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Everything posted by Gamom3

  1. I need a carpet cleaner. I love that resolve dry carpet cleaning stuff, but can't afford it to do the whole house every few months or so. My arms couldn't take it either!!! Any suggestions?
  2. SIL is pulling her dd out of school. She was wondering what dates to put on the letter of intent. I told her to put down today's date to start and August 2009 to end. To me she needs to get the attendance record from the school and go from there. Here in GA you have to send in an attendance sheet monthly, showing attendance for 180 days. Any thoughts?
  3. As soon as I finish my flavored creamers I am going to stop drinking coffee for a while..hopefully for good. I don't like hot tea, so that isn't going to work for a substitute. I have heard of people drinking hot water with lemon..I am willing to try it, even though I know it is not going to be the same as my coffee. Any other suggestion?
  4. YUCK!! Ds and I use Skim milk, due to horrible stomach cramps. I am not a milk drinker and rarely eat cereal..I don't like the filmy feeling left in my mouth after eating it!...weird I know
  5. I cleaned out our pantry and found that they were hatching in my flavored and brown rice! It made me feel like I was filthy and unclean..I scrubbed down my pantry and threw away anything that was open or had signs of any larva:ack2: I read online somewhere that if you put your rice in the frig for a few days it will kill anything that might hatch..nasty I know! I have not had any moths since then!! Good luck!!
  6. I want my kids to write more papers...I am not one to come up with ideas on what to write. We were using IEW and it was ok. I learned what I needed and then we went from there. I would have them work on a paper every 2wks..gave them a topic and they went from there. Most of the time they waited until the last minute to do the paper. I would love something that would say write a narrative, research, expository..etc and here are some topics. Then I could use IEW for how to do those papers. Anything out there like that?
  7. Someone e-mailed this to me... Please note the message below. I found that although I had opted out previously, I needed to follow the instructions and opt out again. Yahoo is Tracking Group Members If you belong to ANY Yahoo Groups - be aware that Yahoo is now using "Web Beacons" to track every Yahoo Group user. It's similar to cookies, but allows Yahoo to record every website and every group you visit, even when you're not connected to Yahoo. Look at their updated privacy statement at <http://info.'>http://info.'>http://info.'>http://info. yahoo.com/ privacy/us/ yahoo/details. html> http://info. yahoo.com/ privacy/us/ yahoo/details. html About half-way down the page, in the section on *cookies*, you will see a link that says *WEB BEACONS*. Click on the phrase "Web Beacons." On the page that opens, on the left find a box entitled "Opt-Out." In that section find "opt-out of interest-matched advertising" link that will let you "opt-out" of their snooping. Click it and then click the opt-out button on the next page. Note that Yahoo's invasion of your privacy - and your ability to opt-out of it - is not user-specific. It is MACHINE specific. That means you will have to opt-out on every computer (and browser) you use.
  8. I didnt see any powder HE detergent last time I went shopping so I just purchased regular powder(figured they didn't make HE powder)..I have been using it for a month now and have 3/4 of a box left! Glad I asked.. I hope I haven't messed anything up!!!!
  9. I normally use liquid He detergent, but noticed that it was making our towels smell funny. Can I use any type of powder detergent or does it need to be HE? The reason I ask is either I don't know what to look for or the store I was at doesn't have it.
  10. Chalkdust with both dc next year...ds is already doing Pre-Alg this year and that takes a while to do...watching the videos and then doing the lesson or part of the lesson. I hate for them to dive into that during the summer.
  11. a bit early in a few subjects. Ds...Math in 9wks, English 13wks, Health 6wks, Dd...Math 10wks, Science 14wks, English 13wks, Health 6wks. I am looking for some free worksheets in Math and English for sure. I would like them to do some other things during the summer(yes already looking) to keep their minds fresh, like flash cards and worksheets. I would like to have a worksheet or two in the other subjects as well. I don't like the workbooks that I have gotten in the past...I got one last year and we didn't do half of it. Any good websites for worksheets/flashcards? I don't want to take up their whole summer with school work maybe an hour to an hour and a half a day at the most
  12. and keep the bad to themselves? Dd always has to have the last word and most of the time looks at the negative. We have been trying to figure out how to go about getting her to work on the positive and keeping her mouth closed when needed. We really, really need to get this under control..since it is getting worse. Anyone been there and figured out a way to get things under control?
