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Everything posted by homewithtrinity

  1. My two enjoyed Total Health as much as high school students like anything.
  2. Good for you!! I felt the same way last weekend when we went hiking. I so love to be outside. I hope the weather stays mellow for a week or two more.
  3. My son was the same way. I ended up starting him on Saxon 3 in the second grade. By the time 3rd grade rolled along he was ready for Saxon 54.
  4. Sorry, I always order through Rainbow. Free shipping with my orders.
  5. In Texas a good chunk of the population speaks Spanish.
  6. I have been working on my son's transcript and wondering the same thing.
  7. Thank you ladies for your help. Valerie, I did look into the program at UT Arlington, but we are an hour southeast of Dallas. It was just to far. Our little local cc has had bad experiences with homeschooled students. Most wanting to start are not prepared for college level classes. It is quite frustrating to be compared to them. Life goes on. If only I lived in CA!
  8. I have always grouped nonfiction books by subject. Fiction books are grouped by author.
  9. All of the books on your list are amazing! Some of the movies follow the books closely. Those would be great to watch. The others I would check out unabridged copies on tape from your local library.
  10. Does anyone know if there is an online program to help with transcripts? I have put some together for my kids, but they do not look profesional. Any suggestions would be welcome.
  11. If you try to stretch beyond your comfort zone, you will be less likely to follow through. Doesn't Sonlight let you keep the program for a period though? You could always take advantage of this and see if you could tweek the program to fit your son. In His service, Ann
  12. But I have always been partial to Sonlight. In His service, Ann
  13. The only phonics we used was ETC. We did add the Beyond the Code books when we reached that level though. In addition to ETC, we read tons of library books aloud. Predictable pattern books helped my kids feel successful. This feeling of success made them want to read more. In His service, Ann
  14. My son plans on starting dual credit classes next semester at the local community college. The college wants to limit him to only two classes a semester. He had hoped to take a full load. Has anyone else faced this problem? If your students are taking classes, how do you pay for them? There is a limit of 4 dual credit classes for high school students. Will he be able to use FASFA? Thanks for any help. In His service, Ann
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