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Everything posted by AmyontheFarm

  1. If your husbands dept offers counseling, please encourage him to attend some. Also, go with him, you are a team and you'll both have to work through this together. My husband had a bad fire call and at the time I thought he was ok, then 8 months later, I found him sobbing after a fire call that had similarities. Our men are tough, but they aren't invincible.
  2. When I shop in Michigan, some stores will require me to show photo id when using a credit card, but in Canada they NEVER ask. I actually wrote "Ask for ID to be shown" on the back of my personal business credit card and again, they never even look at the signature. Someone could take my card and cause some damage pretty quick. Truthfully, I'm starting to understand more and more my husband's preference to using cash.
  3. If you want a textbook to go along with this class, try a used copy of this book. http://www.amazon.com/Welding-Skills-B-J-Moniz/dp/0826929923/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1430426449&sr=8-1&keywords=B.J.+Moniz
  4. In Canada we have that chip card. You don't want it. If my card gets stolen from my wallet, the person who has it can purchase quiet a bit without having my 4 digit code, why? Because of tap and pay. That chip allows your card to just be tapped and the purchase goes through, no questions asked. Most stores have a limit like under $40. But many do not. I was trying to show my child that large purchases would go through and unfortunately, I was able to tap at a mall store and a $100 charge went through! I complained to the store stating that it should be lower and their response was the credit card would refund me if it was stolen. You can not deactivate the chip, which is what I wanted. We finally have two cards so one will be used just for online and the other for groceries etc.
  5. My daughter came home from her college a few weeks ago and told us about a student in her class, lets call him Mark. Multiple students have reported Mark for cheating and bragging about it, once even in front of the dept head. Nothing was "proven" so Mark got to keep coming to classes, but he never writes the tests now. Mark kept talking while the teacher was lecturing and generally disturbing the class on a daily basis. On the day my dd came home with this story I was shocked, Mark kept talking raising his voice over the teacher who was trying to lecture, finally another student told him to "shut the ___ up", then Mark threw his desk and lunged at the student. The teacher stepped in to protect the student and blocked a punch. Dd thinks the teacher has some sort of karate training. He didn't strike back, or anything else, he simply blocked the punch with his hand and then pointed at the door and order the kid out. The whole class breathed a sigh of relief thinking that finally this kid would be kicked out of the program. He wasn't. He has an IEP because of his anger disorder and is allowed to return to class. Dd refuses to sit by this kid and actually sits on the floor close to the teacher with his blessing because she and the rest of the girls are afraid of this student and won't sit anywhere near him. The student is 24 years old. I have an issue that my dd's rights to stay safe aren't protected because this student's rights to a college education are protected. I feel terrible for this teacher because he can't keep the kid out of his class and the student has more rights than the prof. Somehow, I still believe that this Mark, is someone's special snowflake and Mom or Dad work for the college. It's just sits wrong in my gut.
  6. After a quick discussion. We've shortened it down to: 1 Gilgamesh Epic 2 World View 3 Esther 4 The Iliad 5 The Odyssey 6 The Aeneid 7 Didache 8 Japanese Literature 9 Indian Literature 10 Shakespeare 11 All Quiet on the Western Front 12 Cry the Beloved Country
  7. Because he had 3 other 8 foot tall shelves of books he could read! He takes off with the books and then I can't find them for a while, which means I can't plan and read the books ahead of him. Trust me, this was just a case of he wanted what he couldn't have.
