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Everything posted by Rosyl

  1. It sounds good to me. On Mondays you could have them watch history related movies. I need to clean on Mondays so I have dc watch subject related dvd's. In order to not have a revolt on my hands this year, I listed the have to's for my dc on index cards and how much time each took. ThenI had my dc put together the schedule. They had ideas that I had not had and they understand why, what and when we have to do each subject. I did the same for chores and let them decide who wanted to do what. Now, we have only done the planning--I am putting together a visual poster for them to see what needs to be done. This is all theory at the moment, but I thought it might help your dc to know what and why the expectations were on them. HTH
  2. This is what I am doing. I also plan to get MOH 3 on audio. we listened to MOH 2 while using MFW RTR and it was a nice review. While studying american history some foreign history is mentioned so MOH 3 would fill in those blanks. America the Beautiful: There are hands on activities for each chapter--I am so excited about this. They have them plan a big band party (think uso), do a video project and make a long house.
  3. My 5th grader will be using the following: Math: MUS Language Arts: AG jr, IEW SWI B,AAS, TTC for lit, SL readers old , History: America the Beautiful notgrass Science: BF History of Science scouts, 4h, piano, gym class, artistic pursuits 4-6, classes at nature center and museum I am hoping to do a field trip every week and have more fun.
  4. I can't tell you my daily usage, but i can tell you the difference between 2 people-about 53.00 for my bil and sil vs 150.00 for our family of six. I do 3 times the laundry, 3x's the dishwasher, 3'xs the computer and tv usage and 3x's the the lights left on. I should mention motion detector lights to my dh, I think he would love that and I would love to not have him complain about lights left on. I'm loving the idea , too.
  5. THIS is 100% correct.:iagree: It can also lead to demoralization. If your kids wants to do it great, but it is not necessary.
  6. We have a kinect. My kids are consistently used it this winter.we have a no video on nice days rule. I LOVE it. It actually wears them out. The kinect sports has discus, long jump, boxing, track, hurdles, bowling, volleyball. If you limit the time allowed on , it will last longer. the game that it comes w/ significantly wore out my high energy kids and lasted several weeks. the game only lasted several weeks because i let them play alot. the sports has lasted longer because their is a time limit on it.
  7. :grouphug: I think it is an 11/12 year old thing. and for that you need more:grouphug: I'm sorry he hurt your feelings.
  8. I won't be doing it again. I think it was a royal mess. My new motto is "confine the paperwork"
  9. We have life in our house. My mil came over one time and remarked on how very clean my house was. I looked around and said "Yes, But I took the life out of it."
  10. Well---I really, really, really love the name.....Tessa! It goes really really nice with Isabella. In fact Tessa Isabella is a really sweet name. IMHO. It fits well with your other names. (I had to pick a name with an acronym to get my dh to agree :w00t::eek::ohmy::lol: It is true...I can't make these things up. He wanted to name our last one Spartacus. Spartacus? :glare:)
  11. SLEEP! Whenever I start to feel depressed, sad , insecure--I take a nap. It makes all the difference. If you have been pushing through to gitter done, you may not recognize what tired is. Then Exercise and laugh--fake it til you make it.;) Go to the doctor.:) The dr can't work with you on your thyroid meds if you don't talk to him.
  12. My ds 10 was being verbally bullied at a playground the other day--the kids were calling him an idiotic idiot. My dd came and told me, I called my son over. I asked him if he was an idiotic idiot, he said no. I said why are you letting them call you that? He said they did it 2x's, I told them to stop or I wouldn't be playing anymore. They stopped and the dynamics were immediately changed on the playground. The words were nicer the play was more inclusive and continued when other kids came to join them. My oldest, otoh, needs this thread.
  13. It seems Rodales synonym finder is the big winner. Thanks.
  14. A counselor will help you figure out why you are angry, that you are in control of your anger and what to do about the anger and control.
  15. Sometimes reading just doesn't click until a kid is in 4th or 5th grade. Don't stress, it will come. Work on letter sounds and relax. sometimes they can't write and read--it uses 2 different sides of the brain and they can't put them together. you can switch to another program (I like AAS), but phonics is phonics and repetition is the mother of retention. really, if you can help it, don't stress. (I stressed over my 1st) just my 2 cents.
  16. Everything is gonna be OK. It doesn't matter the circumstances--it's gonna be OK.
  17. PTSD, tbi unemployment retirement I lost my voice for about 18 months--saved my marriage, no joke deployments (4 year total) his tank hit by 26 ied's and he was at an outpost with no communication and we did not know if he was ok. There was also a 3 day period we didn't even know if he was alive. military life--20 years--perpetual adjusting lonliness death of a very dear niece sick parents my brothers motorcycle accident that left him w/ traumatic brain injury and paralyzed on right side me being robbed at gunpoint miscarriages infertility this is if course a summary and not exhaustive.lol I would not change a thing. because all of these negative came with greater faith in God, strength in myself and love for my dh and I would not want to be married to anyone else.
  18. That's a tough question. I think that I would keep the sonlight because that is mostly reading and is easier to get done that the craft part of MFW. If you have the alphabet cards for MFW, I would keep those and use them for sounds. I would get the before the code books. She would have reading and workbooks so she thought she was doing big kid school, but simple enough that anyone in your house can help her. If she was your first or 2nd my choice would be the opposite.:001_smile:
  19. I don't know about netflix, but I can get them through my library.
  20. This post pertains to my rising 7th grader. I am tossing the idea of teaching/scheduling science for 18 weeks (FALL semester) and History for 18 weeks (winter/spring). The reason i want to do this is time oriented. I have 3 other dc I need to teach, 2 to teach phonics, reading and writing--very time consuming. I am trying to keep school simple and for us all to be single-minded when going about our work. I plan to have him spend 60-90 minutes per day, 4 days a week(M-Th) and test on Friday. I will need to get through 2 chapters (36 total chapters) a week for science and 1 chapter for history(18 chapters). Does this sound about right? My goal is to have my 7th grader do this on his own, but I still need to be available occasionally and he is notoriously needy. This is out of my comfort zone, which is why I am posting;). Have you done this and how did it work for you? Is it cramming info? Or is more info retained doing the schedule this way?
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