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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. Hugs, My condolences to you and your family.
  2. I have to agree about Aunt Dimity Beats the Devil, the parts with the odd attraction were just plain weird and uncomfortable. Definitely not my favorite Dimity. I rarely enjoy it when a series I am reading goes to other countries. Right now I am having a really hard time finishing The Red Velvet Turnshoe by Cassandra Clark for just that reason.....my Yorkshire based Abbess has travelled to Rome. I bored. I can’t remember who is who. The one new character I really like was just murdered.....lol, yes, I may stop reading this one.
  3. I would never point it out if I knew what the person meant. I have so many odd accents coming at me irl that I am frequently just pleased to be able to continue the conversation......lol
  4. Oh my, I get they were nervous but a former librarian who couldn’t name a book shows how nervous. I hope could come up with a book even nervous but the odds of my naming a movie star by photo are really really low at any time! Lol
  5. So my question is do you enjoy The Cat Who.......books? I can’t believe Amy didn’t get the cat! ? Amy, Royals are sort of like politics in terms of people honestly do not talk about them beyond personal stories if they have truly spoken to someone in the family. The Queen and the corgi’s make for a good story, seriously. They really enjoy showing off their nan’s Coronation Cup collection.............I will say both the Queen and Kate are the favorites with my friends. I think Camilla is accepted pretty widely, at least I haven’t heard anything negative said irl, ever.
  6. Well, I don’t think I want to read about Diana the monster either. I have to thank you for the reading it. One book less on hold! Lol. It’s rare for BaW to remove books from my list...... Over the years I have grown to respect Camilla, she appears to work really hard to fulfill duties and has done an incredible job supporting the military regiment she is “attached” to especially. I hate to see that hard work portrayed poorly because she does deserve respect. But I was a huge Di fan girl way back when....... ?
  7. I just saw The Duchess in my Overdrive for the first time last night and will admit to feeling a bit of interest but don’t want to read it if she is portrayed heavily in the negative. Cozy mysteries and historical romances are my favorite way to fill my flower letters. Although Lily is not progressing overly well! Marbel, I messed up my quote apparently. I had started Badger’s Drift at least once before reading it this year. I ended up really enjoying it but have to say I think it may have been a right book for the right moment. No idea why I quit read it in the past but I do plan to read more in the series at some point. I also still need to watch an episode of Midsummer Murders......... Today I have been busy listening to Woman in White and quilting. It’s long......25 hours, even at 1.5 speed it is taking awhile, 20 hours to go. It does seem to be good but moves super slow so I can’t listen when tired. I drift off and fall asleep so I keep turning my current Prime series on. Anyone else watch Eureka? Just started season 4 and still like it. Lol. Btw, hand quilting currently so I am not falling asleep slumped over my sewing machine. Think couch or propped up on my bed.
  8. We used an umbrella school in the US to keep records which meant we also received a US diploma. Very little work involved and it was a good exercise for me each year because it helped me keep both kids on track. The umbrella school actually meant we were meeting our home state requirements for home education which we considered to be a bonus.
  9. I missed Kareni's quiz link https://bookriot.com/2018/05/08/animal-sidekick-fantasy-quiz/ I am a unicorn also. I keep getting lost in these links today. The ad links keep sending me to my Overdrive. I learned VE Schwab has a new series coming out. The first one is titled Vicious. I put a purchase request in..........I loved the Shares of Magic series so am pretty excited! https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/13638125-vicious?ac=1&from_search=true
  10. I am attempting to read in chronological order using this list as my basis http://www.leftfield.org/~rawdon/books/mystery/sayers.html. The short story collection titled Lord Peter Views a Body has most(if not all ? ) of the early stories which is what I am reading now. I haven’t attempted to match my completed list yet but think I am close.
