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Everything posted by shelleysboys

  1. check out funda funda academy! https://www.fundafundaacademy.com/ Classes happening in real time but no live component. No math though... For math look at Derek Owens https://www.derekowens.com/onlineclasses.php The only issue with Derek Owens is that it is self paced.....
  2. Just a note of encouragement to those that respond so often to the questions on this board... I have loved reading these boards. My first is accepted to UMass Lowell - this board was so helpful!! Thanks to you all!
  3. I bet it is. https://fearlesshomeschoolers.com/blog/common-app-for-homeschoolers I used her for the common app. so helpful!
  4. Yes, he will be applying to most of them regular admission, this month! We shall see.
  5. Well if he does not get in maybe transferring will be the thing to do!
  6. Anyone have additional experience with UMass Amherst since these posts? They are still listing a GED/HiSET as the way for MA homeschoolers to get in and an admissions counselor said the same thing - which I really can't believe given that no other MA state school has the policy, the DOE never mentions it and UMass Amherst financial requirements more align with what I would expect. Who knows if my kid can get in.. but!
  7. Thank you both for posting those books! I got them out of the library to see them - look good!
  8. Question on this... So my son wants to apply to college this year, but we won't be actually submitting his application until closer to the deadlines because he is working on studying for the SAT. So given all that does getting the FASFA in in October matter?
  9. There are schools that are test optional for homeschoolers? Any examples? I thought homeschoolers needed to take the SAT/ACT period.
  10. If you reach out to DO they will actually give you a list of tutors for zoom etc. I had gotten it for Algebra 2 but not used them. Assuming that they have a list of folks that would tutor for physics too. Worth an ask!
  11. I would add that since this is only 9th grade a kid can change a lot by the time they get to the end of 12th! I have totally seen that here in my house. Son is in 12th this year. 9th was a rough year - he would oppose anything! Much much better now. So said child could agree with a 5th year by the time they get into 12th.
  12. Just to report back - I did talk with Concourse. I think they would be interested in having homeschoolers on their platform but have not had any yet. They have about 50 colleges on the platform right now. After a college accepts you - you have a personal conversation with that college Admissions and then student decides if they would be a good fit and then can accept the college. Your personal information is only released to them once student opens the conversation after the college accepts the student. You do put your country of origin. As they are gradually rolling this out I think a lot of the student users are internationals and with that they are full pay so I don't know if they have figured out how to represent all the financial aid that states side will have. But seems like that will be coming. It could be an excellent way to get into a school outside the US if you live in the US. She mentions UK, Australia to name a few. You do select what countries you want offers from. It also seems like a great opportunity if you are flexible and open to opportunities that you did not know about... I spoke with Marissa Gambardella. If you are interested - reach out to her. She was very helpful! Shelley
  13. In an earlier thread someone posted about https://concourse.global/ A new way of colleges finding students. There was not any mention of homeschoolers being able to use this service. So I actually reached out to Concourse (company in that article) and they responded... I will put the messages below. But I was wondering if you all wanted to put comments on this thread as to how and why they should add homeschoolers to their platform! What did I miss that they need to know? And then I will give Concourse a link to this thread. Hope that is OK! Now I have a call lined up with them for next Friday (9th) at 1pm to talk about their platform and homeschoolers! What are your thoughts??? --------------------------------------------------------- I asked: Concourse looks like a really interesting way to get into college. As a homeschooling parent I am wondering if we can use this program as well? Concourse responded (not quoted per se): Thank you for reaching out to us! Homeschooled students would be new for the platform...... I responded: Thanks for getting back to me! Well, I want to speak for all homeschoolers if I may because we would all love to be able to use your service. We personally have used classes that I as the Mom have taught as well as using various online providers for different classes. We are in MA and do not need to be using accredited providers for our outsourcing. My child in particular is taking a gap year or two so we are not ready for this service yet. However, I would love for it to be available when he is ready! Homeschoolers in general are using Mom taught/self taught classes, online providers, accredited online providers, dual enrollment or in some cases even taking a class or two at their local public highschool. Colleges understand who homeschoolers are already so I would think if we were listed on your platform as homeschoolers colleges could decide if they wanted us or not! Most colleges do want to see SAT or ACT scores from homeschoolers so that is a form of certification of their grades so to speak. Dual enrollment grades can also show mastery. But there are many kids with no dual enrollment getting into great colleges. Parents are their high school counselors so we would be putting up their homeschooling transcript. Honestly, there are incredible homeschool students out there that colleges love to have - so you should work towards adding us to your platform. I would love to answer any other questions in order to help this project along! ---------------------------------------------------------- Please add your comments! : )
  14. I have scheduled a phone call with them for next Friday the 9th at 1pm! Let me know your thoughts. I might start a new thread so this does not get missed perse.