  13. She has done somethings...I don't know how much is true. I was not an angel at 16, but I was not bad. I talked with her and she wants to change, she does want to be something. She wants to be a fashion designer and own her own hair salon. She told me that she wants to be good and stop hanging around the wrong crowd..how true this is I don't know. I was telling her mom that they are welcome to come here and talk..so we can referee--so to speak. Her mom curses at her and screams...tells her she will never amount to anything. I told her she needs to get that under control. She wants a relationship with her dd, but I don't know how hard she is going to try or my niece. She has been exposed to the horrible things and that is what makes me worry. I spoke with dd this morning and asked her how she would feel about dn to stay the rest of the week..she said yes, she needs help. So she is going to stay the rest of the week...so we can at least keep her from where her mom is going this week. FWIW...dn does not act like a normal 16yr old...she acts more like a 12yr old. It is so hard to say no you are not going to stay, I remember how it was with nephew..he was 4 at the time. It was very, very stressful for me and children..nephew has ADD and ADHD(think thats right). Dh says we should help her if we can as much as we can..but I really want to think this over before making a decision. Dh says she will have to sign her over to us and she will NOT get her back once she does...this means SIL will have to pay child support(State rule). Neice's dad does not want her, but she does not realize this or does, but doesn't want to face the true.
  14. I mentioned my niece(almost 16) a few weeks ago and how she was acting out..possible sex, smoking pot and skipping school? well she has been with my MIL for 2 wks and has been staying with us w/MIL for a few days. I have been talking with her and she has been telling me a little bit(really a lot but not telling the truth half the time) and about her mom(SIL). SIL has a history of not being a good mom(she signed over her oldest son--now 9 to us for 6 months and niece to my other SIL for over a year), but she has been trying over the years to be a better mom. She still has issues with raising her kids...she put them around bad people(she is picking up MIL and niece today and going to a friends house that smokes pot and will be leaving niece to watch all 5 of the kids{including friends kids}) Well here is where I need advice..dh and I were talking last night about her staying with us to help her...she is a grade behind..possibly 2 because she is failing this year. I told dh that I worry about our 2 youngest(soon to be 11 and 13) and what she tells them and what she will possibly do. Right now they are having a good time together, but that will change after a while and then they will act like siblings...I also worry about my dd.. she is very, very sensitive and she comes to tell me things that niece says to her..nothing bad, I have told her to ignore her. So is it possible to help this child who will be 16 the end of Jan? Is it ok to expose her to our 2 dc? Niece is a social bug...we are not ones that do a lot. We are still looking for a church...which I plan on working more harder at. She is definitely going to go through withdraws from how her life was and she is going to show out with me eventually..like all kids do. I have thought about telling SIL to leave her here for the rest of the week..some what like a trial period and stop back by to pick her up on her way home...this will give dh and I more time to discuss things. Thoughts, advice, suggestions?????
  15. comes down Christmas morning. This year we put it up the day after Thanksgiving. We had company coming and they wouldn't be here for Christmas. I was so sick of it so it came down at 8am!
  16. Kids and I were at an Outlet Mall a couple of weeks ago. We stopped by the Tommy Hilfiger store and I saw a purse..it was 40% off!! So I told the kids that is what I wanted and they got it for me.
  17. Dh wants me to go to one store..he has to work..to pick up a toy for him and ds. I would love to go to Kohls to get some clothes for me..I don't buy clothes for me very much and I am in the mood to do so..which is very rare!
  18. Merry Christmas..I hope it is/was a good one!!

  19. putting her up about every 30mins after her doing this, this morning. She has been out for about an hour now and she just ran into the laundry to her litter box and used it! I don't get it. I will call the pound tomorrow..I have 10 day to have her seen by that vet for free..to see if they can check her.
  20. Christmas gifts are unwrapped and now time to put all the decorations away!:hurray::hurray::hurray: Yes, I am serious! I can not stand the decorations up after all the gifts are unwrapped. I see no point in leaving it up for 2 more weeks!!
  21. We have a new kitten, that we got from the pound on Saturday. I have been keeping her in the laundry room at night..where her litter box is at and letting her out during the day. I thought she had figured out where to go,but this morning she peed in the floor..she was downstairs and the laundry room is around the corner. How long do I need to keep an eye on her? Should we keep her out for 30mins then put her up for a bit?
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