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Everything posted by mafi39

  1. I have two children a dd 7 and ds6. They are both doing first grade this year. My ds is moving right along with his reading and doing quite well. However my dd 7 is really struggling. We are using alphaphonics and she hates it. She will stubb up and get really moody if she misses a word or can't figure one out. It will take her forever to do one page. We are also using explode the code and she likes them, but again we are moving slowly through them. We are just now starting book 3. I really feel like I should have been doing a complete reading program with her with a teacher's manual, lessons and all that. Now I have the dilema of putting her in second and she most definitely won't be on a second grade level. Are there any good reading programs that she could ease into? We looked at 100 easy lessons...she did not like it. She will read a few bob books but only ones she has practiced 20 times and has memorized. I know she will get it one day, but I want a good program that will help her progress. Any suggestions? We are using my father's world for 2nd grade and rod and staff for math. we do FLL, should I do writing with ease 1 or 2? thanks!
  2. Saxon math... jumps around too much, bored me and the kids to tears! Horizons math....too scattered and I hate the teacher's manual Alpha Phonics....thought it would be simple, read lists of words, sentences, etc.. my daughter nearly has a complete meltdown when I bring it out. My son does it fine, but she Hates it! Sonlight....I love the booklist, but who wants to read 3 pages one day and then pick up another book for 2 more pages? Made me crazy! SOTW....I Love this book but my kids, not so much, so I have struggled to be faithful to it, lol
  3. Oh my goodness! You all are cracking me up! :lol::lol::lol: my dd 7 is the same way and I was getting all stressed out thinking she is never going to read! Now I am going to take a deep breath relax and try not to scream everytime a bob book takes 30 minutes. I even taught 1st grade, but that never stressed me out like this has this year. I loooove to read, but I hate teaching my dd how to! I'm so glad I am not alone.
  4. What a blessing that was for you to share that! That is my goal in hs. that my children love and serve the Lord when they grow up!
  5. Thank you too donna for the awesome review. My children are in first grade and I debated long and hard on whether to use mfw. I decided not to use it because at the time, I thought it was expensive :) I have pieced together my curriculum and have probably spent more than if I had just bought the deluxe package like i wanted too. I should have listened to that gentle nudging from the Lord. I have the teachers manual for 2nd grade ( it was given me) and i love it! I will use mfw next year for sure and not doubt the program again! It has everything I want in a curriculum (hands on, biblical worldview, multi-age ability). Teaching my children in the ways of the Lord is most important to me and if it does that, then it has my vote!
  6. Thanks for the replies everyone. The only concern i had was that r&s had 170 lessons and we have been in school for 2 months already. So we will be doing math into the summer. Which i guess will be good for them anyway. I might order couple of cle light units to do with r&s. These programs are both so cheap that i can't go wrong financially with either of them. I just didn't like the way that saxon's lessons did not go with the worksheet given only 1 or 2 problems. My dd is not real secure with her numbers and she needs to master the content I think. Thanks again!
  7. I have two first grade students. We are using saxon 1 for first grade. I know some of you use saxon 2, but there was no way my two were ready for that. I am not loving saxon at all. I don't think I like the spiral approach. I hate that our whole lesson today was on weighing things on a scale, but that there wasn't anything about that on their worksheet to complete. They are doing beginning addition and are doing quite well with it. But the lessons are driving me crazy! We will have a lesson on pattern blocks, but then the worksheet might onlyl have one thing on the page about the actual lesson:confused: I have looked at R&S and I have seen the great reviews on it. I could make the switch relatively cheaply. Would you make the switch now? Is it too late? I don't want to second guess myself, but I feel math is important and I want them to have a strong foundation in math. Should I just stick it out? Will it get better? Help!!!!
  8. We are going to myrtle beach next week for a few days. What things are there to do relatively cheap for homeschool families? we won't have a ton of money to spend, but if we can squeeze in one or two activities, that will be great! TIA:)
  9. so how much does a disney cruise cost? Say, for a family of four, two adults, two young children? This sounds amazing!!! Just give me a ball-park figure.
  10. How exciting for you. If you all don't mind, what would a trip for four to italy cost in a either a cruise or just to go over there for say a week to 10 days. Is that long enough? I would love to take my children when they are a bit older (they are 5,6) and maybe I need to start saving now! Thanks!
  11. Impish, I hope that you are able to make it through this awful event that is ahead of you. I feel so bad for your dh. My children are adopted and yes, God told me to adopt as well. But they are the light of my lives! I wish it had been the same for your dh. Adopted children have enough to deal with when they grieve the loss of their bio family. We as adoptive parents have a high calling and it offends me when people like your MIL abuse that precious gift.....Keep us posted on how it turns out!
  12. I'm in Tn too and there is no way I could afford all the supplies listed for my county! I bought lots of crayons, markers, pencils, glue, folders, notebooks and I might have spent 40 bucks on all of it. It will last me the whole year and I'm glad I don't have to worry about new clothes and all that just yet. I do like to buy the kids one new outfit and new shoes, (that's just part of starting the new school year!) but that is it!
  13. If I see that Saxon is going to slow, can I double up on lessons in the beginning? Does it get harder as the year progresses? The first few lessons look like lots of review so it will move faster, I just don't want to move too fast. Plus, there are only 130 lessons, so we will be done way early, so I guess we could start on 2nd grade if that happens?
