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Everything posted by thebacabunch

  1. I saw a documentary on amazon prime about the story behind the hobbit and lotr. I have it saved but haven't read it yet. My dd is also looking forward to the movie.
  2. DD is reading LOTR. It is obviously fiction, but I think it works for middle ages. How about something from 1001 nights? I love the stories of SInbad. As for Renaissance, Shakespeare is an obvious choice!
  3. Drawing with children is great! THe Monart art classes are based on that book. My dd with autism will do those little practice squares for hours on end. I also like the Draw Squad. I get a lot of free ideas on pinterest as well. I do a lot of arts and crafts with the kids. We even steal ideas from waldorf sites occasionally. ( I am so not into Waldorf, I am just obsessed with little gnomes, mushrooms, and swirly wet on wet paintings :tongue_smilie:).
  4. Both of my girls were reading magic treehouse level books in kinder. Once you teach them to read, they read. kwim?
  5. I am so excited! The yw will have a huge influence on the ym because a lot of them will be preparing to go on missions at the same time. I loved being a missionary. I think more will go and get to have that experience as well now!
  6. Woohoo! Girl missionaries are the best! I loved my mission and I hope more girls will go now!!! I bet it will help a lot of the young men if their girl peers are preparing to go at the same time!!!
  7. I have a dd with autism. Part of her behavior plan is to ignore certain behaviors. I have had the nastiest, most judgemental comments you can imagine said within my hearing. I have had people threaten to call the police during an autistic tantrum that I didn't "have control of". I know society is going downhill in a lot of ways, but it isn't our place to judge. PS my 2year old son is 40 pounds and wears a 5t. He is BARELY 2.
  8. Cake is my crack. I will even eat dried out, hydrogenated sugar-bomb frosted birthday cake or little debbies with little thought. If the cake is actually good.... oh man. I have to have dr pepper every day.
  9. Sometimes I go to pinterest and look under education. The pages and pages of time wasting "techniques" and fluffy bulletin boards pinned by ps teachers give me a boost of confidence. You are at the wtm forum. You are probably doing ok!
  10. i bet someone has! The activity guide has the usborne and kingfisher references lined up. I particularly like the usborne internet linked encyclopedia which you can get by time period.
  11. I agree with 100 easy lessons and Kumon books. I taught my kids to read and then they spent their time with books. I also used the kumon books to develop fine motor skills.
  12. Just ignore it. Seriously. You are eating your heart out about something that you can't change. Be an example by the way you live your life and answer questions about your own faith when asked. :grouphug:
  13. I go to the gym in the evening when ds is home and can watch the kids. That is me time. I keep mornings free. I will occasionally sign up for homeschool swim during the day, but usually nothing. We have a lot we have to do so we listen to sotw in the car on cd. We also listen to latin in the car. I have a bin for things we do in the car between activities that are school related as well. I have 2 girls and a 2 year old boy. Between my girls we do swim team, guitar, speech therapy, church group, ballet, intensive behavior therapy, and some on-site classes. We eat a lot of spaghetti. My house is rarely super clean but the authorities wouldn't take my kids away either. Something has to give, kwim?
  14. Oh, and Portlandia. I could watch the episode with the garbage divers over and over. I do love keeping up with appearances and arrested development as well. I need to mark this thread for when I am stressed out.
  15. ab fab, father ted, friends, frasier, and malcolm in the middle. My husband and I quote Father Ted endlessly.
  16. This is a great thread! Honestly, I have no conflict with evolution and Christianity. I don't know how He did it and it doesn't matter to me. I believe in a God of laws. The scriptures are always teaching us to obey the laws and commandments of God. Why can't the laws of science be the explanation for how God created the universe? If He used evolution to get to the species of man and put the spirit of Adam into the first of His creations that was in His image so be it. I am open to scientific discovery and inquiry. It affirms the beauty of nature and the power of God to me.
  17. You gotta do what works for your kiddo! There a so many good choices out there and it sounds like you have found some that work!
  18. My 6th grader does them as a review. My 2nd grader doesn't do them.
  19. We use Kumon for the drill and kill stuff as well. Especially multiplication and division. Otherwise we use Singapore standards ed. It is fantastic!!! A lot of classical leaning homeschoolers do a more asian style math without realizing it. I know we do Singapore, kumon (drill and kill), math games, math literature, logic puzzles, LoF, flashcards, and lapbooking (yes, we do have math lapbooks, heehee). We don't do everything everyday. We do Singapore every day. We do life of fred 4 days a week. We do Kumon and flashcards as needed. We play math games a few times a week (like yahtzee, uno, pizza fraction fun, or bouncing a ball back and while memorizing times tables). We read books like math potatoes about once a week. We do a logic puzzle a day and get the kids ds games that are logic based. We lapbook new math definitions, tables, and math tricks.
  20. Does anyone know if there are a few sample chapters of wws? I think the best way to know if your dc is ready for wws is if they can do it independently. My dd is flying through it now. She is in 6th grade. She is LA gifted. Not so much with math, though lol. I think it depends on the kid.
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