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Everything posted by MistyMountain

  1. My kids are like this. It comes from dh who did brush his teeth growing up and ate healthier then I did but his teeth are in horrible shape. It worries me that their teeth will end up like his. I on the other hand never had a cavity and I did drink juice growing up and ate unhealthy stuff more often. I am not sure what to do. We eat relatively healthy. They do not have juice or soda or any other drink like that and they brush their teeth and use kid flossers.
  2. My kids have fires and the apps are not slow. The apps on the iPad that the fire also has run the same. I have used the same apps on both before and there is no difference. When they play on prodigy it actually runs a little better on the fire. There are some apps I could not get on the fire though. I think the kids fire is not worth it and free time is useless. I had to put the kids on an adult profile because they could not listen to Amazon music or adiobooks on a kid profile which is lame. I put parental controls on the adult profile. I wish there were more settings for controls like limiting them to certain site or taking certain books off but some things are all or nothing.
  3. My kids cycled through liking and not liking listening to books as babies and toddlers and definitely went through stages where they did not like it. I do not even remember exact ages this occurred but they all came to like being read to again. My child who took a while to appreciate books now is the one who can listen to them the longest. Stages pass by quickly and that is a very typical phase for a toddler to go through.
  4. I got magnatile and off brand magnet blocks. They are interchangeable and held up well. I cannot even tell the difference unless I really wanted to separate them out. They got a lot of use.
  5. I liked the movie growing up. I haven't watched it in a while but I would watch it again. It does have some really funny parts to me. Just today I was thinking of the mom bundling the little brother up and how he could barely walk afterwards and how his brother was babied in some ways but they were also more independent in other ways. I like how Ralphie was always narrating in his head. Not everybody likes the same thing. I do not like Christmas Vacation that much. I like more realistic humor not over the top. The conflict in the movie was not too sad to me. It is the kind of childhood that was common when my dad was growing up but the situations are still relatable even if the exact scenarios do not occur.
  6. I haven't done the screening again recently. I should see if she can pass now. I was trying hearbuilder first because LiPS seems like it would be hard for me to implement. She has improved in her skills since doing it. I thought of trying Foundations in Sound when I heard of it. It will be expensive but private tutoring would be even higher.
  7. When there is a math weakness I think it is good to practice substizing skills to being able to picture the numbers in your head. It is something that can take a lot of time to work out especially if it is something like dyscalculia. Some people like Ronit Bird which has iPad books or hard copy books. I am using a computer based program. My daughter is still on easy levels so I am not seeing a big grade level improvement yet but I am hoping she will get there eventually.
  8. My ds put a lot of work into reading but is now reading well but still on the slow side. He never struggled much with phonemic awareness but maybe that is because he had good speech therapy but had other dyslexia signs. He does have a slow processing speed. I would think it is caused by something other then anxiety. There definitely is reasons other then dyslexia for reading struggles since there are so many elements to reading. I hope In the future more is known and there are more targeted things to do for all kinds of struggles. I did hear to do repeat readings at an easy level for them to work on fluency.
  9. We have early voting but I like voting on Election Day. The only thing that annoys me a little is I have a polling place I can walk to and one a mile away too that I go to every day but my poling place is a few mile drive.
  10. I would just have them eat solids and give them the little bit of breastmilk you expressed. That is what I did at that age if I had to leave my babies. If you gave him milk it would not be a big deal though since he tolerates it fine. I do not use milk as a substitute or something to switch to but if you drink milk it is fine to give him. I would not mix it though.
  11. My kids were expected to write their assignments in a planner and keep track themselves in 3rd grade. In 2nd assignments are the same week to week and the teacher sent a note to parents at the beginning of the year what the homework would be on each day of the week. This school has higher expectations on independence then other schools in our area.
  12. I am terribly sorry for your loss. He was too young. That must be so hard for your parents.
  13. My son did not sell any his first year for the same reason. By the time he joined popcorn sales were just about over. It is not something that is necessary. I did have him sell this year so he gets practice speaking in front of others and to make an attempt to earn camp. It is not something that is required.
  14. I used 2 plus 2 does not equal 5 with my oldest and it worked for learning facts but I would do it differently if I could go back. I am using Addition Facts that Stick with my youngest because I want her to picture things in her head more. I actually do extra work with that sort of thing with her too like assigning the 10 frame stuff in prodigy.
  15. He needs more phonics instruction. It sounds like he had mostly sight word instruction and is weak in skills because of it. You can try something like AAR or something else that is cheaper and less frills like Phonics Pathways. If he still is weak in blending after instruction I would look into if there is a weakness more but it probably just is he has not had the instruction.
  16. So I volunteered to help be a part of a teaching team for one my my children's activities. I am not good at teaching but it was time to step up and help. Anyhow I do get curriculum but the planned activities are not enough for this hour class. The topic is animals and compassion and how people an animals care for each other. Does any one have any ideas on what type of activity I can do with second graders relating to animals and compassion? It usually is a small group some of whom have not been very engaged. Also are there any favorite books I can search the library for about compassion for animals or animals that show compassion by helping their owners? Help!
  17. I differentiate between o and au and merry, Mary, and marry and Halloween has an o sound. I wonder if Halloween pronunciation is regional like the other two are.
  18. I hope the school responds positively to your request for starting the IEP process. I am sorry things are tough for him and he is missing recess. I dislike when they have kids miss recess. They need the socialization and energy break. I am sorry you are going through this. It is not easy to see your kids have a hard time at school.
  19. That does sound like a very exciting field to get into but yes that is very frustrating everything is separate.
  20. I like the research side of things personally and that is what I feel I would be better at. I am not a good people person. I think personality comes into play if you would enjoy working with people or working in research. One thing I do not like about clinical is that some families cannot get the expensive evaluations. I want to know more information on what different profiles mean and what type of curriculums work best for them. I would love to see more research on dyscalcula and more curriculum targeted to that. There really is not enough math program out there. I would like them to describe more learning issues that do not fall under the bigger umbrellas like dyslexia and what they mean and what causes them. I would love it if more teachers had access to this research and had to take classes on it.
  21. I just got an email from duolingo that they added new languages. One of the languages they added is Greek. My kids did it for a short time but I was hoping they would have Greek or Latin as an option. I had difficulty setting up more then one language with one email address for different kids before but I wonder if I could sign my older kids up for Greek. They also added Hungarian, Hebrew and Vietnamese.
  22. They were for me. I actually had a kidney stone 5 weeks after my 1st birth which was my most painful birth. The birth was pitocen enhanced which made the pain terrible. I was screaming. The kidney stone pain 5 weeks later was worse then that. It was the worse pain I ever experienced and the morphine I got at the hospital through an IV did not even touch the pain.
  23. I wish you lived closer. My ds is younger but he gets really into it but it is hard to find materials or others who get into it in the same way. Ds can perseverate after watching a video but other kids just say I am not listening to you so he has been doing that less. He has not had a chance to really explore it because yes it is not easy with that topic. I am going to ignore that future expenses could be bad. I hope he keeps the passion because I do not like seeing it getting chipped away due to frustration with other stuff.
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