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Everything posted by chepyl

  1. I always checked with the the word counter in Word.
  2. My DD - Lilly Grace Name I promised DH we could use if we ever had another girl: Charlotte Rose....although to continue family tradition, she has to have Marie as a middle name....Charlott Rose-Marie M......... It may be too much. If we had twin girls...that would solve the name problem ;) I also like Nadia and would have used it for DD, but Nadia is Aidan backwards and that is DS's name :) Arabella Lydia There are more, but it is late.
  3. We have been eating pizza every week...now I can't stand the site of it!
  4. By 8 I could prepare a full meal on my own. The only meal I could make was spaghetti with meat sauce, side salad and frozen peas/corn....but I could do it all. By 12 I could create a few recipie of my own. I loved to cook and started experimenting. We have pictures of me sitting on the cabinet helping to shape hamburger parties when I was 4 or 5. I started helping with cookies akd cakes very young too. At 15, my mom's best friend was going through a divorce and needed distractions. She would come over once a month and fix us a gourmet dinner. She taught me to bake and do fancy stuff :). My kids are 3 and 6. They can both crack eggs without getting shell in the bowl. They can roll out cookies or pie crusts, knead bread, and know the ingredients for several basic recipies. Ds can do microwave cooking and make PBJ. They both love to help me cook. DH cooks too. We all enjoy a good meal, it is a big part of our family time...that is also how I spent time with my mom. It is how I spent my time with my grandmas. For DH, he enjoys creating meals he loved as a child (his mom passed away when we were 17). I think for families like ours, cooking happened earlier with kids. I have friends who did not teach their kids to cook until they were 12-13, my college friend never learned. At 19 she was extatic at the invention of easy mac. Her min said she would learn when she got married....:001_huh: My SIL also never learned to cook. She is afraid to fail at cooking....
  5. I am a Christian and loved it, they were recommended by a Christian friend. I did not try the other books until a few years ago. They get a little stranger, I would wait for those. But, A Wrinkle in Time is great.
  6. When DD here to first grade, ds will be in 4th and on SOTW 4. Dd will do the same and we will all stary ancients again the next year. She will still learn everything, just in a different order. She listened to the Cds with is in the car and at home, she will not be conpletely lost. You could get the Cds for volume 1 and let her listen to a chapter a week. Play each story multiple times a week and you will be amazed what she picks up. It will just be fun stories....not double history work. If she heats a story she loves, you can get more reading and talk about it.
  7. At this point he is really only 3 weeks behind. Start with modules 4 and 1 this week, spend two hours a day on chemistry for 3 weeks. It will make the next few weeks tough, but he may catch on more quickly since it is a second run at the modules. I would not give up the class with the chemist to redo 3 weeks of work at home. Talk to the teacher. See if the teacher will give you new copies of the quizzes to give at home, not for a sec.d chance at the grade, but so you can check his knowledge.
  8. You asked what was first grade level. My son is in first grade. I answered with what I know and how I figure the level. As someone else said, kids are all over the place. I can only answer with what I know.
  9. Do not never not use double or triple negatives... Ain't isn't a word.
  10. I have given DS up to 1 wkbk lesson and 4 pages of IP. He still completed it in 20 minutes with little to know mistakes. Typically I do 4 pages of IP if there are no written lessons for the day (just a text discussion day). Otherwise, I do two pages. I don't like to spend more than 20 minutes a day on any subject.
  11. We have been accelerating SM 2A. I started in this level because DS needs all of the intro to multiplication and a little more addition/subtraction practice. We should be done around Christmas, but right now, we are set to finish in mid NOV. As he continues to move fast, I can see us finishing in October. I cut some of the repetition - we might do half the problems in a lesson and do two lessons in a day. I have not skipped any lessons, just a few of the text reviews. By cutting the reps and keeping all the lessons, I know he is not missing a concept. If he struggles with the problems, we can always do the rest the next day.
  12. That is a good idea! My son is not old enough...but I could suggest it to my co-op class...
  13. We have a family birthday party. DH has 6 siblings and between them we have 16 nieces and nephews! Plus my cousins (like brothers and sisters to me) have 5 kids so far...it's a big party! Not everyone makes it every year...but we have had some big celebrations. If you want to see the celebration in progress this year...check out my blog. We had celebration part one today and the party tomorrow.
  14. I was there at 9 am when they opened! There was another mom there picking up educational materials...everyone else was getting pleasure reading :) I was the one grabbing all the books on ancients! I found some great stuff. I only stayed for about 20 minutes because we were heading off to the Wildlife Expo in Guthrie.
  15. Anyone who lives in Oklahoma and can make it to Guthrie tomorrow - go check out the wildlife expo. I don't want to repost all of my pictures here, so check out this blog post I did today. My 3 and 6 year olds did archery, learned to cast fishing line, learned about some local fish, and touched a skunk :) We had a blast!! If you are not in Oklahoma, see if your state wildlife organization offers anything similar. Everything was FREE. There was even some free food. We did not have the time or energy to do everything. It was a great educational opportunity for the kids. We plan to go again next year.
  16. I have this problem, so does my dad. He has an official diagnosis, I do not. What helps me is continual noise. I know it sounds strange, but if I sit at a quiet table to work, I hear every sound around me and cannot tune them out, but if I turn on music or a tv show I have seen several times, I can focus better. It drives dh crazy. My dad does the same thing. He always need the tv on. But, I cannot carry on a conversation in a crowded place or with the tv/radio on. Dh will turn on the radio In the car and then try to talk. I can't do it. But I can sit in the noise and focus on the computer, the dishes, or a book. Interrupt me to talk and I start feeling the stress build.
  17. My first grader (6 yesterday) tested at the sixth grade level for word decoding. Her can read aloud from a sixth grade book and understand it. His stamina and interest level are second to third grade. He can read a chapter of a Magic Treehouse book in less than five minutes amd tell me about it. I check the level by looking at the Scholastic book wizard. Most paperbacks have the levels on the back now.
  18. I love that we can make school fit our lives rather than plan our livess around school. I love that I get to spend so much time with my kids. I love getting to see their faces wheb they finally "get" something.
  19. Making a birthday cake. Doing laundry. Cleaning bathrooms. Cleaning the kitchen. But instead, I went to a hooksale amd we are heading to the wildlife EXPO in a few minutes.
  20. They closed the branch to exterminate and we will no Lo.ger be able to take backpack, possible strollers, and other things into any branch. I still went to the booksale at a different branch today...$12 and a full box of books :)
  21. Move on, or find a supplementary curriculum at the same level. I have MM geometry for 1st-3rd to add to the end of our year.
  22. We do math, grammar, history timeline, and reading daily. Spelling, history reading/study 3 days a week. Science once a week. Geography and Latin are part of our memory work that we review daily.
  23. You can PM me. I am a landlord and have worked in property management. I might be able to help you, but laws can vary by state.
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