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Everything posted by Gamom3

  1. How do you keep cats from messing up your furniture? We got a kitten yesterday(not a munchkin)..I will try to post pics tomorrow we still don't have a name! We had a cat a while back and it just didn't work out...it was very mean, but it would claw at our furniture, this is something that is a BIG NO at our house. I don't want to regret getting this one and hope there is a way to not have her claw the furniture. When we had our other cat fixed they clipped her nails and it was like she didn't have any..they were so smooth and they didn't hurt when she attacked..again a very mean cat! I did clip the kitten's nails, but they are still sharp.
  2. Anyone have these? Dh suprisingly wants a cat. I saw these cute kittens online and wanted to see if anyone has one. If so are there any health or other problems I should know of? I know we will have to wait..since I haven't been able to find a local breeder. Any advice?
  3. a tomboy? Ds' girlfriend is a tomboy..doesn't wear makeup, loves video games, outdoors. I thought about getting her some funky socks and a knit hat..which she likes. What are your thoughts? They have been dating for a yr and a half.
  4. I am looking for something to give my neighbors for Christmas. We normally give baked goods. We gave cookies last year and brownies the year before that. I thought about making some onion bread..but haven't made that in YEARS!
  5. we are going to cook a roast for Christmas dinner. We want roast, mashed potatoes/gravy, green beans and a few other veggies. I normally put potatoes, carrots and onions in mine, but we don't want that for Christmas. Does anyone have one with out putting any veggies in with the roast and a good gravy recipe?
  6. $200 each..which we pretty much stuck with I spent around $90 on dh and the kids spent $40 on me..oldest son I don't know how much he has spent on us..we told him not to, but since he is working now he thought he should.
  7. SIL called last night to talk..she said she had just called the police on her daughter. That she had been with someone that was smoking pot and that she is pretty sure she was too. Niece has been skipping school, SIL talked with the school and they said they can't do anything unless she is caught..ok what is the school doing if they don't catch these kids!?!?! Also a sub told her that, if daughter is wanting to have s*x then they will AT school. The school does NOTHING!!! She also said that she has not passed a grade since 6th grade that they have just been pushing her through. Niece also has a cell phone that is NOT hers, she put pictures on it..showing her in her undies..that she made her little brother take! She has been having s*x in her mom's home while mom is at work! She has been stealing from her mom. Last night SIL had had it and called the police asking them to help her, they came out and said there was nothing that they could do. SIL asked them if they could take her to YDC or something. They said no. Niece looked at mom and said, "See they didn't do anything!" When we were growing up if you skipped school you went to YDC. SIL said she had talked with someone that said she has to go through steps and she has to go to juvenile court to file papers on her daughter!!! She is upset that she can't get help now before it's to late! Other than filing the papers she doesn't know what to do. Right now SIL's bf is taking daughter to a friends house about 3hrs away so she can get the paper work done and have her monitored...this is the only thing she knows to do. She is a single mom of 3 and works M-F 8-5. She called daughter's dad and her dad said do what you have to, I don't want her!! I asked her if she could have her dropped off at her job so she could be watched at all times, she said she didn't have a way to do that since she gets out at 3:30, the bus doesn't come down that street and she can't leave work at that time and it doesn't help her skipping class/school. She said she thought about boarding school, but she can't afford it. She is afraid for her younger two. She said her sons teacher called and said they were concerned for ds, that he has been writing about how he wishes ds would stop beating on them!!! So she is hurting the younger two children while mom is not around. She is probably threatening them if they tell mom that she is going to hurt them or someone else will! Anyone have any advice or suggestions?? OH niece is 15 will be 16 in January
  8. Zoom Dick and Jane Zathra Indian Jones Home Alone..ds likes the 3rd one the best X-men Transformers Lord of the Rings Sorry these are movies ds likes
  9. a litte down from the curve of my armpit, going to my b00k there is a VERY VERY sore spot and it is hard. When I sleep at night it becomes extremely sore, but during the day it doesn't bother me as much...have not clue why. I don't go to see the GYN until January. I do have cysts, but normally all of my b00k hurts not just a certain area. any ideas??
