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Everything posted by MegP

  1. I had never heard the word "woo" before...so I was asking what that meant, not just in reference to a "woo friend." I didn't take it in a negative way at all. I have "woo friends" too. :)
  2. I would never do that and I would probably find a new doctor. One who is versed in actual science.
  3. A bit OT but doesn't the school have filters on their computers?
  4. Haven't there been news stories about cases of medical neglect where CPS got involved due to stuff like this-treating a serious condition like asthma with natural products that do nothing and are in some cases, dangerous?
  5. So what do you say to these people? It gets very tiring.
  6. even daily coffee enemas? (shudder)
  7. What I don;t get is, why others feel the need to give you medical advice that you never asked for.
  8. How about, "Thanks for the advice, but I don't believe in natural medicine. "
  9. Did you know that coffee enemas, performed daily, will cure learning disabilities? LOL
  10. Stop nagging and reminding, and give him a consequence.
  11. Block the numbers and the calls will stop.
  12. I meant to add that the Love and Logic strategy of handing the problem back to the teen is a great technique. Love and Logic materials rock!
  13. I totally agree with Texas Mom. I would not micromanage, and then on Saturday when she wants a ride to the mall or whatever, say, "Bummer. I give rides to kids who have all their schoolwork done."
  14. Yes, discussing toys and positions is not something I plan to ever do!
  15. If it does not "come up," then I think as parents, we need to bring it up. I am not saying this to judge you-I am saying this as one who wishes she had done a better job of this, and talked to the kids much earlier and more often.
  16. I remember getting a "starter kit" in a green box that contained pads, tampons, pantiliners, and a book.
  17. Another poster in this thread -http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/588593-sowhat-did-your-parents-teach-you-about-sx-birth-control-etc/page-2?do=findComment&comment=6861489 mentioned that her kids never asked anything about sex...which, in some cases, means the parents may not be giving out information as much or as early if the kids had asked. So what if the kids don't ask? Did you get out a book and read it to them, or set up situations (like a trip to the zoo in mating season or something! ) that would spark a question?
  18. Mine didn't ask anything, and I ended up waiting too long to talk to them. If I could do it over, I would talk to them more often and at a younger age. I think a new thread is a great idea.
  19. Not sure if you want something from a Christian perspective, but I recently bought a book called "Love, Sex, and God" (it says it is for ages 14 and up) that covers STDs, anatomy (there are drawings of a male and female, standing, as well as another drawing of the genitals of each) . The book also mentions (briefly) oral and anal sex, transgender issues, dating, marriage, how to know when you are ready to have a baby, etc.
  20. In some very ultraconservative Christian homeschooling circles, parents do not talk to their kids (even teens) about sex. I have actually heard of groups that advocate only talking to their kids before their wedding night, and not before. How they get through high school biology is beyond me. I think maybe their teens know that basic facts (ie, how parts fit together, sperm, egg, etc) but nothing else. Nothing about STDs or birth control (the adults often don't use any in many families) or oral or anal sex or masturbation or that people have sex for fun (not just to make babies). I know people like this in real life so I know there are people out there who really believe this.
  21. It is creepy that she patterns her life after yours. Like only lets her kids watch TV shows that you let your own kids watch. That borders on obsessive, in my opinion.
  22. She does not sound healthy at all. Sounds like a stalker , almost! I would not want to be friends with someone like that. Creepy and weird!
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