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Everything posted by Gamom3

  1. the government questioning your donations? We donated a good bit last year to the Goodwill and of course all they give you is a card with the date and a signature. Leaving you to keep records on what you donate. I have been inputing what we donated and I have not finished putting it all in, it is already up to $1100. I get nervous that they will want to audit us if I go to high! How do they know that we are being honest about what we donated? Which we are!
  2. When the book ask for exact value..doesn't that mean to work the problem out completely? Ex. Find the circumference of a circle that has a diameter of 1.5 in. Give the exact value. Ds said C=pi(d) C=pi(1.5) C=4.71in The book says C=pi(d) C=pi(1.5) C=1.5pi in.
  3. As of right now..I fear that iff we don't get our house refinanced soon we might lose it come next May!! I have been on the phone yesterday and most of the morning calling brokers! Hopefully we will get it worked out!
  4. I have 8 more years of homeschooling and then I will be going back in the work force full time(hopefully), but starting at the bottom.
  5. I was planning on using Word Building by School of Tomorrow next year, but when I looked at my niece's work it doesn't look right for my dc. I started looking online at spelling list and found a few that I liked. If you use list off the internet What do you have your kids do?
  6. Dd loves it. She thinks it is quite easy though...which is probably why she loves it!:tongue_smilie: I think if your library has the books, then you could probably check them out. Most of what they have dd read is a couple of a pages a day. You could drop Almost 12...dd and I read it together, so I could discuss it with her. Somethings where not what I wanted her to hear, but I knew they had to be discussed. We are not finished so other than Almost 12 I don't know what other books could be dropped.
  7. "Hello"-- pause "Hello" now with a questionable tone-- then pause "Speak up I can't hear you", pause "Ok, Ok, stop yelling and leave a message" This got everyone that called our house, even if they knew that we had the message!
  8. Dh sold some stock last year. Normally we would have already received the paperwork by now for taxes. It wasn't alot of stock that was sold. Is there a way to figure out how much we need to be taxed on? We have access to the account online. Dh's company also contributes stock. How would we go about figuring that in?
  9. I am looking for a good literature curriculum for 6th and 8th grade. any suggestions
  10. I don't know how much he would get for his car. It would be great if he got that amount!!! I didn't know they added in sales tax. I think they will take out our deductible. Then ds has to finish paying off the loan on that car. Our concern is that we will not find another car as good has that one for that amount! We knew the guy that had this car and he was the only owner before ds. How long did it take them to issue you your check?
  11. I thought about asking the insurance agent to see if they would pay their max amount and we pay the difference. But know I don't think that would be a good idea. I would love for them to call me today or tomorrow and say they are going to fix it. Doesn't hurt to hope does it???
  12. A company came out this morning(insurance preferred company)to pick up ds's car and have it looked over to find out how much it will cost to fix..from him rearing a lady Saturday. It was not drivable so we opted for this. Well I was told by the company this afternoon that it is possibly totaled!! We won't find out for sure for another day or two..insurance company has to look it over. This is so aggravating..this is a good car(98' Honda Accord) and its hard to believe that there is THAT much damage...$4400 worth! Sad thing is ds just paid $720 to get the rack and pin(?)fixed Saturday...2mins before the accident! The mechanic told him they didn't see anything else wrong with the car. And ds has almost paid it off...shy by 3 months!
  13. i am talking about the ones that you know the mate will come up soon. I normally keep them in a small basket, but I want to get rid of the basket. I would like to know what others do...other than tossing them in the trash.
  14. my card, rose, kiss and a hug. That's what we give every year and it's been enough for 19yrs now.
  15. Honda Accord. Yeap, he asked me if I knew how much his insurance was going to go up. I asked the insurance agent how much. It wont go up until renewal, but we don't know how much!! Hopefully he will have his car and laptop paid off. He will have a little bit more $$ in his pocket to pay for increase.
  16. He had just pulled out of the mechanics getting something fix, paying $720. A minute later he rear ended someone. He hit the hitch of a SUV. Didn't look like he did anything to the SUV, but his car is pretty bad. Radiator is busted,the hood will NOT open, the bumper is messed up, and it will need painting, but the car still starts and drives, but not for long with out radiator fluid---ds drove into a parkng lot after the accident and the towing service started it and drove over to the truck. The lady said she was fine, but as of right now the way ds feels,very sore, I am sure she will too. The police officer did not give him a ticket, since he forgot his book(I believe he was off duty, he was in plain clothes). Poor ds held it together until the police and the lady left, got in his car and broke down...all he could say to me was, "I need to go to work, I need to go to work!" He was thinking of how he was going to pay for the damage, get back and forth to work and school. We are going to help him with the deductible and take him to work and school...hopefully his car will be fixed this week. He is so upset with himself! I keep telling him it will be ok. I am glad that it was minor and not a serious accident. I hope now he will be more cautious.
  17. I am looking at using History Makers next year with my dc. I see from past post that most use spine text. I was wondering what text you use--please tell me what year. Are text necessary? Does it make it easier for the kids to do their research? I am wondering if we will have to use the library a good bit, unless we have good spine texts. It takes a LONG time to get books in from our library.
  18. Sometimes things are so simple I guess that we make it harder!
  19. Dd is in 5th grade this year and she is working on TT6 and it is very easy for her.
  20. Can someone help us understand this. Ds had a problem in math yesterday--Chalkdust pre-algebra The question is: An antique shop owner expects to receive 16 2/3% of the shop's sales as profit. What is the expected profit in a month when the total sale are $24,000? So we said precent * base = amount 16 2/3% * $24,000 = profit .166667 * $24,000 = profit profit = $4000.08 The answer in the book says that 16 2/3% = 1/6 SO 1/6 * $24,000 = profit $24,000/6 = profit $4,000 = profit Where did they get 1/6??
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