enjoyed The Secret Adversary which I originally read after the other Tommy and Tuppence series and was originally a bit disappointed in. So I gave it a rather enthusiastic 5* on Goodreads because I had really enjoyed listening to it and am now concerned I proclaimed it the best Christie ever to all of my Goodreads friends which it probably isn't. I did have fun and it is a good one! ;) I have decided to skip Murder on the Links in my Christie reread. There is no unabridged audio available on overdrive and it is one I have watched far too many times on telly. I have a hold on several so no idea what the next one will be. I am hoping for The Man in the Brown Suit........ I also finished Beneath the Sugar Sky which is the third Wayward Children book by Seanan McGuire. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/27366528-beneath-the-sugar-sky. Not as good as the others! I do hope the series continues but I wish the books were longer. I really think this book just needed more in the parts that were skipped through in a couple of pages for me to have loved it! I hope all of our ill BaWer's are feeling better today!
  19. I remember really liking The Seven Dials Mystery also. I am looking forward to my reread of it. I finished Chimeys tonight because it was so good! I was wondering what I would listen to next and just discovered my library hold on the first Tommy and Tuppence is available. :). I have always really loved their books and am curious to read them again to see if I like them as much. Regarding Evans, I’ve only read the first four because I am guarding my emergency E’s. Sadly I am rather serious. ;). I peeked on Goodreads and if you read the description for the last book (number 10 I think) your question is answered. Amy and I made a new Brit Tripping rule for fictional English towns and counties. They now fall under our Wild Card rule and you can use them for any county of your choice while Brit Tripping. :) Now for the Duke question......Google was not helpful. :lol: My only answer is Chatsworth which is In Derbyshire. It is considered the family seat for the Duke and Duchess of Devonshire. So I have a current day exception to the county name matching the title.
  20. I am currently listening to The Secret of Chimneys by Agatha Christie and am totally immersed even though it is at least my second reading if not third. If I understood the narrator correctly Chimneys is near the village of Market Rasen, so is likely in Lincolnshire not Nottinghamshire which is what I have listed on Goodreads. I plan to adjust the list and both will count for Brit Tripping. I have a real life acquaintance who lives in Market Rasen which is the only reason I caught that. Very nice place, BTW. ;) I also finished the second Sayers on the reading order list, Clouds of Witness. I seem to be starting to really enjoy Lord Peter for himself not just a Harriet accessory! Lol. The first time I read these I started with Gaudy Night which is all about Harriet. I read the other books out of order and was always highly disappointed when they were just about Peter. Someone here listened to one lately and did not enjoy the narrator. I have to agree with this opinion but as long as I can find them recorded I am going to have to accept the rather irritating voice for Lord Peter. The voice does not make him overly appealing but I am trying to listen to as many of my choices as possible as my list is long and I have time while quilting. Its books or television. ;) I am still in Cambridgeshire with my books. Another in Fiona Buckley's historical series https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1446597.Queen_of_Ambition which is quite interesting as it deals with a royal visit to Cambridge. As soon as I finish that I plan to start Dark Fire https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/138683.Dark_Fire?ac=1&from_search=true and return to London! I still have a stack of Cambridgeshire books that I plan to read. Before you think I am utterly lost at some point this week I plan to read Bednobs and Broomsticks which is hopefully really set in Bedfordshire!
  21. I have never listened to Evans and now I won’t! F bombs are so much easier to skip and not really notice in print. I am going to be honest and say those books just make me happy because I love Snowdonia and the titles have an E for spelling challenges. My family almost managed to climb it a couple of years ago but gave up around 2/3 up because of extreme heat. It was an easier climb then anticipated because we went way higher in our walk then we really had planned. Because it started as a walk that just kept going! Bad sunburns for all on the hottest day of the summer in a place where it rains about 300 days a year! I doubt that I will ever manage to climb it completely because there is a place near the summit where you cross a section that is just a few feet long but very narrow with a big drop on each side. Not for me! Could never go across. Would love to go back and try again. Good Snowdon pictures here. http://www.snowdon-summit.co.uk
  22. Not sure where you are on so I apologize if I am suggesting you cross Orlando because I know the traffic is unbelievable currently but take the dog and go for a long beach walk. https://www.bringfido.com/attraction/beaches/city/new_smyrna_beach_fl_us/ The weather appears to be wonderful right now!
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