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Everything posted by Rosyl

  1. Check homeschoolclassifieds.com or WTM for sale forum and get MUS for less and use only the parts he needs.
  2. This might be one of those things you have to take as it comes. There will be times when a concept requires more time to sink in. I would do one program and then the other.
  3. Rod adn Staff Spelling with Sound and Structure.
  4. All of the above suggestions are excellent. Relax and enjoy them being at home.
  5. I don't have any suggestions for replacements, but I know the transition/adjustment periods of life are hard. Embrace the free time w. weirdness you now have.
  6. I think that sounds like an excellent idea and the money you would save from not browsing the vending hall:tongue_smilie:.
  7. I don't care about missing bedtime at my house, but I care about the message that it sends to my kids. I don't want my girl to dress like that and I don't want to put those picture in my almost teens head.
  8. I'm glad to know that there is an advanced book. I can't believe I am looking ahead to the 2012-2013 school year.
  9. I am looking for 7th grade, too. I like the recommendation of Figuratively Speaking for literature. I checked it out on Amazon, but I couldn't see what books they used. Do you know? thanks.
  10. I am going to use this for my 7th grader. I will be using the 3 books for chemistry. I think it might need extra research or outlining with it. These books are gentle and I have learned from them. I think they will be a gentle intro to middle school. It doesn't have to be rigorous to be effective.
  11. Rosyl


    Thank you for the breakdown of time and the suggestion of staggaring the lessons for the different kids. i like that independence can appear with iew.
  12. Rosyl


    How long does IEW take to implement? How much time per day? How parent intensive is it? For those who use this with many, how much time does it add to your day? I will have a 2nd grade, 4th grader and a 7th grader. The 7th has dyslexia. I will also have a Kindergartener in the wings. Thank you.
  13. Has anyone used this curriculum for their 7th and 8th grade students? how did you like it? I am thinking of using this next year with my 7th grader and supplement with Johnathon Park cd's for fun when they fit. I think this would fit more with what my younger kids are doing and it would be less of a stretch for me:) to help him. but i worry it is to light.
  14. Ill have a 7th grader using the same mfw program next year. the only question I can answer is that you need to buy a set of student sheets for each student.
  15. I went gluten free the day after memorial day and i feel fabulous. I didn't mean to, it just happened. It was the best thing ever. I have energy, joint pain gone and post nasal drip w/ sinus's gone. I have an abundance of energy. The change is radical enough that I don't want to go back to my pre gluten days. The funny thing was I just decided to get rid of all the food with chemicals and extras in it, I didn't intend to go gluten free--it just happened.
  16. I like it. It is simple. It is gentle. It is kindergarten. I wish I would have used it with my 2 oldest. The problem with MFW is it seems light and there is a tendency for the overachiever(GUILTY HERE) to supplement--it's unnecessary. The good thing about MFW Less is More. We have used K, ECC, CTG and are set to use MFW 1 and RTR.
  17. Thanks, I was wondering if that would be my best choice.
  18. I am trying to incorporate more field trips this year. we will be studying middle ages and the renassaince. I have found a medieval fest nearby, a shakespeare play on a canal boat....anyone else have ideas? On a side note, it is because of the filing system that I am able toplan field trips.
  19. You are a filing genious. thank you for sharing your ideas and encouraging so many of us to be organized this school year.
  20. I am looking for ideas for logic stage memorization. Other than the wtm book, I don't have any ideas and I am looking for some memorization that will be kinda fun for an 11 year old boy. Thanks,
  21. Is anyone using AAs with the file crate? If so, how are you doing it? This is the one thing that I haven't figured out what to do with yet. I have everything set up in my file crates and workboxes for the first week. I color coded everybody in their crates for 36 weeks. my working folder is a coordinating locker crate. I hope this will encourage filing at the end of the week. This system has been like a load off my mind. The work planning is done. I only have to pull the papers out. incredible. thanks to all of you who shared.
  22. What did you use after FLL4? My ds is 11 and going into 6th. I would really like something that is scripted. Is there anything out there that is similar to the way FLL is set up? I don't really care for RandS. Thanks for your help.
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