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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. It’s happening to me also. FWIW, I am adding them on my iPad but I don’t use the app to my knowledge. Going in via my bookmark..... The humorous thing was I lost my second read on what was actually a reread! That was me trying to be too clever but still.......
  2. Sounds great for Tyne and Wear. I know there are books out there set in Sunderland because I have read some and noticed because of our friend who moved there. The only problem is I can’t identify them now when I really want to.
  3. I pretty much always have a Kindle with me. Occasionally I leave the Kindle in the car......... I have tried all the series on the British Cozy list except for the one set in Ireland (yep, Ireland) which isn’t available at a library.
  4. Lol! Wensleydale cheese is definitely an acquired taste. I can totally understand. I enjoy it occasionally and prefer it with dried cranberries. When DS was little he ate lots of Wensleydale because of Wallace. I bought it for him constantly.
  5. I need to go through our threads and update the Brit Tripping ideas list and have to admit I have absolutely no idea how to list this book . What a goldmine of counties! I may just list it as ZEngland Multiple Counties. I just ordered my own copy. ;) In response to the “How many new to you authors have you read this year?” question......I think about 20. There are a couple of authors with familiar common names that I didn’t count because I think I may have read other older series by them at some point. I have to admit Brit Tripping has definitely made me try some new authors, generally with success. :). Honestly BaW in general has expanded my reading greatly.
  6. Hugs, I am appalled at the sensitivity of his associates. I hope you get good news soon!
  7. In the UK it is probably pointless to apply to a program where your anticipated exam scores aren’t in line with the course you are applying to. Scholarships aren’t really what students are aiming at in the UK but extracurriculars are a huge part of the application process if you look at the UCAS application. Everything has levels by exam...Music and dance for instance go to Grade 8 etc. Duke of Edinburgh bronze, silver, gold. These are all really important to kids applying to really popular competitive programs like medical school which are applied to in the US equivalent of high school. They are also really important the elite schools. I watch great smart kids struggle to get the perceived needed extracurricular scores all the time in England. I will be honest and say my kids applied using UCAS with just their US exam scores and essays with no problems but their stories were pretty unique and their scores high. They applied to great programs, most triple A and had the scores and a story. It worked but their programs were perhaps not the most popular. ;) For the record in today’s world knowing that good prep books for competive exams are available I can’t imagine not using them!
  8. I just found a new website to search for books by location called TripFiction. Here is Northumbria https://www.tripfiction.com/find-a-book/?location=Northumberland&bauthor=&genre=&title=&order=rating
  9. Have to get used to these boxes. Way too easy to type in the light blue quote boxes. We love sharing our television history with the dc’s! Thanks to Dvd’s it’s amazing what we have been able to accumulate. Beverly Hillbillies and Gilligan’s Island are both in the collection. So is Petticoat Junction! I loved Petticoat Junction and unfortunately my parents hated it. :( I still get a weird satisfaction out of being able to watch an episode whenever I want! Star Trek, Dr. Who, Lost in Space, and odd lesser known shows like Time Tunnel are part of the collection too. Dh grew up in a large city and had great tv reception so seems to have watched everything from the 60’s and 70’s at some point while I was fortunate when we had two clear channels.......he bought a season of Happy Days recently so they could see who Fonzie was. My culture comment was along the lines of that’s the really popular show I couldn’t watch but heard about every week at school. I loved it when we got cable TV!
  10. I didn’t like the Outlaws of Sherwood either. Glad you are enjoying Frances Brody. I finally gave up and requested them all so am hoping no one else puts them on hold while I am working my way through the stack! Books set in the Northeast frequently cross the borders of all 3 counties. Durham, Sunderland (T and W) and Newcastle are pretty close together in reality. A friend who lives up there lives in one, works in another, and has aa activity that takes him to the other most weeks. I am hoping to find a book that does the same. ;). I have the second in the Vera series on hold and am planning to finally read Aunt Dimity Beats the Devil https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/511259.Aunt_Dimity_Beats_the_Devil which I have had to return unread a couple of times (popular book ;) ).
  11. In England it is very common for those over 17 to have a license but no insurance and drive rarely. They are holding their license which is good until age 70 ( think that’s it) until they need to drive regularly and their rates drop. Most are aiming for mid 20’s. They can buy one day (or multiple day) insurance when they want it for pretty much any car they will be driving if they need to drive. Roughly £20 a day I think and pretty easy to get. This insurance also needs to be bought if they are in the L plate ( no fully licensed) stage and you have them practicing in your car with you. It’s common just to pay for lessons ( £20 in our area) and have them go out with the instructor. FYI, not a posh area. We had said they needed to pay for their own lessons because all their friends have had to but my kids are cheap and too busy to bother. We are planning to pay this summer and get licenses out of the way. After that it will be insurance by the day until they buy their own cars or we need them driving on a regular basis. None of their friends have their own cars or drive their parent’s cars daily.
