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Everything posted by mom2hunangirls

  1. I play the Bejeweled on Facebook. Is there something different about the purchased version?
  2. We usually go find an empty room at the church just for a change of scenery.
  3. :iagree: I'm in this camp too. Mine got my drift when she was sent to bed at 545pm one night. The night leading up to that was not pretty. But she buttoned up the next night!!! She's pretty good now (although I have to admit I think she was pretty easy as I watch her younger sister get older)... only rarely do we have to resort back to sliding bedtime back. She just turned 6; and is ready for bed by 730. If she napped that day she stays up until 8. If she decides not to nap she goes to bed at 730. And she does listen to music and books on tape. Usually her choice. It does keep her up sometimes (especially if she picks that action packed VBS cd! grrrrr), but I'll go in at 9 and turn the music/book off whether she's asleep or not.
  4. I'd be interested. I know one of the yahoo workbox groups had some mail swaps with activity bags. I'll look and see which one and maybe we could glean some ideas from the BTDT people. I think one thing they did was everyone mailed their bags to the coordinator who then mailed out completed boxes (the standard flat rate box I think) to each participant. I'm sure somehow each participant enclosed $ to cover shipping. Maybe each for their own box??? That way...no check/money...no box.
  5. oh thank you for asking!!!!!!! I have a 6 yr old (as of next week) and a 2.5 yr old. Before the younger came home (the older was 4 and traveled to China with us to get the younger) the old was the envy of all the moms :). Ate well, slept well, obeyed well, was out-going, just really easy. Thankfully I knew that and enjoyed it...but I didn't realize it was going to end!!! The older is INSANELY jealous of the younger. To the point where it's hard to be with them at the same time. The 2.5 yr old is a whiner and crier anyway. But leave them in a room together and the older starts right in on annoying the younger. It drives me insane!!! And trying to school the older is painful. When I'm with her my hurricane of a 2 yr old is either destroying something or whining and crying at the doorway. If I try to get the older started on some independent work so I can give some attention to the 2.5 yr old....suddenly the 6 yr old can't remember how to even write letters. Despite the fact that if I'm sitting there she aces everything with no comment from me. ugh!!!! And the 2.5 yr old is BUSY. None of the sit and play in the high chair with us. Have her color?? No, she eats the crayons. Nothing seems to hold her attention. And if it does I'm pretty sure she's going to eat it. It's so exhausting. Emotionally. Physically. And I have a great DH that takes over as soon as he gets home. But I still have to listen to the ya-ya that goes on. And I have felt so discouraged feeling like I am the only one who can't deal with it 24/7. I can't find anyway to do school that works. And I get discouraged reading "let them play in the room with you"... with the older it would work. She wasn't busy like this. And I'm not even a "soft" parent. I'll try anything if it's legal to train her!! I just can't figure out what to do. What she'll grow out of. And I sure can't find any help on an older being so insanely jealous of the younger and what to do about it. Pray. Beg for mercy. I can't stand wishing this time away because it's supposed to be so fun. but my older is really sucking the life out of group outings. Whew! I didn't help the OP at all! I really needed to get that out! And it seemed like everyone on this thread might understand. :)
  6. I would say just let her pick as she wants to. And let her stay with each tray as long as she is interested in it. Which may be 30 seconds sometimes!! I think one of the most important things is to make sure she puts one away before getting the next tray out. I'm still too scared to start!!! :scared:
  7. That's my dd exactly!! Hurricane totally distracts her. She loves schooling with me, loves it. For which I'm humbled because there are days where I just know I'm going to hear "I don't want you to be my teacher!!". So far, so good. :) And, oddly enough, Hurricane starts MMO at church next week too! I've decided to just take our more focused stuff with us to church and after we drop the little one off we'll go find a room at church and dig in. It will give dd a change of scenery and allow us time to catch up or get ahead! And the garage sale...oh my...yep, that's why we're in this race! Feel free to email me any time to vent...I'm encouraged that someone else is in my boat too. :001_smile:
  8. Here is the link to Clarissa's page that has it. Scroll down until you find "Heart Report". And in another response you said you were wondering if this was a good time to hs. There have been days where I think "that's it...send her." but then I think "no, one of the reasons I felt led to hs was to keep her away from those attitudes that she would get there. I wanted to be her main influence for as long as I could...this is my chance. At school, she'll just be another attitude added to the lot. At home, hopefully, with Help... we can work on it." And then I'm thankful that she's only in 1st grade during this phase of "Hurricane's" development. Still a pretty light year over all. ya know??? Have you looked at workboxes yet? Mine was asking when we were going to start using ours again (we used them the end of last year), so I'm getting back in gear for that. It certainly helped last year. Oh, and another thing that has gone over well. I asked dd if she would be my "assistant" during Tot School. I explained that it would really help if SHE read the story to Hurricane while I tried to keep her focused. Wow. Did that seem like a big deal to her!! Plus she gets her reading practice in. *wink* hang in there. go with the flow. it's a season. (coming from the one who did math in bed with dd tonight because it just didn't happen this morning.)
