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Everything posted by Rosyl

  1. I found a synonym finder. I really needed help narrowing down what to get. Thank you both. For others looking--there are thesaurus' available at paperbackswap.
  2. Do you have a recommendation for a Thesaurus? I have one for young elemetary, but none for older kids and no idea which one is good.
  3. Here is my .02: I supplemented with my oldest until last year and generally over taught until he got it. Then I relaxed. I had him work only on facts (MUS). Once he could do the facts, he then all on his own understood concepts and was able to apply them in real life. Last night we assembled a trampoline and used fractions--reduced and increased, multiples of 72, the 4, 6 and 9 facts. He was right there with me and my dh, fast on facts and concepts. All of that to say one program is enough. Let him rest on what he knows and allow time for the concepts to sink in. ;)Perhaps, if nothing else, I have bumped your post and someone can disagree with me giving another side to supplementing.
  4. Has anyone used this? http://www.christianbook.com/exploring-creation-with-general-science-instructional/9781935495185/pd/236185?item_code=WW&netp_id=804622&event=ESRCN&view=details&action=New+Ticket What did you think? Worth it?
  5. :lurk5::lurk5: I would love to know the answer to this question.
  6. This makes a lot of sense--you have to know what to write before you can write. Thanks.
  7. I am curious why you used Figuratively Speaking along side TTC? Did it help with lit terms or book selection? Thanks for sharing your story, I appreciate it.
  8. By stand alone, I mean stand alone literature. I understand this will not be the only thing in our syllabus for language arts. What I am looking for is something that teaches me to teach or guide me in the right direction so that I can guide my kids. My kids are pretty good at discussing books, but I want to discuss the books with the literary components, identify the themes etc., get past the who, what, when, where, how and why. We are good with the grammar level of literature, but not logic--yet. You have helped very much and I appreciate your answer. I just found out about IEW and TTC so this thread has helped me so much. Thanks to you all!
  9. I checked out this site and I feel my school year getting better and better. thank you so much.
  10. thank you for informing me of this, because you did this a person a few posts down elaborated more. This was helpful.
  11. I was wondering if it taught me to teach them to write out lit analysis at the basic level, it it teaches all literary terms. Thank you for your answer, Hidden Jewel, it is helpful.
  12. Is teaching the classics by IEW a stand alone program? Does it need any help? I want simple, yet thorough in my homeschool. I don't want overkill, does TTC fit the bill? Why or Why not? Thanks for your help.
  13. I like these names. They are beautiful and go well with your other dc's names.
  14. Boys need handwriting slow. I think your plan of somethings now and some later sounds great. Have fun!
  15. I wouldn't skip it. I agree with having him take the placement test and decide from there.
  16. Thanks for sharing this it was beautiful.
  17. In our house hours of play can be had with the Thomas the Tank engine fold and go play stuff. I think they sell just tracks.
  18. mine love the Geronimo Stilton series. I took mine to the library and let them pick out (with them knowing I have veto power)their own books. They seem to be more eager to read the ones they pick out.
  19. I picked up a Scholastic book at my library that taught reading comprehension with picture books. It was for younger children, but picture books are for everyone:). It teaches them to make a visual in their heads, then use art to describe the words and then they can look at the pictures. It is really neat. I used it this winter and am going to use some this summer with my 5 and 7 graders. Using picture books to teach comprehension strategies Zimny, Joanne M. New York : Scholastic, c2008. Teaching resources
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