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Everything posted by Gamom3

  1. from my parents when we had just gotten married. It tooks us a few years but we paid them back..it basically ate us alive knowing we owed them! Ds has borrowed a little money from Grandparents. He also owes us a little. He knows in his heart that he has to pay it back..he talks about it all the time. Telling me that he wants to get his debts paid as soon as possible. I said all that to say this..if you know this person and know they will pay you back, then yes I would loan them the money. If you know you are not going to get it back then NO. I would loan my family money in a heart beat, as I know it would be paid back if I told them it had to be. I do try to teach my dc that if they borrow something anything, then it needs to be paid back. If I borrow an egg from my neighbor...I will buy them a dozen, just because I put them out..it might have been their last egg. I do not feel comfortable borrowing something and not paying back. I would also get it in writing, even though it is a family member!
  2. Ds will be finishing CD Pre-algebra next month. I do not want to start CD Algebra(don't have the $$ right now). So what would you do until August?
  3. if not..no, but I have thought about it, just so they would be dressed.
  4. We got a kitten in Dec. from the pound. She has horrible gas and has smelly poop. Her poop has a diarrhea smell to it...it's not runny, but it isn't firm(TMI!!). Of course it smells right after she comes out, but it lingers for awhile! She LOVES to eat..she will eat her food(Sophistacat), then eat the dogs food...I do not leave food down, she will eat with the dogs after she has gobbled up hers. Any ideas or thoughts?
  5. I am seriously thinking about charging oldest ds $2 to wash and $2 to dry. I wash clothes DAILY and he will come down with 2 loads from his room once a week..that includes me washing some of his clothes!
  6. I am looking for a nice wine...I do not like red wine at all.
  7. How much do you require your kids to write and how long does it take them? I just talked with the kids about their writing and how we need to really focus on it, making it a priority. I want them to writing in other subjects...I am not one that can pull things out of their subjects or come up with different topics. Thoughts???
  8. We have a friend that is a mover, and he tell us how NASTY someone's house was. Even though his wife is a HORRIBLE housekeeper--yes he complains about that as well..thats why he visits:001_smile:!! I also had another friend that was a great housekeeper, she had an exterminator come out once a month and he commented on how clean her house was every time he came out and he told her how most homes he visits are not very clean.
  9. I have never heard of this:confused: Can someone tell me a bit more about what you use and how?
  10. Thats what was throwing us off. Thanks!!
  11. Ds is working on Direct and Inverse Variations He pretty much understands what to do, but he came upon a problem that has confused him/us. He is using Chalkdust pre-algebra 7.4 Q 37 which is a Physics question Here's the Q: For a constant temperature, the pressure(P) of a gas varies inversely as the volume(V). If the pressure is 25 lb/in^2 when the volume is 400ft^3, find the pressure when the volume is 150ft^3. Round to the nearest hundredth. He thought that the first mentioned would go first..which is what he has been doing the whole chapter. So he was writing P=k/V but the answer key did V=k/P Can someone tell me why? Thanks
  12. She has been out of school since the 2nd week of December..officially pulled out as of Friday She is suppose to be in 10th grade this year, but is still failing 9th grade(she failed all but her 2 electives last semester. So she is ready to do some school work. That is why I mentioned worksheets. Yes, it is busy work but that is what she is wanting right now.
  13. Her mom pulled her out of school as of Friday. She is taking her Thursday to a private school to be tested and then will get her work in a couple of weeks from the school(when they get it in). She is going to stay with us until Thursday. I would love to find some worksheets to keep her occupied until Thursday. Any thoughts???
  14. Ds is needing a metric conversion chart...anyone know where I can find one to print?
  15. My bOOks have been/are hurting really BAD lately. I go to the GYN on Wednesday for my yearly, so I will talk to her. I was told about 6yrs ago(from old GYN) that caffeine will cause cyst in the breast to hurt..so I switched to decaf, now they are hurting again. I try very hard not to drink anything caffeinated--I can tell when I have had a little caffeine. So I figured I needed to quit all decaf and caffeinated drinks. I have been drinking a lot of coffee lately..due to the cold weather.. about 5 cups a day. I don't drink alot of tea..for some reason it makes me sick to my stomach. As of today, no coffee. I did get some apple cider, it's ok I think I could drink a cup of that in the morning and be ok, not happy about the cost though.
  16. I want to have a manicure(once friend treated me) and a pedicure(never had). How much do they run usually and what should I look for--in salons. I would love to get my nails done. I have really long nails, but they tend to break and eventually split, so they are never all the same length. My SIL has her nails done, but she said she has a certain kind put on that doesn't damage her nails. I think she said gel nails or something like that. She said they are very expensive to put on $50 and keep up $30.
  17. I don't know why..I don't want her to get to our new couch!!! I have heard of putting doublesided tape on the edges to make then not want to do that, but I am worried about it leaving tape residue on my couch. Is there a spray that smells good to us that they can't stand that will keep her away and not scratch?? I will pick up a spray bottle today
  18. I keep meaning to pick up a spray bottle. I keep her nails cut, but they grow back so quickly. We had a cat a while back and someone had trimmed her nails for us and they did such a WONDERFUL job..you couldn't tell she had nails for about a week and a half! It was SO nice! We don't leave her out when we are not here or at night...I do not want her messing up our furniture. I will definitely get a water bottle today!
  19. I shop once a month at Walmart, Sam's Club and Costco...they are all on the same road(about 13miles from house). There are 2 Walmart's 5 miles from house..different directions, which I will not do my grocery shopping at. The one that is 13 miles from me is cheaper! About every 5 months I go to the Tyson Chicken plant(18 miles from house) to get our chicken. I go every other week to get milk and bread from Publix(1 mile from house).
  20. I purchased the kitten size and they are to big. All but one has come off and I glued them on really well, they are just to big for her. I have cut her nails and cut her nails, she still claws at my couch!!!:angry: I know that she will do this, I purchased a scratching post..she won't even look at it! She is a little over 3 months old..shouldn't those things fit her?!?!?
  21. I was not impressed! I saw a couple of things...milk and broth that I was a good buy, but other than that, it was the same (some higher) price as where I shop.
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