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Everything posted by Trresh

  1. My DH went through this. It was awful. We later found out he was dealing with an illness (Lyme, MS...we're still not exactly sure what he has) and it had led to depression which caused his out of line thinking. He's 'mentally' better now.
  2. My DD has been using her 1/2 size fiddle for 2 years. I don't know much about violins. I found dd's at a yard sale for $35 and took a chance. Luckily, it ended up sounding pretty good. It's a William Lewis & Son.
  3. I stumbled onto an item that goes towards extending your membership. http://www.amazon.com/Christmas-Story-Fudge-Creamy-Chocolate/dp/B004FO32XO/ref=sr_1_2?s=grocery&ie=UTF8&qid=1322664991&sr=1-2
  4. :lol: He was so wrong to do that but I hate cheaters. I don't have much sympathy for her.
  5. Oh, man! I have tons of those pics. I graduated high school in '92 and my bangs measured 4" high. :eek: I know this because my trig teacher actually took a ruler to them.
  6. I struggle with this, too. Justice is all the rage for elementary aged girls around here and I think the stuff in there looks....idk, cheap, not very classy. I don't mean to sound judgmental but I just don't like it. Maybe I'm getting old.
  7. Basketball goals are fun. Does she have a swing set? That might lure her outside more often.
  8. It's time I do both. I don't work outside the home so my extended family thinks I'm their personal errand girl. It's beyond annoying at this point. This spring, my mom asked me to drive to her work to get her taxes and drop them off at her accountant's office which is 1 mile from her work. She didn't want to go at lunch because she said she'd lose her parking space. The accountant's office closes before she's off work so she couldn't go then, either. It's 20 miles one way from my house to her work. I kid you not!! It sounds so ridiculous I hesitated to post it because I figured no one would believe it. The worst part is that I did it!! My niece calls me a couple of times a week from school asking various favors like 'Could you bring me my make-up bag?' and 'I don't like what they're serving in the lunchroom so could you bring me Subway?' I do better at turning her down, though. I hate telling people no. Why can't I? I need some help.
  9. I wonder if there could be other factors contributing to it. Call me paranoid....but if everyone is more lethargic throughout the day, I'd worry about molds and such. We recently had a time change, too. That always messes us up whether we're moving the clocks forward or backward.
  10. Oldest DD gathering dishes to load the dishwasher and griping about not being able to find the bowls....'What's wrong with this family anyway? Where in the world do you all put them?' I think she's beginning to see the light. ....Oops, that should read happiness!
  11. :grouphug: I'm in the same boat. They say exercise is a huge factor. I've had a plan in place but I've yet to fully implement it. Here's what I want to do. -Drink more water -Exercise 30 minutes every day -Ditch Pepsi -Take my B & D vitamins -Use my cpap every night -Eat more fruit/vegetables I think all these things are doable but I'm having trouble getting started. ETA: I'm definitely ruled by my hormones so I know that's a factor for me. I recently had blood work done and am scheduled to go to the gynecologist on the 30th to see if there's something they can do. I think a visit to the doctor may help you discover a solution.
  12. Click on Your Account then scroll down to Settings and click Manage Prime Membership.
  13. I haven't found any unusual ones yet. Do you know how I can check to see if my membership has been extended? I looked through the 'account' section but I wasn't able to find it. ETA: I found it!
  14. I would be afraid it would get damaged. I wouldn't use it. It sounds like she doesn't really need it or she wouldn't have stored it for such a long time . Could you offer to buy it? She might give you a good deal.
  15. Almost all of my ds's (soon to be 11) presents are found in this catalog. I didn't order from Museum Tour, though, I found what we wanted on Amazon. http://www.museumtour.com/
  16. That sounds good! My favorite meal that my DH makes is baked salmon filets marinated in honey and soy sauce. I love it. We have brown rice (I drizzle the honey-soy sauce mixture on mine) and mashed sweet potatoes with butter and brown sugar.
  17. Be careful if you want them by Christmas, though. Zulilly takes a long, long time to ship.
  18. Have you ever tried their sweet potato souffle?
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