  9. I know EXACTLY how you feel!!! My 5.11 yr old (6 is sept) is having a major problem with our routine. And my 27 month old hurricane is wired for destruction too. See? I feel your pain. :) We are doing 1st this year and I'm still only getting the basics done. And I've learned that it's ok. My hurricane will downgrade to a tropical depression eventually (I pray for January to be a major turn around!). It doesn't help that there is no one to be with the younger one if we are doing school. And the older has some jealousy issues that make her working independently on easily independent stuff a royal pain for me. And, I'm sorry, but I have to nap when the hurricane is down. She wears me out! I will say though, have hope. I have seen vast improvements in my 27 mo old in the last 3 months, so I know it will get better. I do try to do the more focused stuff while the little one is snacking and I've found a good time of morning that she will calmly watch the Letter Factory or Blue's Clues without eating the rocks out of the fireplace. :) this is our 2nd week back. and it's still not where I wanted us to be. But I'm staying on top of the 3 r's, and that's the best we can do now. Hang in there!!! oh, and for my dd's attitude... I'm working on a heart report like Clarissa made at 1+1+1=1. She'll get one every day and have to show it to Daddy. I'll try to come up with some special craft we can make if she has x amount by x amount of time. Kim
  10. I had Amica when I was single. I only had 2 claims with them. Once my brother hit my car in the driveway and the other time I deer hit me from the side. Anyway... I loved them. It's been 8 yrs since I was with them. But when it was time to consolidate policies when I got married. I actually cried on the phone when I canceled my policy. Seriously. It was like a break-up for me. I would have stayed with them even though they cost a little more, but at the time they didn't offer homeowners insur in my state.
  11. I think I was looking at that HP too. Thanks! As far as the screen size, is it possible to hook it up to either another monitor or a tv? I certainly don't want to blind the kiddo with the thing! :) and we have broadband too so that part should be ok.
  12. I'm thinking of getting dd a netbook for her to play her educational games and watch her streaming videos (like United Streaming). I'm pretty sure I'm safe with all her on-line games as she's still young and not into any of the high-tech ones. But I can't find on-line how to know if they are capable (enough power or whatever...video card something or other) of streaming. And if you have one you like for this same purpose I'm open to hearing which model you have. :) thanks!
  13. We have the set with 2 trays...24 maybe? Also used a 40% off coupon on them. I've recommended them to everyone!!
  14. To me, and I am *no* sort of expert, it sounds like he probably can figure words out by content and doesn't know the phonics of it YET. We are doing PP too and while my early reader doesn't struggle with the word lists I do notice that she can easily read words in Boxcar Children that she might not get if she saw the word alone. I think as long as you are pressing on with phonics instruction it will be fine and end up making it easier for him to read in the long run. I am a horrible speller myself so it freaks me out to think my dd is not understanding the hows and whys something sounds like it does but I'm also thrilled she likes to read so much so I don't stop that either.
  15. I think the "slurper" on Blurb is still not working, for Blogger anyway. I've been waiting a year...others have been waiting longer!
  16. learningthings.com has them too. I had no problem when I ordered them right after I heard they were going OOP.
  17. thanks everyone. I was kind of surprised too since they had not really been asked to spell the word from memory during the lessons. We are in book 3 now and I know my dd (and my friend's children who are taking the test today) can easily read the words and could spell them if you gave clues on the rules as they worked on it. hmmmm.... I guess it's up to us! thanks again!
  18. A friend of mine is giving this test right now and there is a part where you dictate short sentences. Should the kids be able to spell the words correctly with no help? Part of me says yes, but I know I tend to lean to the "expect too much side". :) The students are K and 1st if that matters.
  19. I just searched the boards and it looks like nothing new was posted since Feb. The PHP site says it is/was due mid-April. The last thread I saw with SWB posting said (Norton to SWB) that they should be in the warehouse the first week of April and available one month later. So..... Did they arrive in April to Norton? Has anyone received updates from their pre-orders?? Susan, have you heard anything? I'm sorry if it's posted somewhere and I'm just not seeing it when searching. I'm dying here!!! Thanks!
  20. ugh...sounds like me. Me being like your girls that is. I know what did it for me. TV. I certainly went out and played a lot. But when it was time to sit down and veg, the TV was always an option. My mind got used to being fed visual cues and it became impossible for me to stay with a book with too many characters. I even wanted to want to read, but it became hard and having the TV made it unnecessary to keep at it. Even now. I really REALLY want to love to read. And I'm slowly ridding my life of TV. :) I wasn't read to much either. Nor were my parents big readers. They weren't always watching TV or anything, but they just had other hobbies they liked to do. So, that may be some of it too. I want my girls to love reading too. And yet what are they doing right now? Watching Tigger and Pooh. *sigh* I'll be watching this thread with interest even though I already know what has to change here!
  21. Did you get a catalog???? I love Timberdoodle! I'm off to check out their website!
  22. I agree with the school district idea. We called a friend that is a principal and asked if they had any they were done with. We got a desk and chair for free!! My dd5 loves it!!! So does my dd2, so we've started asking around for another one! Seriously, they are usually in great shape, whatever you get from them. You have already bought them once technically. :) And now is a great time to hit them up because they are getting ready to rid themselves of whatever is being replaced.
  23. I loved my speak n' spell!!! I was awesome with it! Sadly, I'm a horrible speller now. Really bad. Weird, huh? What about Merlin? Remember that? After I outgrew the game it was my "phone". :D
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