  8. My son wanted to tackle World Literature. He loves history, like this hive likes cupcakes and kilts and Susan. Listed below are the books that are listed in the guide I picked up. If my son had stayed in the school system he would have been in the spec ed room because of fine and large motor issues. So he wouldn't have been in a regular classroom. He loves to read and he can read and comprehend at a grade 13 level according to the testing done. He's been wanting to start reading some of these books but I told him to keep his hands off because they were for high school. He however is a terrible writer. Like grade 4. He can piece together an essay because I've been beating it into his head for four years. But it does take at least a month. The guide says he should be writing essays for each of these books. Lord help me! That will never happen. My eldest two kids when through the local school system in a regular classroom and they did 1 Shakespeare, 2 novels and 2 short stories and a poem. Do I follow the spine or do I just select a book from each time period theme and have him write an essay on that book. Which would still be 12 essays. :svengo: Themes of Study Books to be studied Sumerian, Egyptian and Hebrew Literature - Gilgamesh Epic, Esther Anciet Greece - The Iliad, The Odyssey, Rhetoric and Poetics, Histories, The Republic, The Death of Socrates Oedipus Rex Anciet Rome - The Aeneid, Meditations Early Church History - Didache, Confessions Japanese Literature Indian Literature Persian & Arabic Literature Chinese Literature Middle Ages - Shakespeare, Poema del Cid Romanticism - Faust Realism - War & Peace, Short Stories, A Doll's House, Crime & Punishment Modern - The Stranger, All Quiet on the Western Front, Nectar in a Sieve, Cry the Beloved Country
  9. I usually tell the butcher I want as many roasts as possible. Specify how much stewing beef you want, I use two pounds of it for one meal with 6 of us. You'll need to decide the thickness of your steaks, we like 1/2 inch. You will also need to tell them how to wrap it. I like steaks wrapped individually because it makes it easier for me to just pull one or 4 depending on how many I'm feeding. I prefer stewing beef and hamburger in one pound packages, it makes defrosting quicker.
  10. She will be missed. http://www.cbc.ca/news/arts/lois-lilienstein-of-sharon-lois-bram-and-skinnamarink-fame-dies-at-78-1.3045731
  11. I use Elegant Essay for tutoring. I enjoy using it and my students do well.
  12. Have your own celebration! Invite other homeschool parents over to celebrate you being done! Make it an adult event and don't invite the kids. My youngest just turned 12 so I have some time yet, but I fully intend on hosting my own "To Hell with the Bell" event when my kids are done. It will consist of brunch at a restaurant, pedi-mani at the local boutique, then either a play or movie that night.
  13. If I am stressed then my clausterophobia gets stronger. MRI's, Cat scans, tunnels make me very nervous and I sing. It's stupid. If I sing, then I stay calm enough to get through it - for about a minute. Heaven help me if I ever cross our International border and get stuck in the tunnel. I might pass out. I love roller coaster rides always have, but I don't like my neck jerked around as I've gotten older, it just hurts. I wonder if there is a specific phobia name for being scared of long dark tunnels.
  14. I'd offer my dd. She can find anything for $2. :) I love the library book stories! I once swore I had returned a library book but even I couldn't find it at the library. My librarian was so great, she just keep renewing it then one day I went to get the file for our income taxes. Yeap, I had filled book in our filing cabinet with our income tax papers. I felt so stupid!
  15. Poor Uncle John might get a sudden influx of friend requests from a bunch of homeschool mothers!
  16. My BIL actually bought a house by the college. A little fixer upper that needed a lot of work. Their dd lived there and when the parents went to visit bi-weekly, Daddy did the repairs. Four years later, child is done program and house is done. They sold it and made some money on the deal. My BIL does build houses for a living so he knew what he was doing. The college my dd is heading to in Sept has the same deal. 1st years get the dorms, after that good luck!
  17. Hi! I'm up in Canada and I don't have much experience with American History. We plan on using NARHS.com for our son for high school and he has to take an American History high school course. In Ontario this is how they would define an American History course. American History, This course traces the social, economic, and political development of the United States from colonial times to the present. Students will examine issues of diversity, identity, and culture that have influenced the country’s social and political formation and will consider the implications of its expansion into a global superpower. Students will use critical-thinking and communication skills to determine causal relationships, evaluate multiple perspectives, and present their own points of view. I just wanted to confirm that I should be looking for a high school course that goes basically from 1492-present. Right now, I have a set of two textbooks written by Alan Brinkley along with the study guide. The first one covers 1492-1877 and the 2nd one overlaps a bit and starts at 1865 -2003 but they are written for college level. My son loves history so I'm not worried about the college thing.
  18. I've had four. Just reading that makes me cringe and twist in my seat. I was fine later that day after each of them.
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