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Everything posted by school17777

  1. I’m sorry your ds had a lousy season and now you are in the predicament. I too would not want to support a club that treated my child that way. I also would want my younger child to be on the team that is best for him. One suggestion is to have your boys give lacrosse a try. It’s the same season, so they couldn’t play baseball if playing lacrosse. Don’t know if that’s an option for your area or not.
  2. If I learned I was calling someone the wrong name, I would probably not remember their real name because once I have a name associated with a person, I have a hard time changing it in my head. So, I’d avoid using a name around him!
  3. There is an easier solution just using a magnet in the back to bypass the lid lock. You can search on YouTube for directions.
  4. Sounds like your vacation has been enjoyable! Even though you are heading back to stress at the moment, a year from now it’ll be over and you’ll be enjoying your new kitchen. Let us know if we can help plan your new kitchen! So exciting!
  5. I had a dd who was allergic to children’s sunscreen, but not regular sunscreen - not sure what’s in the children’s that’s not in the regular. I use a locally made sunscreen: https://theolivebranchatsovereignfarms.com/products/sun-protection-summer-care-mineral-stick and https://www.etsy.com/listing/545789872/sunscreen-vegan-non-nano-uncoated-zinc?ref=shop_home_active_22 Another girl that was with us several weekends this summer used mine because she forgot to bring her own and she had reactions to store bought ones, but not to the ones linked above.
  6. Re: photos The 90 year old woman that I ran errands with once a week for several years tried to have something to get rid of every week. For a few weeks, she went through all her photos and just kept pictures that she felt like her dd would want. We threw the rest away. It was hard for me to do that, but she insisted that no one else would be interested in them. In some ways, I think she gave her dd a gift by not leaving them for her to deal with.
  7. I didn’t tell them why I needed the appointment. I have never in all my work career had that kind of response. I’m still stressed about it.
  8. Saw the dr this morning. Her thoughts are the same as mentioned here, but we won’t know until she gets back bloodwork and ultrasound results. -starting peri menopause - cyst - fibroid My work was not happy for me to only work a half day on the day of the first available appointment, so I rescheduled to outside of work hours. If I stop bleeding before then I can cancel, otherwise, now I won’t get the results until the week after next. And now I feel stress running through my body.
  9. I’m 3 weeks in a cycle. Is this just a normal part of getting older and entering menopause? I’ve had an eternal cycle that really was an ectopic pregnancy, but I’m pretty sure that’s not the case this time. I called the nurse line yesterday because I was on the phone with the drs office anyway and something prompted me to leave a message. Up until that point, I thought I was feeling fine and it was just an annoyance, but I guess after talking about it, I’m realizing how fatigued I am, how raw I feel down there, and how I’m gaining weight (from not feeling good and craving carbs). I’m supposed to call first thing Friday morning to get a walk in appointment. The system wouldn’t let her schedule one on Wednesday for Friday yet and they are closed today. My dr is out, so I’ll have to see someone else. Fun.
  10. If you carpet the eat-in area, I would think that carpet would get gross pretty quickly and be a lot of work to keep clean - just a thought!
  11. I’m sorry this happened to you. i think your post influenced my dream last night. I dreamt of old friends, one who was really close and dropped me for illogical reasons- I didn’t do anything, her kids did, I didn’t care, other friends did, but she took it out on me. Anyway, those old friends were in my dream getting together without inviting me and I found out by being at the same place at the same time. Reading the thread this morning, I think I had that dream because your post unconsciously reminded me of that. It really hurts to go through and makes it tougher to befriend a close friend again. (((Hugs to you)))
  12. Update: dh surprised me with the bike tonight! I was already showered and ready for bed and moved the pillows to get into bed and a bike helmet was under my pillow. Then dh said to go look in the garage and there was the bike! I have to leave at 4am for a funeral in NY so I won’t have a chance to ride it until Saturday. Anyone in the Baltimore/Southern PA area who wants to ride with me, let me know! I’ll post a picture when I get a chance to ride it.
  13. You could have bought yourself a cookie on your DC trip!
  14. No, you are not. I rarely spend it anymore. The last cash I got, I had six days to use it. Kohl’s is 30 minutes away and I’m not driving an hour just to spend $20 which will complicate any return that I might have on the original purchase.
  15. I’m just as gifted as you guys! I feel special. Another gift that I have is that only I know if the Garmin really means to take that turn (or whatever). If I don’t repeat what Garmin says, dh just keeps on going.
  16. “Do you have any bike stores that will allow you to take a test ride? It might be worth looking into before you settle on one or another.“ Yes. There’s one within walking distance that I have been planning on buying a bike from. They sell Fuji’s. They had one last year in the model and size for me in stock, but we didn’t get it then because I had carpel tunnel surgery scheduled in the fall. That bike was comfortable too. I did get to ride the Cannondale and there are several other bike shops in the area that I could test out other models. As far as the difference bw the CA1, 2, & 3, I’m not quite sure. Cannondale does not have a comparison chart on their website. I read a recommendation that you at least bump up to the 2 from the 3. Some of you are on the same page as me to get the one that I really want and would therefore use.
  17. I found the bike I really want yesterday. It’s a Cannondale Adventure 1 in deep purple. Of course, it’s one of the pricier bikes in that type of bike (women’s hybrid/comfort). Does anyone have one or a comparable one to recommend? I live within walking distance to a walk/bike trail and have wanted one for years. Youngest finally has one and now wants someone to ride with her, so it makes sense for me to get one. Older dd would use it too. I’m out of shape, overweight, and have a bad back. So that’s why the salesman recommended that bike.
  18. I’m the only one of all the adults in the house using the iron to know how to add water to it. I’m guessing that some of you are gifted in special ways too.
  19. I have observed this too. I don’t understand it either.
  20. Interesting! When I’m at someone else’s house, I feel like I’m intruding if I open the screen door. Like Marbel, I would close it after I knocked if I had to knock.
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