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Everything posted by Gamom3

  1. They are getting ready for a parade. The theme was clowning around. Dh did not get a full body shot of the llamas, but they do have shorts on. http://www.flickr.com/photos/12085276@N08/?saved=1 We have a Christmas parade to get ready for. The theme for that one is Toyland and the kids and llamas are going to be toys. So far ds is going to be Woody(he really doesn't want to be!) and Sterling(llama) is going to be Buzz Lightyear. Dd is going to be Mrs. Potato Head and Topaz(llama) is going to be a Jack in the box.
  2. http://www.flickr.com/photos/12085276@N08/?deleted=2695704371 Ok, I don't know how the thumbnail got on there but that is dd as a gypsy They are both on the website above.
  3. My neighbor saw us leave and she saw us walking. Told us that our buck was emptied 5 mins after we left--there wasn't anyone out when we left! Someone dumped our buck into their bag! :rant:
  4. I purchased one bag of candy I believe it has tootsie rolls, smarties, bubble gum, now or laters and some other candy I can't think of. I know this sounds sad, but we are not home since we walk with the dc. There are other neighborhoods that come through here quite early and DUMP the bowl into their bag, so by the time we get around the corner there is nothing in my bowl! This is what has happened for the past 2yrs! I am tired of purchasing GOOD candy for just one person! I did purchase regular size candy bars for all the kids my kids play with.
  5. Hephzibah, Ga Matthews, Ga Davisboro, Ga Wadley, Ga Sandersville, Ga Atlanta, Ga Dallas, Ga Suwanee, Ga Braselton, Ga--currently We would move closer to family, if there was ANYTHING down there--Matthews and Sandersville!!!!
  6. Ds(12 1/2) Something gross--he is going to have a really big wound with maggots on his cheek coming down to his neck Dd(10 1/2) gypsy
  7. Nutrition Depot right down the road sells it. I went and got the Java Medium It is VERY VERY good!!
  8. I understood about how someone could lose track of time, but then it was happening all the time. I noticed that she would wait until the last minute to leave and when she got home she would get everything out of her car before even thinking of getting the kids! And never a "thank you so much" or "I totally lost track of time" NOTHING! I try to help out, but I stop when taken advantage of!
  9. What is it with neighbors thinking since we are home that I can watch their kids!?!?! Neighbor asked me if I would watch for her kids today(if she isn't home), so she could go vote around 1pm. She said she might not get home to get her kids off the bus--they get off around 3. She is a SAHM with a toddler! No, I was not asked to watch the toddler! Why not do this stuff while the kids are in school!! I had already made plans to do some errands after the kids lessons today, so I told her I was not available. I am so tired of this!!! This is not the first time this has happened! Last year it was almost every day. She would run out to do errands at the last minute. She would casually drive up about 15 to 20mins after the bus!!
  10. When I was looking for a brand before I would mix the food so the dogs could get use to it.
  11. Kirkland Lamb and Rice My neighbor is the one who suggested it. They use it with their dog and don't have a problem.
  12. I need to find some dog food that does not give my dogs gas!!! Any suggestions???
  13. What types of project have you had your dc done? Where did you come up with your idea? I am not that creative, so I would love some thoughts on projects! So far dc have worked on two posters--the first one ds did electricity and dd did US symbols and the second poster project is about a famous inventor. I plan on them working on some papers soon, but they really love seeing their posters displayed.
  14. MIL is low income. She does not have health ins. or medicare/medicaid(I was told would not pay for meds.) One of her meds cost $300(for Narcolepsy) which takes almost half of her monthly income!!!
  15. I post this out of fun. I should have posted a warning, but did not think about it--there is one now. My dc like to scare me and each other. I guess I did not think some would not enjoy this!
  16. My oldest actually fell backwards in his chair. Dd ran into the bedroom and would not come out for about 15mins. I had to go calm her down. I bet we would have won $10,000 if I had it on video!
  17. http://www.maniacworld.com/maze_game.htm You have to stay in the box, if you go out of it you will have to start over. I only got to level 3.
  18. http://stuff.pyzam.com/toys/tictacscare.swf See if you can beat the computer
  19. I know here they do well-child check-ups. My kids only during their first year. After that we went to the Health Dept. for shots. Our insurance doesn't pay for Well-child check ups or shots!
  20. I am wondering if it latin or Spanish. I noticed that when it says Latin it also says Spanish. If it is latin I was wondering if it would work along side of Latin for Children.
  21. Just recently I have been giving dc reports and projects that I tell them to be done by a certain date--usually two weeks. They wait until the last minute to work on the reports and with many reminders from mom. I have explained to them that if they work on them everyday a little bit they wouldn't have to work their butts off near the end. any advice?
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