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Everything posted by LND1218

  1. I would keep her home tomorrow and have her help figure out a plan. What a gift you would be giving her to wake her up with getting to stay home. There are so many resources out there you can do it. And she can help figure it out. The library is loaded with options!! What about http://booksamaritan.blogspot.com/ I am sure they could help!
  2. I would get some really fun toy for around $20 and bank the rest. Or I would buy clothes for the next year.
  3. That's not okay - dh should talk to him. He's clearly confused. We just dealt with this with dh's job!
  4. BTDT - I agree that she needs to pay you upfront. In the situation I was dealing with there was more than just the money. She was taking advantage in other ways. So I just stopped watching her child. You could try simply telling her to prepay at the beginning of the week or the child can't stay. When I worked as day care director, we often turned parents away. Either pay today or don't come back tomorrow. There was only one time I had to refuse to accept a child the next day - it wasn't fun.
  5. It's not a scam. They buy mailing lists - somewhere along the line they got your child's information. They are totally legit - although they make mistakes in their mailing lists. I have a friend who sends her kids every year. Personally the trips are expensive and I don't think they are all that great. We get these letters, but I would prefer to dc myself. I honestly wouldn't trust someone I didn't know to take my dc on a trip like that.
  6. There are lots of hs in NoVa esp in that area. There is a lot of traffic and the house prices are very high. 300K really won't go far, but you may be able to find something.
  7. For the gloves we have a ton of those - dh usually gets them at sporting good stores.
  8. That's the best!! We are on the do not call list but we still get calls from charities, political organizations and the like. I had one last week that was driving me crazy. They had been calling 4 times a day for a month! I finally answered. I kept telling her I won't give money over the phone, but I would consider it if they would let me mail it in. She kepts saying "But you can trust me I wouldn't risk my job to steal your cc information. The call is being recorded it's safe." The next person who calls is getting asked out!
  9. My thoughts: Interesting. It won't pass. Someone has to pay for it. Huh I have 5 pets - that could be nice.
  10. I haven't tried the Greek, but with Latin hands down there is no question I would go with CAP. I am considering Greek programs right now, and I can't say I would do Hey Andrew at all. I do have one of their books - I was not impressed. But I haven't looked at SS Greek at all.
  11. What level are you looking at? Foundations can be done at home but not Essentials and Challenge.
  12. Great advice so far. Getting your hands on great books and reading everything you can will help. I am one of those who was smart enough to get through school without learning! I am loving homeschooling - I feel so smart! I am learning along with my kids, but I found that I needed more help as I couldn't learn fast enough. So I: I found some moms who had been there done that, and I gleaned from them. We joined Classical Conversations which was helped me find those moms. It also gave me access to a lot of training that helped me. Every year CC does free practicum workshops where you study a subject (they are open to everyone.) I have done their Latin, Trig, English, Logic, Writing and Economics. That helped a lot! My dc do Essentials (IEW, grammar and math drill) Having someone else teach the grammar and writing is wonderful. We are in year 3 of Essentials, and I have learned so much!! (At a secondary level they offer teaching in Challenge one day a week. Which is a huge help with the secondary stage. I am looking forward to learning along with the dc when we get there.) I have attending teacher training with Veritas Press (twice in person) - they have some great "In a Week" classes over the summer. I outsourced some things. I needed someone to help teach me. I hired Latin teacher for dd, and I sat in. That was a huge blessing. I learned and she learned. And she wasn't held back by me. :tongue_smilie:My dd has surpassed me. I thought I would eventually take that back, but I don't want to slow her down. We have done some online classes. We are now doing Latin online now with www.latinandclassics.com We did some classes with Veritas Scholars online last year. We took a class with Andrew Pudewa when he was here. DD did it and I sat in. I look for as many opportunities as I can to learn myself. Where I can't keep up, I look for way to help meet that need for my kids.
  13. Is there an LCC social group here?
  14. Those are grammar stage questions. Those are questions looking for knowledge. It may help to think of them as knowledge, wisdom and understanding instead. Those are knowledge based questions. That is IMHO exactly what grammar stage kids ask. Not all grammar stage kids ask them, but they are very stage appropriate. The grammar isn't a "perfect stage" - kids move in and out of it at their own pace. Sometimes going back and forth in and out of it as they grow. So you may see dialectic questions. The 3 stages not only refer to the child growing up but the method we teach subjects in a trivium based classical model. You learn the grammar of math, English, Latin, music, history etc. before you learn the dialectic and rhetoric. Some kids will move quickly through the grammar of math and into the dialectic while other move quickly through English grammar. I have a grammar stage kid - doing grammar stage math, dialectic stage English and rhetoric stage Latin. But she did the grammar stage before moving to dialectic and then rhetoric. And she is still very much grammar stage despite being dialectic in somethings and rhetorical in others. I believe that you should learn a subject starting with the grammar no matter the age of the student. If you learn to play the piano at 35. You need to learn to read music and play the notes - the grammar of piano before moving on the dialectic and rhetoric.
  15. You are right!! At the secondary level, NO! You don't want to do that. That's way too much work for a student. For grammar stage, you can do it. We have done both CC and VP Scholar in grammar stage. But for secondary with VP and Challenge - No way!
  16. We have a similar issue. The baby is a light sleeper and it hasn't worked out to have him share a room with anyone! My first baby that needed to is my only one who won't! SIGH! So 3 are in one room together - it's just fine. They actually like. It is harder to keep clean, but it's temporary.
  17. I would, but I almost did! I have an Ian, and I really really wanted to use Liam. I almost did it even though they are very close. I just love those names. We actually decided to use William with Liam for short, so he could change it if he wanted to later. William is also a family name, so it was the perfect compromise to me. However at the last minute we changed that, and we used it as a middle name. Our reason for not doing it had nothing to do with the names but the circumstances around bringing baby home - long story but basically we choose to keep his birth name from bmom instead. I was thinking just the other day about calling him Liam instead, but his name really fits hit. So yes I would do it!
  18. It depends - we loved it!! We took: my nephew (14), dd (9), dd (5) and ds (2) when it was in PA. We'd go again if we could.
  19. That's great!! Americans need to chill a bit. Here parents have had child protective services called on them if their child is seen in their underwear in their yard!! What a great experience for your family.
  20. That's exactly what I thought LOL!! :iagree: You have a great attitude!! I think I would cry. Do let us know what the final decision is.
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