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Everything posted by thebacabunch

  1. I love it! My aspie girl and I just did the same lesson!
  2. Your son didn't need to share. The boys are supposed to be prepared before camp. I think the moms should step back when the boys are boyscouts and let the boys figure it out. Sorry you got ignored. silly.
  3. Also, wws is meant to be independent. WWE 4 is great for grammar and seeing really well written paragraphs. Your kiddo wouldn't be behind if you went back to wwe4. WWS is middle grade curriculum.
  4. It really isn't that bad. Honestly. It made sense to me. WWS is about the writing. My dd had the same kinds of spelling issues until we started using spelling power.
  5. I second the story cube idea! Even my autistic, mathy dd7 love them.
  6. I would start with wwe 4 maybe? WWS is a good vigorous program that is meant for middle school. One comes before the other. THey are both fantastic!
  7. Fractions. My kids do both singapore and lof
  8. So far both of my kids who have gotten to k age have already been reading. DD 12 wanted to learn at 4 and dd7 wanted to start doing school cause her big sister was. My 2 year old is already doing sorting, cutting, painting, and some early reading stuff (mostly because he WILL NOT talk unless I am practicing a letter with him which is another issue entirely). They were more than ready for a more rigorous kindy. I haven't really pushed, I just met them where they were.
  9. We have a date every week. My dd is 12 so she loves earning the cash for babysitting. We usually go sat afternoon and we will do a variety of things. Sometimes we go for ice cream, sometimes a nice sit down lunch, sometimes a drive, sometimes we get mcdonald's and go to the lookout by our house (we are lucky enough to live by the beach). We stopped trying to make it a big production and focused on just doing something. When we miss a week we are bickering by the weekend so we try not to miss.
  10. I am not sure why more people don't like Rosetta stone. Cost? I took 3 years of spanish in high school and a year in college. I lived in Spain for close to 2 years. When I got to Spain I could barely tell people my name or ask for a bathroom. I got good grades in Spanish btw. I learned Spanish pretty quickly while immersed. The best way to approach a foreign language is through immersion. Teaching someone a foreign language by having them read textbooks and memorize grammar is weird when you think about it. We don't teach our kids english grammar and then start immersing them in it. kwim? A good approach is an immersive program for a couple of years and then a grammar approach.
  11. Have you thought of something like spelling power? Nice spelling program where you can test to find out where kid should be. My dd spends 5 minutes or less on spelling per day and has advanced quite quickly. She went from 5th to 10th grade level in 1 year.
  12. Your dc is advanced. IMO I wouldn't worry about phonics anymore. Maybe just some spelling added to grammar? I don't know about what the phonics program is teaching, though. Is it more than phonics? Is it grammar? I have never understood phonics instruction after a student has a good grasp of reading.
  13. There are more people serving now than ever, actually. I think this is a great change. I think it is totally cool for young men and women to take some time to work before. This announcement shouldn't change that. I don't think that this is meant to cause our young men to put their papers in before they graduate or anything. This would have helped my dh, for instance, who just waited around for 5 months. He had time to finish 1 sememster of college and earn the money he needed. He was just twiddling his thumbs for awhile.
  14. Many people have their missions paid for by their wards or stakes. Not something that keeps people from serving. I think, at least where I lived in the mid to late 90's, that cultural shift already happened. At least half of the girls I knew went on a mission.
  15. My dd 7 has high functioning autism and is very mathy. Life of Fred is actually what I use so that she has something she can read and enjoy. My dd12 is a LA whiz. SHe is good at math but hizates it. We are talking regular crying jags. Life of Fred speaks to the literary part of her! I also do Singapore with the girls but I NEVER get complaints when it is time for Fred. My kids are able to get past the bridges (or math tests) at the end of each chapter without difficulty. My Fred books are precious and a favorite with the kids. I, myself, have done decimals and percents and can't wait to get my hands on the next book. It was totally fun!
  16. Never, lol! I am glad that the temp doesn't change a lot here because I am not that organized! Our high is usually around 65 and our low is around 45.
  17. Elders and sisters were always a distraction to each other. My trainer married my first district leader. I think there were 8 or 9 couples that came out of my mission. Yes, they were obedient. No, they didn't do anything inappropriate. lol. I think the girl age had more to do with encouraging girls to get married. Who knows? I have 2 nieces that have already called their bishops today. THey are super excited!!!
  18. If it helps; the same subjects are covered in 5a and 5b. They are just covered with more depth.
  19. I seriously meant no insult. I can see how my post could be taken the wrong way. I apologize. I totally meant to imply that kids get it when they get it. I didn't explain myself well.
  20. I am excited! I think more girls will serve now. My mission was a huge life changing accomplishment and I miss it still (15 years home now). It kinda freaks me out that my dd could go so much sooner though. It is definately a paradigm shift for me. Funny enough, when I went there was a huge surge in girls going on missions and I never got the "old maid" comments. I am from CA though. Maybe that is the difference?
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