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Everything posted by Gamom3

  1. I am going vegetarian as of 2wks ago. I am in need of recipes. I love pasta, rice and veggies(of course) The thing is I only know of a couple of recipes. I have no idea what to fix for lunch. I do not like tofu! All the recipes I see online have tofu. I don't want to spend a lot of money, since I am the only one in our family of 5 wanting to do this. Any thoughts?
  2. only $99, which got me thinking that the ones on ebay would be about the same. I will have to look more into it then. Thanks!
  3. Just curious if anyone has purchased starter instruments off of ebay. Dc will be joining a homeschool band next year. We took them last night to the music store, so they could choose which instrument they wanted to play. Ds chose the clarinet and dd the violin. When we got home I looked on ebay and saw a lot of clarinets and violins. Dh is worried about purchasing something so cheap. I understand that, but the rental price of those instruments are a bit pricey! IMO Anyone have experience or thoughts in purchasing instruments off ebay??
  4. http://www.metacafe.com/watch/2803550/greg_pritchard_britains_got_talent_show_5_05_09_09/ Greg Pritchard on Britain's Got Talent
  5. for about 4yrs now. They have been around for 10yrs. It was created by some homeschool parents, looking for more outside classes for their children and more structure. They are accredited. We looked somewhat into it a couple of years ago for our oldest, but didn't follow through with it. Saturday we went to a friends graduation there. All of the kids(20 graduates) were going on to college and 15 out of the 20 had scholarships! The school starts taking children at 6th grade. They are looking at adding 4th and 5th, which would only be 2 days a week. Price wise they are not that bad at all.
  6. We are considering a private 3 day a week school for dc for 2010/2011. The other 2 days they will be home. It is a very rigorous and strict school! We know they will get a very good education there. I am wanting to get the kids ready. I know I need to focus on writing and math this coming year. I have signed them up for an online writing course for the summer and plan on using Keys to Math series for the summer. I am considering Classical Conversations for the up coming year for writing and latin. What else would you do to prepare them? They have never been to a "school" with structure. They have been in an few co-op's and a few outside classes. They will be in 7th and 9th grade when/if we send them.
  7. If your dc was going into Algebra next year..which of the keys would you do over the summer? What are some good books to do over the summer for a 6th grader?
  8. We are looking at joining a CC group. Can we choose not to do classes? I am not sure what all is taught, but we like our math, science, history and english that we do at home. The only thing we need is Latin and IEW. Dc will be in the Essentials(I think dd will be in 6th grade) and the Challenge program.
  9. If so what have you found to be the best at home product to be?
  10. I plan on the dc doing a hour or so of school work each day and go to the pool for a couple of hours. Dc and I are going visit grandparents for a week mid-June, other than that nothing else. All the camps around here are so expensive $200+ a week per child. That is more than I want to spend for a week! Vacation Bible School will be held the week we are gone, so that is out.
  11. Taco salad Fried Chicken w/broc. and rice Fried pork chops w/broc and corn Lasagna Spaghetti hamburgers and fries Chili Beef Stew Steak/bake potatoe--once a month or so Beef stir fry Chicken Stir fry sloppy joes The other thing is lunch on the go for me and the kids Normally we take a turkey sandwich and some chips or crackers..what to take in place of this, that would be easy to eat in the car? OH...we do not like tofu. We all tried it and did not like it at all!
  12. Curious as to what you eat for the week
  13. I'm not a big meat eater as it is, so alot of the meat that I cook goes to the side..spaghetti and chicken alfredo
  14. You really have to know how to season them! We are use to seasoning with fatback or ham.
  15. I was wondering if any vegetarians have others in the house that aren't If so, how do you go about fixing meals and how does it affect your budget? Do you spend more or less? There would be 3 non-veg in our house.
  16. He drove home. He called me and told me(just as y'all said he would) that the 6 shots of numbing meds hurt like all get out! The Dr. removed both sides of the toenail and left the middle. The Dr. told him that it was good that he came in when he did, he said it would have been much, much worse if he waited longer. Ds asked the Dr. to save his nail for him, so he brought it home:lol:, thats his baby! Ds is to go back next week for a follow up. Oh, the numbing med. wore off about 20 mins after he left the Dr's office! He only has tylenol to take for pain.
  17. Unfortunately he didn't take any open toed shoes with him. He had to go to school and then is leaving after that to go to the Dr. What did you wear afterward and how long did it take before they were able to wear a shoe? Thanks again!
  18. Ds is going to the podiatrist today to have an toenail removed. I am wondering if I need to take him or if he will be able to drive home. Ds showed me a video this morning of someone having their toenail removed and it looks REALLY painful! I have a history of passing out at things like that and sometimes after the fact. My kids have never passed out, so I am not sure if they will do like me. What do you think?
  19. Dc are 13 and 11. Ds finished pre-algebra and dd finished 6th grade TT. I am only wanting them to work a hour or two each day. I already have plans for grammar, history, writing and science. Now I am looking for math. I would love something with 5 -10 problems a day.
  20. The only reason I was putting the two together is because I haven't been swimming and the cold is the only thing I could think of that would cause this. I only take showers and I don't turn my ears into the water flow. It feels like there is fluid in my ear---which reminds me of swimmers ear. I thought maybe the remedies for that would help me. The Dr. checked my ears--no ear infection.
  21. I have been sick for about 6wks now...Dr. said walking pneumonia. I am finally getting over it---I hope! I feel like I have water on my ear. Is there anything I can do to relieve the press that it puts on my ear? Dr. checked my ears about 2 1/2 wks ago. I don't know if it was caused by the cold or happened when I was in the shower. My mom told me that my Aunt would mix peroxide and alcohol together and put it in her kids ears after swimming and surfing to help with swimmers ear. Advice??
  22. I was wondering if you purchase the science kits or do you build them yourself? If you build them yourself, where do you find some of the items like; iron filings pack, spools, thermometer (what type), dowel(what size)?
  23. Dd is only 11(just turned), already has an attitude. She can be the sweetest child out there, very thoughtful to others(outside the home). BUT, she has a mouth on her---she just doesn't know how to shut it when she needs to. She ends up in trouble 99.99% of the time due to running her mouth. She is very sensitive and cries at the drop of a hat. When we get onto her about it, she ask why we are upset with her. She doesn't realize what she is doing. Dh says, she will eventually figure it out. I don't think she will! I think it is going to get worse, if we don't get it under control now. Also, I really need to learn how to handle myself when she starts running her mouth. Any book suggestions? Advice?
  24. We saw about 20 Terracotta Warriors in Atlanta last week and I was so amazed! I would LOVE to see them in China! WOW what a wonderful trip!
  25. I have been sick for about 5 wks now. I went to the Dr., Wednesday will be 2 wks ago. They gave me Biaxin for 10 days, which I finished on Friday. I called today, because I have not gotten any better. They called in a prescription for Levaquin 500mg--1 pill a day. The side affects say, "May cause dizziness or lightheadedness" in capital bold print. Tomorrow we have an educational day at the zoo. I have already paid for(a month ago) and I really don't want my kids to miss it. I was wondering if I take a pill now, would you think most of the affects if any would have subsided by 12pm tomorrow??? I am tempted to wait until tomorrow to start the medicine. What do you think???
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