  15. I actually reached out to Concourse (company in that article) and they responded... I will put the messages below. But I was wondering if you all wanted to put comments on this thread as to how and why they should add homeschoolers! What did I miss that they need to know? And then I will give Concourse a link to this thread. Hope that is OK! --------------------------------------------------------- I asked: Concourse looks like a really interesting way to get into college. As a homeschooling parent I am wondering if we can use this program as well? Concourse responded (not quoted per se): Thank you for reaching out to us! Homeschooled students would be new for the platform...... I responded: Thanks for getting back to me! Well, I want to speak for all homeschoolers if I may because we would all love to be able to use your service. We personally have used classes that I as the Mom have taught as well as using various online providers for different classes. We are in MA and do not need to be using accredited providers for our outsourcing. My child in particular is taking a gap year or two so we are not ready for this service yet. However, I would love for it to be available when he is ready! Homeschoolers in general are using Mom taught/self taught classes, online providers, accredited online providers, dual enrollment or in some cases even taking a class or two at their local public highschool. Colleges understand who homeschoolers are already so I would think if we were listed on your platform as homeschoolers colleges could decide if they wanted us or not! Most colleges do want to see SAT or ACT scores from homeschoolers so that is a form of certification of their grades so to speak. Dual enrollment grades can also show mastery. But there are many kids with no dual enrollment getting into great colleges. Parents are their high school counselors so we would be putting up their homeschooling transcript. Honestly, there are incredible homeschool students out there that colleges love to have - so you should work towards adding us to your platform. I would love to answer any other questions in order to help this project along! ---------------------------------------------------------- Please add your comments! : )
  16. Did you take it as Dual Enrollment or with an on line provider or self study? If on line what provider did you use?
  17. Any reviews of Funda Funda Chemistry? Thanks! (We have done alot of Funda Funda classes and like the over all concept. Son is taking the Funda Funda Biology class and doing fine. )
  18. I have a kid struggling through DO Algebra 2. It would have been easier for him if I had picked a less rigorous class but self check means just not doing it. So DO was the better option from the perspective of actually getting said child to do the work!
  19. Even later to the conversation. I would recommend that she visits (somehow in Covid!?) architectural offices and see what they do everyday. In school we do a lot of drawing and designing with some technical classes. Then you get to the office. Not everyone can be drawing. Buildings need to get built - so a lot of people are reviewing shop drawings or answering the contractors questions. Just good to go in knowing the full width of work you might end up doing!
  20. Not on teachers - but at what pace is the vocab? My kid struggles - wondering if he will be buried by words! Certainly is it your own pace but if there are so many new words each lesson he will have a hard time progressing through the curriculum.
  21. I think it is a good class. My son really struggles with the whole concept of learning so many words - memorization... not his strong suit. So really hard for him and between 2 mild concussions and covid 19 he got behind. Suzette was very supportive of him - and she really wants to help kids that want to learn. Project based but with quizzes and finals. A weekly hour of talking time with her and other students.
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