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Kimberly in IN

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Everything posted by Kimberly in IN

  1. Question: 58,421-20,709= Background: Ds is taking an online math course thru Memoria Press, using Rod and Staff 7. He is not taking it b/c I did't think I could teach R&S 7, but for many other reasons - needs to answer to someone other than me, learn some responsibility, consequences from others, etc. Test is online and computer graded. Ds answered 37,712. Was scored as incorrect. He emailed teacher for help, teacher responded with "answer is incorrect." No additional info given. (duh, test scored the answer wrong, why????. Ds asked if they would go over question as a class, but no answer to that part of email) Okay, maybe I can't teach R&S 7 b/c I don't know what is wrong. I am not trying to help ds cheat. Just want to be able to point in right direction, so he can understand what he is doing incorrectly. (I do know spacing, commas etc are not the problem, it is the actual numbers) Can you help me? Directions state " Solve these problems horizontally. Write only the answers." Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (they don't take graduate degrees away if years later you flake on 7th grade math, do they?)
  2. Done, done, done!!! 4 is my magic number. We were pleasantly surprised w/ our youngest dd. We completed our dossier for China, sent it off, expecting a referral in 6 mos. (as was the referral time back then) 21 months later, we received our referral for a child much younger than we had requested (4-6yrs) At 43, we were referred a 26 month old. Dh and I refer to her as our proof God has a sense of humor. Of course, we are so very blessed to be her parents. (and we know all is always in His hands) Dh and I just never planned to have such a young child at this age. Yes, I know many families find this to be quite the norm. Now, if my 3 older dc could just understand that 4 is the magic number. They consistenly answer the question how many kids in your family w/ 5, we are still working on the adoption for the 5th. Ugh!!!!! It causes a lot of explaining.... NO, we are not adopting an older boy from China (or anywhere else,) no matter what my dc say.
  3. Need to apply some lipstick. Dd has practice, for travel team (only 2 girls on the coed team, not a big sport here, especially for girls) this afternoon. :lol: Pink or red that is the question. Liking Sarah anyway, but that is funny.
  4. In a previous house, we took our basement door down. (we kept the door, but didn't even put it back up when we sold.) I agree about the smoke detectors but I am one of those people who has smoke detectors everywhere. Anyway, taking the door really helped the flow of that area. We were happy w/ the results.
  5. We are praying for your family! :grouphug:
  6. Your church program sounds lovely. We have 4 dc, 2 bio and 2 adopted from China. Something I have never understood is why people ask personal questions about the children who were adopted. Why do people feel it is any of their business? As in how much did she cost, are they sisters, what are they, where are they from etc. I truly never understood that. (maybe someone who has asked any of those questions can answer that for me sometime) I would recommend that if somebody is interested in learning more about adoption, you phrase the question that way and only if you are sure the family has adopted. A family is a family is the philosophy I wish more people would use. Its early and I'm just on my first cup of coffee, so I hope the above makes sense. Best of luck with your new program.
  7. Hi, my name is Brehon and I hate most school related crafts. I'm also a complete failure at said crafts. I thought that was my line ...Hi, my name is Kimberly and .... Unfortunately, my dd - 9 would love said crafts, but it is just isn't me.
  8. I just love reading this thread! I feel so guilty that I cannot volunteer in the way that I would like to both at church and with other organizations. Right now dh travels to and from his job - he leaves Sun. night and returns home on Fri night or Sat morn. (and we are blessed that this new company doesn't mind flying him back and forth every week, plus hotel and car rental) Until the economy in our area changes and our house can sell, that is our reality. But, it leaves almost no time for me to engage in activities that are just for me, as in volunteering in time consuming, leadership roles. (we do some lite family activities and I do lite roles in the kids' activities) But, I cannot do what the church has asked of me and I feel the guilt. Dh thinks I am crazy for the guilt as I have enough on my plate, but ... Thanks for adding some perspective.
  9. :iagree: I guess I don't understand why it was any of your (or anybody else) business where her daughter was born. I understand your interest in her dolls b/c of your connection w/ the country but her daughter???? How much personal information of your children do you give out to total strangers???? :tongue_smilie:
  10. Oh, I would like to know the answer to that question also. I tried the recipe a while ago and had crunchy porcupines. Not a hit at my house. Thanks.
  11. Just saw this post. We are in Evansville.
  12. My experience, for what it is worth... My now 8yr ds has a June 2 bday. The year he would have started ps, the cut-off date changed from June 1 to July 1. Great, off to school he goes. NO way! K teacher he is assigned says there is no way that a June 2nd boy is ready for k. Principal agrees. All of this w/out ever meeting boy in question. In fact, school speech pathologist advocates for ds and it does no good. I am told he can enroll, but that they can guarantee that he will have to repeat k. Guess why I decided to hs. Fast forward to now... we have moved to a different part of same state. Ds is a member of a cub scout den (he is only hs member) in which he is the youngest (second youngest has a March 15 bday) Funny tidbit, my son is the tallest by quite a bit and it is assumed that he is a year older than he is - that we red-shirted him. Red shirting is alive and well in our state. My advice is to find out what is the norm in your area.
  13. This story and the one about the glitter, extra effort at the gyno are from a book. Can't remember the name but a trivial, drivel, want to get away, waste an afternoon kind of book. Had already seen the stories on the board when I saw it in the book. Still laughed aloud.
  14. Yes, here we save all good condition clothes to pass along down the line, even with a 6 yr gap b/t dds. Clothes are so expensive and even if it is not "stylish" it can still be "play clothes." We do have a basement with a storage area. Might not save as much if I didn't have a place to store. I also save good condition toys and play things. (my dd - 3 has very few new things, clothes, toys, etc.) I am quite concerned about the economy - you just don't know. I am also frugal (dh says cheap) by nature. I am having a difficult time parting w/ curriculum that just hasn't worked for us. Can't help but think we might want it in the future. But, I really do think I should pass it along and use the $ to buy what we could use now.
  15. I, too, am a habitual rearranger. We moved into this house about 2 years ago and I am still searching for the "perfect layout." Plus, I am not much of a decorator (LOL) but I like to incorporate the stuff I like. I think I really need someone who could look at the "stuff" I own/like and place it throughout the house. No doubt a true decorator would shake head in disgust but I want the "things" that mean something/provoke good memories to be out. Rearrange away and let us know of any really cool ideas. I love looking at other peoples' decorating)
  16. My boys have been involved with ps cub scouting and boy scouts. We have had no problem being the only hs family in either group. The boys have both made great and very close friends. My older son just crossed over to boy scouts and the older boys in the troop are not the role models I would have chosen. It is not a function of hs vs. ps, more what the scout leaders allow. Many of the families of the former Webelos are looking for another troop - but again it is a troop leadership issue.
  17. BA - Bradley University MBA - Washington University in St. Louis
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