  12. University of Pennsylvania also has a Calc mood on Coursera. Dd did it years ago and remembers it as good with videos. It appears to have just started, maybe she can join.......https://www.mooc-list.com/course/calculus-single-variable-part-1-functions-coursera
  13. So what have I been reading......... Castles in the Air by Christina Dodd for Robin’s Air challenge. I suspect it was a reread but I loved it. Fluffy historical romance that Amy would enjoy. England and Wales border The Virgin Queen’s Daughter by Ella March Chase. Imagine Elizabeth1 had a child before becoming queen....this is apparently true speculation for lack of a better description. Really grew to dislike this as I listened to it but I had nothing else! Lincolnshire and London Murder on a Summers Day by Frances Brody. Not the best of the Kate Shackleton series but I now have them all checked out. North Yorkshire Sweet Revenge by Andrea Penrose. I needed an R for Clover and that says it all. Btw I still need the E. ;) London Lonesome Road by Patricia Wentworth, it’s the third in this series. No more fore a while mainly because they aren’t for kindles on my overdrive any longer. England Murder in Thrall by Anne Cleeland. I listened to the first three in this series because it is one big continuous story. They are interesting but I have to admit part of that was my horror that the main male character is a stalker and the female is just fine about the stalking. These characters are strange and do some pretty awful things as the story progresses......they are both police detectives. Adult content. London and Surrey Face Down Upon an Herbal by Kathy Lyn Emerson. Good cozy mystery set in Tudor times with a strong female main character. I have a stack of these that I ended up saving for this month because they are vowel rich for the flower spelling challenge. Gloucester, Bedfordshire, Warwickshire, and Kent Claws for Concern by Miranda James. The latest in my favorite cozy series with a Maine Coon Cat. I adore Diesel the cat! The Primrose Convention by Jo Bannister. A lovely cozy. More by this author in the stack but could not get the other book in this series. Set in West Midlands and Scotland. Sovereign by CJ Sansom. It is the third in the Shardlake series which are historically pretty accurate to the best of my knowledge. Set during Henry 8’s reign while he was on his Progress to the North (York). He was married to Catherine Howard at the time. They stayed irl at Gainsborough Hall near my house......many Tudor home ed trips where their feasting etc was acted out. Loved it. Fat and chunky so am waiting a bit before I read the next. London, Staffordshire, and York with all points in between......Derbyshire for sure.
  14. We paid and used Instacert for several that we couldn’t find good materials for. It worked really well. I think Speedyprep is the one with the refunds. We subscribed and were able to use it for more than one. If you library has REA guides they were the best free resource. What exam is she working on? We did several ......
  15. Trying the photos........ This is my current EPP project. That’s what I have been doing... I have finished a few books too! eta......I can’t believe I can post pictures! How incredibly fun!
  16. I read all 14(I think) original Baum Oz books 3 times when my kids were little. They loved them! I don't remember ever having nightmares from them and one of mine was pretty sensitive.
  17. Here's the latest update I found. Midnight EST.....
  18. Thanks for the review. I may go ahead and buy it for all of us to share. My bf collects children’s books. I don’t think she has read this one because it never appeared at my house when I was obsessed with Winnie the Pooh which is apparently featured in one of the chapters.
  19. How the Heather Looks sounds wonderful and not just from a Brit Tripping sense. Please review it after we return because it might be a perfect gift for my BF. I put a purchase request in for overdrive but would be surprised if they buy this one! I went and found a book for Robin's Air challenge also. I checked out Castles in the Air https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/875573.Castles_In_The_Air?from_search=true which I think appeared on some list that I liked at. Reviews are mixed but I plan to read some fluffy historical this weekend! I finished Tey's The Franchise Affair. It was a bit different and I really disliked a couple of her views on how someone can look like a criminal..... Especially people with very blue eyes. That being said the conclusion was satisfying. Not sure I will ever put it on my top 100 list but glad I read it! I'm not sure when the board goes offline tonight so if I don't post again I hope everyone has a productive board break. I suspect I will be stalking the Goodreads posts by the time we are back online! Which reminds me if anyone needs my Goodreads I think this will get you to the Brit trip pages. If anyone want to be Goodreads friends that would be wonderful!https://www.goodreads.com/review/list/51042385-mumtotwo?shelf=2018-brit-trip-ideas
  20. Yesterday I finished listening to The Serpent's Tale by Arianna Franklin https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/2436462.The_Serpent_s_Tale. These are so good! The main character is a 12th century female forensic doctor from Salerno on loan to King Henry. In this book she is asked to solve the murder of the King's mistress near Oxford. Queen Elenore is busy raising an army to fight her husband throughout this book also. I definitely hopped of the bus. I am waiting for the next! I am also reading Franchise Affair by Josephine Tey and doubt that it will be finished before we go offline. It was rated in the top 100 mystery books at one time so probably deserves a mention and based on a historical case from the 1880's. No idea where it is set, a village not too far from London is all i have figured out. In the book a young woman accuses the lawyer's clients of having kidnapped her and holding her hostage. Her proof is a series of common things that most would have in their homes and a positive ID of the women who recently inherited a manor house when she was introduced to them. No line ups. ;) https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/243401.The_Franchise_Affair My planned York reading..... Sovereign by CJ Sansom https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/138684.Sovereign?ac=1&from_search=true Hangman's Blind by Cassandra Clark https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/4320305-hangman-blind?ac=1&from_search=true The Eagle of the Ninth by Sutcliff
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