  14. I have two first graders this year ds 5 and dd6. Can you look over what I have and give any suggestions about what I need to add or change? Math- Saxon- daily (this was given to me, so I will use it and if I don't like it I will switch to MUS) Reading- Alphaphonics, ETC, Five in Row- Daily Draw-write-now- 2x a week FLL- How often should I do this since there is only 100 lessons? SOTW- I got the Vol. 1 given to me but I don't have the activity book. Do I need it for first grade or should I just use it as a read aloud? How often should I use it? Journal writing, nature walks-2x a week Science will be incorporated with FIAR and lots of read alouds, nature walk, etc. We are going to do a monthly composer study which will include books from the library and music about that composer. Bible will be daily and probably what I make up or if anyone has suggestions for an easy cheap curriculum for this age, suggest away! Can you think of anything I am missing? I want to make sure I cover everything, but also don't want to overwhelm the kids. I don't think any of this will take more than 2-3 hours a day with lots of breaks in between. Any help or suggestions are appreciated. TIA!
  15. I've had severe anemia from extremely long menstrual cycles (think 60 days) I basically lost half my blood. I waited too long to see a doctor and by the time I did I needed 2 pints of blood with an overnight hospital stay. The next time it happened I needed 6 pints over a month period plus 2 nights in the hospital. I also had to take iron for 6 months. That is nasty stuff! It is very serious, if your blood count gets too low you can have a heart attack. I know that I was so weak I couldn't walk up 4 steps without being winded. I was very pale, almost gray some people said. It was scary. I will never get in that situation again. Take care of yourself! I also ate lots of red meat, green veggies. Research foods high in iron, your body really needs it.
  16. Yes, we spank. It's not the only method of discipline we use, but it's the quickest attitude adjuster :) All kids are different, my dd is the type to get spanked very rarely and only when her attitude is disrespectful, my ds is more rowdy and into everything, and a spanking works well with him. I don't just spank and leave it at that, there is a whole discussion about why they are getting a spanking. We discuss attitudes or the misbehavior, spank, talk to them, love them and they go on about their day. When my son was 2,3,4 he was spanked more often than now. I also believe in the bible 100% and I want them to know and fear the Lord. I teach them about kindness, love, honesy, respectfullness and I do think it will pay off.
  17. I have two children a ds 5 and dd 6 who will be starting first grade work. They both know all their sounds and can sound out simple words, but no fluency here :( My ds is very bright, but I don't think he will be as eager to learn to read this year, so I will focus on my dd more until he shows interest. I am going to use alphaphonics, ETC, whatever I can get my hands on to help them.
  18. Thanks for the suggested lists and sites. It will keep me busy! Keep 'em coming!
  19. I have two children that will be starting first grade next year. What are some books you loved for read alouds for this age? I would like to make a big list so I can start finding the books or seeing if the library has them. I have a 5yo. ds and a 6yo dd. TIA!
  20. my children 5 and 6 occasionally take naps if we have had a really busy weekend, they may take one on Monday. It just depends on if they are overly tired. Their bedtime is 8:00 most nights unless we are out. We also do quiet time each day where they are in their own rooms looking at books or doing their leap pad or something.
  21. I have never experienced the joy of pregnancy nor the heartache of miscarriage, but I know the pain of infertility. My husband and I prayed for 7 years for children, went through thousands of dollars of fertility treatments and was never successful. But God had a different plan for us and it was adoption. We adopted a sister/brother at 2 and 3 years old. They are the best thing that has ever happened to us! They are now 5 and 6 and the joy of our lives. And I get the privilege of hs them! I did find out that I had endometriosis and pcos through all of my treatments and a surgery. Will I ever be pregnant? I don't know, but I do know I want to adopt again, what a blessing it is. Maybe a doctor can rule out any underlying causes. Hang in there! :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  22. I tend to do laundry twice a week. Usually M/Th or M/F if we are busy on Th (co-op day) Folding clothes to me is very therapeutic for some odd reason. I always fold the clothes and put it all on my bed and at the end of the day when it's all done the children put theirs away and we put ours away. Sometimes the folded clothes get put in a basket until the next day if it's late and we forgot to put away before bed. But by doing it on my bed, it's gets cleared off by the end of the day. I also use a towel for about a week before I wash it and so does everyone else. Sheets are changed weekly, usually Monday's and dish cloths and towels are changed every few days. We always wash clothes if they have been worn all day. My kids play hard outside and are sweaty and stinky!:)
  23. I am debating about going year round or taking a summer break. I talked to a lady at my co-op and she said they definitely take a break because she needs time to just be mom. I totally agree with this, because it's exhausting sometimes. But I don't want my kids to forget everything we've learned! They will be in first grade next year. Do you stop in may and start back up in august or sept.? Or do you go all year with breaks? Or would you do a break and only school one or two days a week to keep it all fresh? Help from the experienced hs moms!!!
  24. This is my first year hs. While we have had a good year, I feel I sorely lacked in the planning department. I used to teach school and I was a planning queen, but you have to be with 20 kids! I feel like this year, I kind of flew by the seat of my pants. How many of you plan out your year? Do you plan a week at a time, two weeks, month? Do you use a planner? I saw someone mention binders, who uses them and how do you use them? I guess I feel I need to be a little more organized for next year. I have a 6 dd and 5yo ds and a 6 yo niece and they will all be doing 1st grade work for the most part! Here's the subjects I have so far. I am either going to us MFW 1st or HOD (can't decide, they both look great!) MUS (not 100% sure yet, will check them out at curriculum fair) AlphaPhonics (maybe Explode the Code or CLP) Co-op classes once a week and weekly trips to the library What else would you add? Thanks!
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