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Everything posted by OnTheBrink

  1. That's so wonderful! My church has been very supportive and helpful to me, too. I even had a deacon tell me a few weeks ago that he feels I have been doing too much and that I should take a break (I'm a deaconess). He even suggested that he and I meet with the pastor to find ways to make my kitchen duties a bit lighter. I was so touched and really felt loved that someone noticed that I've been working on a lot of things. And, the pastor agreed and we have some new policies in place. I'm glad your church is so supportive. :)
  2. I have gone back to using Mary Kay Timewise facial cleanser and moisturizer. I also use MK cosmetics. I've used a lot of brands, and this has always worked so well on my skin. I have also used Burt's Bees products and like them, but MK is just a bit better.
  3. I would. Wait, is it homemade icing? If so, yes; if not, no. :)
  4. I'm helping a friend by planning meals for her for the next two weeks. One of the things she abhors is making lunches for the kids to take to school. I'm thinking, they could make their own lunches, provided she do a bit of prep work on Sunday. SO, I need some ideas on things these two children can put in lunches that wouldn't require their mother's full attention. Besides, it's a good lesson in taking responsibility if these girlies can take on that chore for themselves. Ideas?
  5. I have never started a thread that went to 9 pages. Can I have a cookie? :D
  6. I hope I don't get in trouble for this, but n*pple stimulation or s-*-x should bring it on!
  7. ROFL! I call it butt floss, too. And, I can tell you, I'm pretty conservative. However, I was raised with an artsy mother who took me to museums and let me see nudity in art and I never equated artistic nudity with anything negative. Obviously, there's a line in the sand; pornography is unacceptable, but that's not art. I have no issues with my daughter seeing artistic nudity, in an appropriate context. God made our bodies, fearfully and wonderfully, and while modesty is a good thing and something I want my daughter to practice, I think it's counter productive to a child's self-image to teach that the human body is an ugly, dirty thing. I'm obviously coming from a Christian world-view, and I can't see how we can teach children that they're children of the Heavenly Father, who does all things and creates all things perfectly, yet tell them their bodies-that He created- are ugly. This is just another reason out of the 10 million that I love that I can homeschool. I can allow my daughter to see a nekkie Greek statue if I choose to and others don't have to! Ain't homeschooling grand? LOL
  8. I said religious, but really, it's just a very informal group of the homeschooling families from church. We don't have covenants or bylaws or anything. In fact, I head it up and we meet monthly for potlucks and the kids do presentations/reports, whatever the theme is for that month. I don't belong to any formal groups, because I just don't want to be bothered by the politics and/or religious conflicts. I don't have time for it.
  9. Fridays are typically mental health days for me. Today, I'm going to the Salvation Army book sale, ALONE!
  10. Why is it people assume you (general you) would just love to watch their kids, any old time they want you to? Makes me wonder how many people are that self-centered or are they just that oblivious? I used to watch an infant, that I stopped watching because the mother couldn't be bothered to let me know if she didn't need me that day, or she'd not let me know she was working late and a scad of other reasons. She was very put off that I expected some common courtesy. She then wanted me to watch not only her infant, but her sister's infant as well. She knew I homeschooled my own child, but figured I could do two infants as well, since I was home all day anyway. :eek: Add to the situation that the sister was schizophrenic, was not med compliant and acted out violently. No, I don't think I want to be involved in that situation at all! What are people thinking sometimes? (I did, btw, give the family some resources for help with the mentally ill sister--professionals who could give some real help. I was NOT equipped to deal with that situation in any way!)
  11. I have to say, I'm totally flabbergasted at the treatment many on this thread have received from "Christians." Seriously. I'm not naive, or sheltered, or special, but if someone at my church treated people the way I've seen described here, they'd be taken to task over it, and quite seriously. I'm shocked and deeply saddened by this. It's not what Christianity is supposed to be. Children condemning other children to hell? Blows my mind. I can tell you, if my daughter ever said such a thing to anyone, well, let's just say the consequences would be swift and serious. And, I am sure I can speak for every single one of my friends that they'd do the same. I appreciate the honesty everyone has given.
  12. Thank you. I need hand-holding. I'll just not fix what really ain't broken! :D
  13. Thanks! We'll stick with spelling another year, then.
  14. We're using R&S now, and it's fine, but I saw so many who liked CLE, I'm wondering what the differences are. Also, can someone link me to CLE? Thanks
  15. I'm really sorry for what you're going through. I pray his issues can be resolved and that you can feel peace.
  16. What brand is your stove? I'm planning on getting a glass top one, and I want a good one, not one I have to work at.
  17. I'm so sorry. That is just heartbreaking news. I hope he either gets a grip and settles down; if he can't, it's better she know this now and not after she's married and has children. Poor thing. :(
  18. GothicGyrl, Wow. I am sorry you've had those experiences. I've never felt I had to defend my choice of friends, or dress, or activities in my church and if I had to, I'd be pretty ticked about it. I appreciate your and the other responses and the honesty. And, I truly hope I've NOT come across as holier-than-thou or judgmental here. I certainly don't *feel* that way, that I'm better than anyone or that I am judging them.
  19. I'm supposed to have fun? Huh. LOL I have no fun M-Th. It's school, care for the toddler I watch, more school, pick up the two kids I help with, dinner, clean up, flop on the chair and try to read. If it's Tuesday, I have to run to either 4H or Titus 2 ministry or Bible study. If it's Wednesday, dd's sewing class and church; Thursday is music class. By Thursday afternoon, I'm spent. Friday, I work at my pt office job, do laundry and any grocery shopping. Saturday, I zone out; Sunday, church and Monday, we do it all over. I do try to wiggle in some down time on the weekends, but since most of my friends are married and have family things to do, most often I'm on my own. I try to read or do a craft or something, but often I'm just bored.
  20. That would be odd. I mean, if I just got a thing saying it can't connect, I'd assume server issues, but I get redirected to a page that says the domain has expired, and I clicked from the link you posted, as well as googled her blog. I've never posted any comments to her blog, good or bad, so I don't think she's blocked me. Very strange!
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