  11. Penguin, Glad your car can be saved and eek! to being able to watch the flooding from your window. Well, I just discovered that I messed up on overdrive massively. Yesterday was busy and at some point I did queue my audiobook thinking I was finally going to be able to listen to it and finish, didn’t happen. I just sat down to quilt and listen and it’s gone from my account! I know I went in to the account to make room for a new book yesterday and must have returned the book I was listening to also. I can’t get the audio back but was able to get a copy of the book. Yeah! So on to my next audiobook, Wilkie Collin’s Woman in White. I have never read and am trying to get caught up with the bus.......set in Hampshire. I read a charming Lord Peter Wimsey short this morning, The Learned Adventure of the Dragon’s Head, in which Wimsey’s young nephew is staying with him and they visit a book shop. The nephew discovers a rather damaged copy of a classic text in Latin with incredible illustrations and buys the heavily discounted book. The book leads to quite an adventure....... ?
  12. I have several books in process right now but have to say my current audiobook is my favorite and I cannot wait to finish it..........The Mapping of Love and Death by Jacqueline Winspear is part of the Maisie Dobbs series which is a series I have been occasionally dipping into for several years. In this installment Maisie is hired to find out how an American Cartographer died during WWI and who his “English Nurse” love interest was. This book seems to be winding up the old and launching Maisie into new and interesting things. I think I may be reading the next Maisie sooner than normal because this book isn’t making me as sad as they normally do. I do want to point out Cartography has been discussed frequently..........I have another book preselected for that Bingo square but am wondering if a book about a Cartographer is appropriate. I also have A Talent for Murder in progress and saw Marbel is planning to read it. Yeah! Berkshire is definitely in this one. So far I am enjoying it quite a bit and have spent quite a bit of time reading online about Christie and her disappearance. This book seems to be playing within the boundaries of what is known and putting a more sinister spin on the events. I keep thinking about the Dr. Who episode The Unicorn and the Wasp (David Tennant and Donna) which is one of my all time favorites which put an alien spin on Christie’s disappearance. About a third of the way through and enjoying it...... Still plugging away at Lord Peter Views the Body which seems to be a bit uneven. A couple have been new to me and very clever so worthwhile overall.
  13. Hugs! Saying a prayer for good news!
  14. Glad to hear the project is moving forward quickly now! Just think someday soon you will have room in your garage again. ? Star Wars, totally not surprised that James is pro Star Wars. When Ds physically goes to the library that is the shelf that draws him every single time........Dr. Who books are pretty good actually.........Have you already read Sea of Trolls which is more YA with Norse Mythology? How about the Eragon series? I loved Eragon and probably should put that on my reread list.....both dc’s read and liked at least the first two. I am another Flowers from the Storm fan thanks to Kareni. Note to Amy, you really need to read this! Evelina looks really interesting and I think I would like to read it. I have been through my library catalogues and only one library has it. I tend to rotate my library systems so I don’t end up with lots of overdue books so I put it on my list for the next time I request from that system...... Unless you really tempt me probably mid summer for that one. ? I am still reading my Wimsey shorts and listening to Partners in Crime by Christie. Hugh Fraser is my narrator who I like but I am not sure that Partners in Crime is going to stay on my favorite Christie book list. It’s another I suspect I loved because preteen Dd could read it!
  15. I will tell you my son’s story. If it works don’t mess with it is my advice. My son spent his math time turning Alcumus blue once upon a time. He showed me his progress weekly! Lol I couldn’t motivate him with any other math and I have lots. He did it on his own with help from his big sister, books, and Google, when he couldn’t figure it out. I never managed to get him to really do math from books again in a real way. He went on to Coursera and other online mooc’s like MIT. I spent years worrying about him not working formally through one of my books for each topic but the reality is that kid did not need to. He could get A’s on year end subject exams and I left it there. Btw, he’s fine mathematically and has a math degree. ?.
