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Just Kate

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Everything posted by Just Kate

  1. https://www.nowthaticando.com/
  2. I'm looking at this site and I still don't totally understand what it is. Care to explain??? I do like the clothes though. Super cute!
  3. Wonderful suggestions. Thank you!!! I wonder if there is a website that talks about basic pieces to have in a wardrobe?
  4. "I have nothing to wear." I use this phrase almost every day. Its not completely true, as I have a closet jam-packed with clothes. But most of it is old and out of style or doesn't fit well. I have some money set aside for a shopping trip, but I am terrible with fashion (although I do want to be somewhat fashionable!) and I'm not really sure what to buy. So I need help. In my perfect world, here's what I want: I'd like to have a smaller wardrobe of basics that can be worn together with some fun accessories. I think this sounds like the capsule wardrobe idea, but I actually need help figuring out what colors to choose and I need something to tell me how the items can be worn together to create new outfits. Does this exist? If not, any suggestions for a 40 year-old mom who spends most of her time carting her kids around, but a portion of her time in meetings with clients for work? I've been scouring the Internet, but just can't find what I'm looking for.
  5. I had to travel a bit for work today so I listened to the first and part of the second episode. So far I love it! I was so surprised when all of the episodes dropped and now I can't wait to have some extra time to keep listening. Will come back to discuss when I have a little time to process.
  6. I am intrigued! I've lived in WV for most of my life, but have never heard of this. Can you share the author's name? We love to visit the New River Bridge. There is lots to do in that area, but we really enjoy the sightseeing and the hiking. For food, stop at a local Tudor's Biscuit for a yummy breakfast biscuit. The Secret Sandwich Society is a favorite for lunch/dinner. Here is a website for info to get you started. https://newrivergorgecvb.com/eat/
  7. I have become more relaxed about sleepovers as my kids have gotten a bit older. They are 13 and 9, and there are a few friends that I don't mind last minute sleepovers with. That being said, I've told them (my 9 year old dd in particular) that it is NOT okay to bug another mom about sleeping over. We have a neighbor who does this to me and it drives me insane. I am way more likely to say no just because I can't stand how she goes on and on begging to sleep at my house.
  8. Lol...I can relate! My husband works in the oil and gas industry and will regularly work at different locations. Just the other day I asked him what city he is working in again? I couldn't remember at all!
  9. My kids are 13 and 10. The 13 year old will occasionally use the word salty. Both kids have just started using the word savage. I like salty...savage, I'm not so sure.
  10. Do you care to include a link to what your using? I also deal with wrinkles and acne. The joys of being 40!!!
  11. This made me remember...when Facebook messenger first came out with the giant emojis you could send, I made a mistake. A friend of a friend was diagnosed with cancer. We weren't really friends in real life, but she was a Facebook friend. I went into my messenger app to send her a quick message and while I was there, I noticed something new. I clicked On the emojis out of curiosity, having no idea that by clicking I was actually sending. Of course, the one I clicked on was the giant, green puking emoji!!! I was horrified. I quickly typed up a message explaining what I did. It was so embarrassing. Thankfully, she has a great sense of humor and she told our mutual friend that it gave her a chuckle.
  12. I completely agree with everything ...except Emma as Belle. I actually thought she did a good job. The CG beast was too much. He wasn't a cartoon but looked so animated. I don't know...I also found it distracting. Many of the CG scenes were distracting to me. I loved the music, but some of the musical numbers were so fast moving that it almost gave me a headache. We did not watch the 3-D version and all I could think was that those scenes were created to look cool in 3-D. My dd kept leaning over to me and saying "doesn't that sound like Olaf?" And yes, from then, I heard Olaf's voice through the rest of the movie. I absolutely love Beauty and the Beast. It is my all time favorite Disney movie (the original one) and I really did enjoy this on as well. I'm sure I will be watching it again.
  13. Congrats to your family!! And I absolutely love her name.
  14. Back when I homeschooled, autocorrect would always change "homeschooling" to "homehooking", which always made me giggle.
  15. I also listened to In the Dark. My DH listened to it and recommended it to me, but I also thought the content would be disturbing. Not sure why I finally gave it a chance, but I binge-listened to it (is that a thing?). I learned a lot listening and I am also anxious for the next season. Any other favorites?
  16. I've been listening to the Richard Simmons podcast too. It has been very interesting...I didn't really know that he was so emotionally involved in many of his fans' lives. I will also be sad when it is over. I loved the first season of Serial but couldn't get into season 2. I'm anxious to see what season 3 will bring.
  17. I love podcasts and this one sounds interesting. Thanks for sharing!
  18. I'm from WV and amazingly enough, most people around me say creek with the long E (although I have heard "crick" on occasion). I quoted you because my dad always says "light bread". My mom might serve some really nice bread with dinner, but my dad really just prefers "light bread", which is Heiners brand sandwich bread for my dad. I've never heard anyone else refer to it that way before.
  19. Ugh...I teach Sunday School...the 2-3 year old class. 😳 This Sunday will be a fun class!
  20. Thank you for letting me know that! I had always wondered.
  21. I would love to find a nice daily devotional to read now through Easter. I am Protestant and my particular church doesn't really celebrate the Lenten season (not sure if it is Lent or Lenten...I've seen both). I would really like to take this time to reflect, get off of Facebook, and spend more time focused on Jesus. Would love your recommendations!
  22. I locked myself in my room today (not really, but I did declare today "tv day for me") and I just watched the last three episodes. I've teared-up several times during this season, but I honestly sobbed during the most recent episode. No adoption in my family, yet I'm hooked!
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