  10. I purchased some flaxseed oil pills today. They are 2400mg per serving. It says to take 2 with a meal 2 to 3 times a day. I plan on taking these as well as ds--almost 13. Is this to much to take for him? I am not sure if I can remember to take them 3 times and a day and 2 pills at one sitting 3x. If I take to many pills it kills my stomach..even if I have eaten. I can't imagine what it would do to ds! Also is taking fish oil to much? What about vit. E. I take for cyst.
  11. Ds was suppose to start chapter 7 today. I stopped him because he will be at the end of the chapter and then off for 2wks. I told him to wait until after the holiday. I have added up the time left in the book. He normally does a chapter in 2 days, a few in 1 day. If he keeps doing what he is doing then he will finish the curriculum the end of February or the beginning of March. What are we going to do for the next 4 1/2 months?? I don't want to start Algebra and then drop it in May, then pick it up in August and I don't even own it yet. Is there something that we could do to keep his mind fresh??
  12. I know I am going to get some nasty feed back from some but We did this a few years ago to our dog. She had a nasty cut. We cleaned it REALLY well and stitched her up. She healed fine! My mom use to stitch up her animals all the time...when the vet would do his rounds he saw what she had done and would say she did a great job. Alot of our neighbors would call her.
  13. My whole body is dry...legs, arms, hands, face and lips. My hands and fingers are extremely dry. Yesterday dc were in a parade and I was helping them dressing their animal, while dressing them my thumb just starting bleeding...he didn't do anything to me, I guess my thumb was cold and dry that it split and bled... for a LONG time! I have been putting lotion and chapstick on, but its not helping! I need a good lotion! Any suggestions??
  14. My whole body is dry...legs, arms, hands, face and lips. My hands and fingers are extremely dry. Yesterday dc were in a parade and I was helping them dressing their animal, while dressing them my thumb just starting bleeding...he didn't do anything to me, I guess my thumb was cold and dry that it split and bled... for a LONG time! I have been putting lotion and chapstick on, but its not helping! I need a good lotion! Any suggestions??
  15. with the system?? When we purchased ours it came with a game that had tennis, baseball, golf and bowling. Just thought I would mention that, just in case she purchased one..this way if she did she can take it back to get another game. Mario Cart is really fun We don't have the accessories and I wouldn't purchase them.
  16. I wanted to use this year and cover geography. The curriculum I purchased was not a hit. I thought about pulling things together on my own...which is not happening. I need something to follow. Dc are 5th and 7th graders. I need to find something asap! they love making the maps. I just don't know where to turn!
  17. I want to dye batting. Dc are going to be in a parade this weekend. I need to dye some batting pink. I am wondering if the batting will just bunch together during the process...any thoughts? I plan on using kool-aid to dye the material.
  18. anyone know where I can purchase these?
  19. http://www.autoupkeep.com/kit/ Someone sent this to me and I thought I would pass it along.
  20. Ds loves to build things and I had heard talk last year about folks on here purchasing these, but I wanted to see if anyone purchased them for teens. How did they like them? Also can you tell me if this is a good kit? http://www.snap-circuits.com/phpstore/catalog/Snap-Circuits-SC-500-6.html
  21. Both SOTW and all the fixing Rod and Staff Grammar 7th grade any science material for 6th grade?
  22. I think most homeschoolers look at outside classes as socialization time. So homework is not that important as it would be in school. My dc have a hard time turning in their reports on time to me. I have to remind them every day to start on it and then really have to push them near the end. I have told them from now on I it will be on their schedule and if they don't turn it in, in time. They have to pay the consequences.
  23. My mom purchased them for us about 2yrs ago. I know they aren't the best out there. BUT, my mom has cookware that she has had for 20yrs and has never had a problem like this and its the real cheap stuff!
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