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Just Another Jen

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Status Updates posted by Just Another Jen

  1. So tired. Why did I think giving up coffee was a good idea?

  2. I'm getting my workout shoveling snow- again.

  3. snow day- watching the vikings http://www.history.com/shows/vikings

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. lisabees


      Thanks! DS13 has seen LOTR and plenty of other similar movies. I just figured The Vikings had a lot of naked ladies that would make him feel uncomfortable (or not!). You don't see over-18 on the History Channel every day.

    3. Just Another Jen

      Just Another Jen

      I was surprised too. I think they were trying overly hard on the realism angle. I'm glad I watched it at 6 am before everyone was up.

    4. lisabees
  4. We are going to see our son at the prison bootcamp today- hopefully we'll encounter some decent guards and have a good visit.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Tullia


      I hope all goes well!

    3. Unicorn.


      Hope things went well today!

    4. Unicorn.


      Hope things went well today!

  5. After having a very strange day the only dinner alternative i can think of is pizza

  6. watching thor and eating cookies- snow day fun!

  7. I got my state tax return-time for curriculum shopping.

  8. We were out at car dealers last night. I was informed by the salesman that the model I'm looking at is popular as both a taxi and police car. Appropriate. I wonder if I could get the glass divider as a option?

    1. Wendi


      Wouldn't that be cool?

    2. happi duck

      happi duck

      Ha! When I was a teen, my mum's car was the same style as the local cops. I could roll up to a group of kids and make them scatter!

    3. melbotoast


      I would love the glass divider!

  9. I just started a pinterest board called What's for dinner? Now they've all be forewarned.

  10. Coyotes in the yard again. They are so bold this year.

    1. besroma
    2. Live2Ride


      Ours here too! Actually saw them crossing a field in broad daylight

    3. Kalypso


      They've been trying really hard to get our chickens the last few nights. I'm so tired of them!

  11. I got a call from my boy tonight! So nice to hear his voice after 30 days.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. besroma


      How wonderful! I am so excited for you.

    3. Starr


      You must be so relieved to talk with him. I'm glad he's feeling positive.


    4. Lizzie in Ma
  12. So cold. At least today its getting warmer all day.

  13. I'm starting the eat to live plan tomorrow. Wish me luck...

  14. just booked our first summer vacation in years. We are going to Disneyland!

    1. readwithem


      YAY!! Hope you have a fabulous trip!

    2. lovemykids
    3. besroma


      Hooray! Have a great trip!

  15. Oldest son heading back out to the west coast. He' s not gone yet and I'm missing him already...

  16. sniffle, sneeze,cough. I'm sick...

  17. So much for my awesome budgeting skills. I forgot to pay the cable bill. Silly me thinking I had extra money..

    1. Tess in the Burbs

      Tess in the Burbs

      I know how you feel! Always something we forget ((HUGS))

    2. besroma


      I also know how you feel!

    3. Heatherwith4


      Aww, I've done the same thing before.


  18. Well I was about to take the tree down, but our water pipes just burst. So, I guess the tree is safe for now.

    1. swellmomma


      Yikes! Of course it is Sunday leading into a holiday, finding a plumber will b fun


    2. SunnyDays


      Oh, no! Gosh, it's always something.


    3. PollyOR


      Ack! so sorry!


  19. Saw the Hobbit at midnight- slept until 8:30. I planned on sleeping until noon. Now I' m awake looking around at all the things I could be doing, but don' t want to.

  20. feeling like a grownup- got my eyebrows shaped today.

    1. Reflections


      Did it hurt much?

  21. Thanks! What a nice surprise to wake up to.

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