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Just Kate

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Everything posted by Just Kate

  1. FINALLY, dh and I are planning to take the kids to the beach this summer. All of my beach experience has been at Myrtle Beach, SC and we are looking to go a bit of a different direction (maybe a little less commercial?). I was thinking about the Outerbanks or even the gulf side of Florida. The problem is, I don't know a thing about any of these beaches and I don't even know where to begin! If anyone has suggestions, I would love to hear them. Also, since we homeschool, we have the ability to go during the off-season. Would we want to do this (for instance, would the NC beaches be warm enough?). Of course if we could save some money, we would love to. I just feel so overwhelmed and would love some advice. Thanks!
  2. No way! Not crazy at all. As a matter of fact, your post makes me wish I could go back and do the same for my oldest (I was so excited to start homescooling...now I just wish I had enjoyed him being little more). As for the speech (I am in no way an expert, but...) reading to him may be one of the best things you can do for him at this age! If he has been checked out and deemed to need speech therapy, then great, do that too. But reading to him lots and lots will probably help as well. ETA: I see that you also have a 7yo. So you already know all too well about enjoying them when they are little. :)
  3. I was seriously just looking for the LIKE button. I totally agree! :iagree::iagree:
  4. My 7yo ds is very particular about his room; however, if just anyone looked at it, they would definitely think it was messy! Like your dd, my ds has all of his toys arranged "just so" and he also keeps things which I would deem as "junk". I have decided that his room isn't a hill that I'm prepared to die on and, as another pp suggested, as long as there is a path and he keeps his clothes picked up and in the right spots, he can keep his room as he likes. (I should add that I'm a messy person so it is difficult for me to get onto my kids about tidiness, since I can't seem to keep *my* things tidy!)
  5. Oh...I have heard of that site before. Hmmm...maybe I will check it out. Would anyone care to share a sample weekly menu (or a rotating menu, if that's what you use)? I desperately need some inspiration.
  6. Since you said that it appears that she would like to catch up with you and your family, yet she doesn't attend the birthday parties she is invited to, I think I would assume that she would rather plan a visit when it is not a birthday party. Why don't you invite her over (include her boyfriend if that makes things easier and even your family if you think everyone would enjoy that!) and just see. If she continues to turn you down for EVERY invitation (not just birthday parties), then you might decide to stop inviting her.
  7. I have been feeling pretty cruddy lately about how I am feeding my family and I need HELP! My kids are picky and I have just been re-making their favorite foods over and over again, which unfortunately includes way too much junk food (pizza, hot dogs, tacos, etc.). I want to change how I do dinner, but for some reason I just can't get started. Can you please help? Here is some background info: Dh works out of town throughout the week, so for much of the time it is just kids and me (7yo and 4yo) I have been a vegetarian, but have started eating meat again recently (as long as the meat is in a sauce, soup or something to disguise the taste I work part time and would love some easy crock pot recipes My family lived with my parents for two years and my mom took over much of the cooking during that time (or my dh, kids and I ate out so we could have some "alone time"). My mom really catered to the kids' desires and all of our "tastes" for food changed during this time. I don't know if I need a rotating menu or what...but something to help me come up with relatively healthy and easy meals that my kids might like. I have tried looking at recipe sites like AllRecipes and honestly, I just get overwhelmed. I have considered something like EMealz, but I am really wishing I could just do it on my own. I guess my biggest problem is that it is hard to cook a meal for just me and my kids that I know they won't like. I feel like I've wasted food and the meal isn't enjoyed at all. Help me to overcome this and put some type of meal system in place. I want my kids to grow up eating healthy, satisfying dinners.
  8. Bumping to see if anyone else has suggestions. Thanks!!!
  9. Thank you for the suggestion! I am a bit embarrassed to admit I have the book ( not the system though). It sounds great, but it overwhelms me. Did you buy the system or set it up yourself? Other suggestions appreciated as well! :)
  10. I have a 7 yo and a 4 yo who have never really been responsible for chores. Now they are both required to help out when asked, but they have no real responsibilities of their own. I would like to change this and I need help! I have looked at various chore systems in the past and my biggest problem is that I am overwhelmed at all of the options. Not just the system for tracking chores, but do I pay per chore or not (I like Dave Ramsey so I tend to lean toward paying) and how do I even determine who should do what chore ( how much is enough?). Also I work three days per week, and I honestly feel like I am doing good those mornings to get us all out of the house with our teeth brushed! I'm not sure how I would fit chores in (maybe the evenings instead?). My dh works out of town now and I am truly overwhelmed trying to "do it all" on my own. Also I recognize that I am doing my kids a disservice by not teaching them now. I need a very basic system with some ideas on how to implement it. IF you could share what type of chores you feel are reasonable for a 7 & 4 yo, that would be great. Thanks!
  11. 7 year old's favorite gifts: Acoustic guitar Used iPod touch - this is probably the favorite favorite! Legos...LOTS of Legos
  12. It will just be the kids and me, so we are ordering pizza and then having chocolate fondue for dessert.
  13. Thanks all! I now have Pride and Prejudice on my kindle. Can't wait to get started!!!
  14. I hate to admit this here, but I've never read anything by Jane Austen. Can you tell me which I should read first and why?
  15. I just want to say that I think it is wonderful that you are considering helping your sister. I have been in a similar predicament as your sister (not the single mom part, but the needing help from family) and boy is it tough! My family moved in with my parents for almost 2 years due to dh's work situation. We are back to living on our own, but m mom still watches my kids two days per week and she frequently keeps them overnight and gets them to their activities when I am working out of town (a few times per month). I hate that I hà ve to rely on others to help me care for my kids, but I am so thankful to be living near my parents again and that they are willing to help. So I guess I would suggest that you set up some type of "rules" so you make sure that your sister doesn't take advantage of you and then if your husband agrees, enjoy helping her out. I am sure you will be as blessed by your generosity as your sister is.
  16. You can open an iTunes account without a credit card (I just did it!). I googled it and figured out how to do it. I would look it up for you but I am typing on my iPhone.
  17. Both of my kids received iPod Touches for Christmas. I am trying to figure out how to set them up in iTunes. I know that they can't have their own accounts, as they are both minors. But they don't really want to share apps, music, etc. Also, they have both received iTunes gift cards and they would like to keep them separate. How in the world do I do this???
  18. Crazy when wetting the bed is GOOD news, right? :) I'm glad he's not sick though!
  19. My 7yo ds is amazingly still awake (it is 3:20am!!!). The kids went to bed a little after 10pm, but ds has been unable to sleep. Of course, he is so excited that he keeps getting worked up and then crying because he can't sleep. I finally sent dh to bed and put ds in bed with him. Here is hoping it works!!!
  20. After looking at many fondue recipes, we decided to go with this one. I think that a cheddar fondue will be appreciated by all of the guests and it just looks yummy. Is there anything different I should do to make it more fondue-like? (meaning, add more liquid, etc.) Also, I know that some other fondue recipes recommend mixing the shredded cheese with the flour before melting. Would that be a good idea here too? Thanks for the suggestions!
  21. Thanks everyone! Dh and I are just doing stocking stuffers this year and we have a $ limit. I started out searching at a department store and the least expensive brand was $50+. I ended up at a RiteAid and could only smell a few (Usher being one of them). I did like it and I think I'll go back tomorrow and get it! Hmmm...you gave me another idea, Audrey. I think I will get dh a chain so he can wear the bottle around his neck. Maybe he can start a cool trend! (just kidding...obviously!)
  22. For some reason, it seems teenage-ish to me. Dh would like new cologne. I would like to spend around $30 on it. Can I purchase something decent for that amount? Thanks!
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