  16. An update on the Flower challenge for April. I finally finished Mountain Aven and because I was able to spell Mountain out of my books I decided to record the non required mountain also. M. Why Mermaids Sing by CS Harris O. A Rougue of Her Own by Grace Burrows U. Unnatural Death by Dorothy Sayers N. The Bat by by Jo Nesbo T Tricks for Free by Seanan McGuire A. Aunt Dimity Beats the Devil by Nancy Atherton I. Why Kill the Innocent by CS Harris N. Cockroach by Jo Nesbo A Face Down Among the Winchester Geese by Kathy Lynn Emerson V The Virgin Widow by Anne O’Brien E Face Down Under the Wycherley Elm by Kathy Lynn Emerson N Borrower of the Night by Elizabeth Peters Now I can start working on Lily!
  17. Yeah! Glad your computer is working again. It made me really happy to know that your school district was willing to work with you to ensure James has a graduation he can enjoy.........which means mom and dad can enjoy it too! How is the new contractor going? My science fiction loving Dd really enjoyed The Witch Who Came in from the Cold series but hasn't read the Bookburners yet. Thank you!
  18. My CS Harris re-read is complete with hours to spare, reading for a large chunk of the night helped! The latest Why Kill the Innocent was a well done addition to the series which happens to set the stage for something huge for one of the characters in the future if I am right. A couple other potential storyline ideas are set up also. Can't wait! The historical event in this one was Princess Charlotte who I never knew much about beyond the fact that she died in childbirth. At some point I will revisit this book and perhaps something else on this Princess.......... Now for my Dorothy Sayers books.........I am going to log the short stories into my Goodreads individually because I want them to be listed to correspond to the list found here http://www.leftfield.org/~rawdon/books/mystery/sayers.html. I have a separate shelf for shorts and I will combine them for my final book count. Some of you might notice my book count growing quickly in the next week and I want you to know why. The shorts I am reading are all found in Lord Peter Views the Body. I read the first this morning......"The Abominable..............Copper Fingers" and rather enjoyed it which surprised me as I wasn't looking forward to it from the short blurb I read at the start of this project.
  19. Before I forget I watched JennW's recommendation for Bollywood last night. Bride and Prejudice was so much fun!!! It was also in English which made it very accessible Bollywood and it had the big dance scenes that I love. Members of my family even watched bits of it as they walked in and out of the room and commented that it wasn't too bad, lol ! ?
  20. Well, I know car phones were becoming somewhat common but super expensive in 1988. Dh had one installed in his car when we married and proceeded to get a new company car so I got the car with the phone. Most of my calls were his clients! Lol. I worked for a techy company in accounting and I was the only one other than our CEO with the telltale antenna.
  21. Looking forward to hearing your opinion on The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. It’s on my list of books to listen to. I read it a few months ago and think the island is in Poole Harbour. At the time I came to the conclusion she is using one of the real islands with a different name. Most likely the one owned by the National Trust is the fictional Umbersea. https://britishcoast.wordpress.com/2016/04/20/islands-of-poole-harbour/ I get Huber’s email because I love Lady Darcy and now her Verity series and think the latest email said roughly 3 months until the new book is released!
  22. My C S Harris re-read continues.......2 more to go! I need to speed up because Overdrive will be returning the new book in the series in 2 days. This time I have been enjoying the historical elements far more than I did the first time through which was all about the action and romance of my favourite hero. ;). These books have surprised me by being really interesting from the historical perspective, occasionally the author changes something to fit her storyline but does a good job explaining why in the author's notes. The Enclosure Laws featured in When Falcons Fall. Also Napoleon's time in England during the war........The one before had Jane Austen as a character.......... My audiobook is The Cockroaches by Jo Nesbo. This time I am in Thailand after a short visit to Oslo. I am so glad I read The Bat first, required background for me at least. I am maybe a quarter of the way through and things seem to be referred to but not really explained which drives me a bit nuts. The Bat is a book that most of you might like, calling it an adult police procedural is probably fair. I have a feeling The Cockroaches is going to prove to be much darker with adult and child prostitutes at the centre of the crimes. Only mentioning because I think a few are contemplating reading these.....
  23. I have no way of documenting this but I think there are a few more people that are starting home education from the start of their children’s education not just switching to home ed after other school alternatives fail.
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