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Everything posted by LND1218

  1. Not having grown children...but being the grown child who moved away ~ often! 4 hours away ~ we'd visit once a month or every other month.
  2. Not to sound alarmist, but we have friends who ds committed suicide at a very age because of bullying that was going on. They tried to fix it, but the school wasn't helpful. When it got to the point where the child felt trapped and that nothing was going to work or help he hung himself. It was going on for a couple years, and it was very sneaky like that. I would have a sit down with that principal ASAP!
  3. If returning home is not an option, she would have been pulling over the sitting in the back the rest of the way there. No way I would have allowed her to continue to drive! Also, if the consequences aren't enough she won't change. You are going to have to inconvience her, yourself and possibly others to get through to her. Behavior changing consequences have to make an impact or they don't work. And things like grounding tend to feed anger and resentment where as missing the practice is over but wow she really let them down that hurts. But it's not ongoing for her to keep building feelings of bitterness/anger or whatever it is. I think are times when grounding is okay and loss of priviledges work, but losing the computer isn't a logical consequence for talking that way while driving to practice. Loss of practice and or driving is more logical because it's connected. I do think lack of sleep can play a big role - so cutting those things off at night is a good thing to do.
  4. If you only do memory work in history that's true. But we don't. There is grammar memory work in all subjects not just history. Yes, we are on the same page in history, but not English, Latin, Math, Science, Geography, poetry etc. We believe the heart of the grammar stage is grammar. So we learn it for all subjects.
  5. If that's the case, then the immunization isn't going to work either.
  6. :iagree: I thought about leaving CC for several years for some of your reasons and honestly for the reason Tara mentioned. I like being in control! And more. But that was because I didn't see the big picture. Dh really wanted us to stay, so we did. I am so grateful we did! I had 2 kids when it started here. It was easier to homeschool my 2 sweet girls, and I didn't see the huge benefit for my 7 and 3 yr old. We were doing our own thing successfully. Now I have 2 boys too. I see now how helpful this is to my homeschool. I couldn't have kept going on my own! Especially, now that I have one leaving grammar stage and moving to dialectic, I see the big picture. It is so much better than what I could have or would have done! My daughter is so much better prepared for the secondary level because of this. I am so grateful for dh for insisting we stayed. Talk to moms of older kids - I hear all the time. If only I had known about this before now.
  7. There are different theories on what is best with grammar. Maybe waiting until they have seen it in there studies to introduce it is ideal, but in the real world how do you do that? I actually don't think it is, but even if it was I couldn't do it. You would have all your children doing different memory work - this is why memory often gets left behind. I have 4 kids - no way I could juggle 4 sets of memory work - plus Latin vocab and all. We have done CC for years, and it doesn't phase my kids to not have context. They get the context later. It's been fine. At our program, 5 and 7 yr olds wouldn't be sitting for 2 1/2 hours. Talk to the tutors about that. I don't think any of our kids for for 2 1/2 hours. I don't think it's too much at all. I think it's just the right amount. The first year is harder though. I think maybe you should try a new approach. Are you on the C3? If not, I highly recommend it. There are great ideas and tutorials the kids can do. Talk to other CC moms there about ideas at home. We do a lot of games with it and make it fun. If you do the 30 minutes with it each day and that's it, it shouldn't overwhelm them. We do 30 minutes work and then we add about 30 minutes to an hour of fun and games with it. But I have older kids going to MM. At 5, I focus on something I want to accomplish and work on that. It is too much for a 5 year old to get it all. For my 5 year old, we are focused on timeline and the first 6 weeks only! I see how fast they pick it up now - I love what CC has given my crew. But honestly I struggled my first 2 years wondering what I was accomplishing. Now I see it! It really doesn't matter what memory work you do as long as you do it! If you feel like it's better to do something else that's fine. The reason families like CC is because it keeps you going and you have other families to do memory work with. And it really works. Cycle 1 history is a little weird to keep up with. I think my response is a little scatter, but I keep getting distracted by the kids. Better get back to them...
  8. I assume that is with coupons - from the stockpile. Very doable no matter where you live.
  9. I think this is very doable! I have to run at the moment. But I think you eat healthy for $100/week! Pizza - I can make it healthy cheaper than I can buy it frozen. Cutting out or back on dairy, meats, convenience foods and cereal are great places to save money. Homemade laundry det. can save you $. I save $10/month using it. Rice and beans are great - are you using canned beans or dry beans? Rice bought in larger quantities saves $$. I never buy it at the grocery store. Costco saves me a ton on produce! Stick with the less expensive veggies and you should do fine. Stick with in season produce. Oatmeal makes a good cheap breakfast. Water - no juice or milk to drink saves $$. PB can still be healthy and cheap.
  10. If it were me, I would use a midwife for prenatal care - they tend to cost less. Then since it's high risk, I would switch to an OB around the end of the 2nd tri. And work out a cash price then.
  11. Based on the OP ~ It's not that she can't read - she's not a good reader. Scholastic puts this book at early 5th grade level. I say it's lower than that, but still she's reading say on a 3rd or 4th or even 5th grade level with reading. She could easily homeschool a 6 and 8 year old. I think ACE might be a good program for them. I am not sure if it's in their budget. But it would be a good way for her and the kids to learn. If you can evaluate them all that could be very beneficial. It's possible she reads better than she thinks she does in small chunks. Sometimes it's getting through the whole book that is hard for struggling readers but small passages are no problem. If that's the case, she may do just fine schooling the kids.
  12. You know I am not someone who picks up the phone very often at all. It's just where I am in life. I can't imagine a once a week phone call to anyone. I have several dear friends who I talk to one or twice a year. That's the best I can do right now. I would hope they don't cut me off for that. I have a friend who is great at keeping in touch - she does more than I do. And I do feel bad, but she has more time than I do. If this person means something to you, I would respond. Forget what her motives are - just send a note or call and see what happens. If she's really interested in maintaining a friendship then she will - if not it will be obvious. I think you have nothing to lose to make contact with her.
  13. I believe you will find the answers in the scriptures. I think it will give you the confidence you are looking for which is that your father is in heaven with Jesus.
  14. Well there are different beliefs about this. I believe we will go right to heaven.
  15. We let all of them watch it. My 4 year old loved it. He fell asleep during it. And woke up the next morning asking to watch the monk movie again because he missed parts of it. The kids did close their eyes during the graphic part of masacre.
  16. I agree. If it's God's will you will get pg if it's not you won't. Not that I know of. there are times when women didn't get pg. If you believe God is the giver of life (which I do) then you can't get pg without him. So let him decide for you!
  17. Note to self don't read these threads while doing school with the kids. :lol: They are suppposed to be working, but my dc keep asking "Are you laughing or crying?" When I answered laughing - my dd said well you know you are crying right? Oh my stars these are hillarous!! One armed man. :lol: that was hillarious!! Opened the flood gates of uncontrollable laugher and tears. I keep thinking they were looking for help with a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle costume.
  18. Well my library only lets you check out 10 books per card. I would just use everyone's library card to request books. You could get a bunch that way.
  19. See that's the problem - they have no idea what you are talking about. I mean there is no cheese in there is there?
  20. I agree to many narrations. Cut that way back. If that isn't enough of a help. Also look at a different approach - here are some very different styles of classical education - Veritas Press, Classical Conversations, or LCC (which was already mentioned.) These are lighter just different.
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