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Everything posted by seraphina

  1. Great, so because of the color of one's skin it's okay for them to be dragged off a plane, have a cavity search done and not be allowed a phone call or be told what is going on for hours. Sure that's ok, all because of her skin, that just doesn't seem very American to me, I certainly would feel like my rights were violated. Oh and last time I checked as far as the men sitting next to her, no Indian men hijacked planes on 9-11.
  2. You would think that you could. Please read her blog, read the whole story, she didn't even know they were coming for her until they stormed the plane and took her away. I can't imagine what her poor husband thought, one minute she is tweeting away and the next nothing. I am not usually up in arms about things but I worry about how our rights are slowly being eroded away and too many Americans just don't care.
  3. What upsets me is that this could be any of us. She doesn't have an accent, she has never had one, she is an American. Why now because of what a few people did does one's skin color matter? It seems in many ways we are taking steps backwards in our freedoms, well at least for those who have the wrong skin color or the wrong type of name. I am horrified. I try so hard to be color-blind, I am raising my children that way too but it seems like so many are apathetic to stories like this because it doesn't directly affect them. Too many are willing to give up their rights and freedoms in the name of safety, we are going down the wrong path. If this could happen to a typical American women this could happen to any of us.
  4. I was just reading this on my friend's facebook page, I went to school with her brother. Holy cow! I just can't believe this. It's crazy. Here is a link to her blog. http://shebshi.wordpress.com/2011/09/12/some-real-shock-and-awe-racially-profiled-and-cuffed-in-detroit/ What has become of this country? I get vigilance but this has crossed the line.
  5. I just finished the series a few weeks ago. I had been resistant to read the books because the woman who suggested them doesn't have the same taste in books as I have. But in the end I needed a new book and started reading. I read the entire series in 4 days, I was hooked. I finished Mockingjay and stood in my bedroom with tears streaming down my face. My wonderful dh just put his arms around me and hugged me all while snickering a bit. I told him I knew it was silly to cry over a book but when I read I form a bond with the characters. I certainly felt like Prim really existed and really died. It really was an amazing series. So glad to hear others cried too, I don't feel so silly now.
  6. Definitely start with the new series starting with Christopher Eccleston. You could go back and watch the series in the 60's but you won't be so confused if you start with season one. And yes the cast changes, it's what makes it such a timeless show. Welcome to the cult, I mean club of Whovians.
  7. Since our dining room table is so much more than just a table we eat at we wanted something that would withstand kids but not cost us an arm and a leg, since none of us have limbs to spare. We ended up getting an Ikea table several years ago. We ended up with a norden table, it says it can seat 10 but we have had as many as 16 around it. It extends up to 105" and is a decent width. Although I don't necessarily like the light color I live with it, heck it was less than $300 and that seemed pretty reasonable.
  8. We have a california king which is an odd size and sheets can be expensive especially higher thread count. We always buy our sheets at overstock, their prices are fabulous and the quality is great.
  9. Of course Dr. Who, dh and the boys like Top Gear, Gordon Ramsay's F Word and Kitchen Nightmares, Friday Night Dinner, Outnumbered, Graham Norton (but the kids can't be around for that one). I use to love Torchwood but alas it is gone. Sometimes I watch The X-Files and Battlestar Galactica even though I have seen all the episodes. And I love the world news. And we watch pretty much whatever is on. I miss when they showed just average shows, I miss Black Books, Cash in the Attic, Bargain Hunt, How Clean is Your House and all the shows that were on a few years ago. Anyhow we love watching BBC America in this house.
  10. I like the idea of a mini shopping spree. It doesn't have to be anything fancy, even just a trip to wal-mart and their fancy soap section. Hygiene could definitely be related to depression and it sounds like she has good reason to be depressed. To solve the hygiene issue she could just set shower time rules, I make my kids shower each day, yep even teens even need to be reminded. As far as counseling, this is really important. I know our local hospital has a teen center where they have pediatricians and counselors specifically for teens. She could call her pediatrician and ask for some recommendations. Good luck to your co-worker, love goes a long way.
  11. 5-6 days a week we eat in our dining room at the table as a family, there is usually a day or two a week when we are not all home at the same time and those are feed yourself nights. But even then pretty much everyone sits at the table just not together.
  12. Never heard of it but if it happened to my ds in public middle school I would go directly to the principle. As far as I know students are still expected to keep their hands, feet, etc. to themselves.
  13. You could do curtains even if the ceiling slants, you could put rods on the ceiling. Other than that perhaps an inexpensive bookshelf from a thrift store or garage sale.
  14. We worked with a hispanic troop in our area and made tamales and flan to sell. They did pre-orders and it was a huge success.
  15. What an awesome site. I think my ds would enjoy some of the activities, thanks for letting us know about this.
  16. Well I didn't put my curriculum in my signature because ours is really a mish-mash including some typically ps textbooks because my ds is comfortable with the math program he used in ps. He plans on going back for high school and wants to do the same work as his friends. And I feel like a non-typical homeschooling mom because I only homeschool one of my dc right now, although I may homeschool more as the years go by. Who knows. Anyhow I feel like my sig says a little about who I am but not too much.
  17. I don't think you handled this wrong at all. She is your friend not him and I would have called her also. I wish I could offer more advice but sadly all I can say is let her know how much you care about her. You can't force her into getting out of a scary relationship, she will have to figure that one out on her own. :grouphug:
  18. I am a lefty, I cut with my right hand, although I use scissors that can be used with either hand usually. ds (9) is my sole lefty and he uses his left hand. He has loads of trouble cutting.
  19. I am assuming you are discussing younger children. But I have found with my ds (13) who is an aspie that audio books really hold his attention. He is in a ps and his resource teacher found that he reads much better if he has an audio book and a paper copy of said book. He reads and listens at the same time and his speed and retention is amazing. At first I was wary that he wasn't learning but he is actually able to write reports now which is something he was not able to do a year ago.
  20. We looked into k12 when we were first thinking of homeschooling. I heard good things about the program but man I don't like being told how many hours I need to log, that was enough to turn me off. I get that that might work for some and I am glad you have found something that works for your family.
  21. I believe the classics are older versions and they are not the same. I am not sure about the trig books but I know with the algebra books the older ones are not the same. Have you checked out their site, I believe the classics have a different cover and the inside is different too. Sorry I can't be anymore help.
  22. That would be a very welcoming color. Since this is furniture you will use a lot a happy color would be really nice and calming.
  23. Black is good but I also like blue, green or red painted furniture. I like bright things though. I really need to get off my bum and paint my chairs, they certainly need it.
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