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Everything posted by ladydusk

  1. Nina Planck's book Real Food also has a section on raw milk and it is what convinced me. Unfortunately, I can't legally purchase raw milk in my state :( You may try the Weston A Price Foundation or their Campaign for Real Milk page. I find Planck a little more approachable and less conspiracy-theoristy than Weston Price and Nourishing Traditions, although I really like NT and find it to be a valuable resource.
  2. I agree with Tara. I have a 4 (almost 5) year old, and we're doing Cultural Geography this year. Talking about maps, continents, countries, and peoples. Making food from different countries. Reading some books about different countries. I'm not too worried about it because I know we're going to cover this stuff again with our history and geography, but it gives us some structure and "practice" at doing school. I have a 3 year old, too, and he follows along, but it means less to him than to my 4 year old. Here are some links to a couple of the ideas I'm incorporating (both these ladies are/were posters here): Hazel"nut" Academy's Countries/Cultures The Sunny Patch's Countries and Cultures of the World
  3. Dr Perrin from Classical Academic Press isn't the most dynamic speaker in the world and can be kind of mumbly. However, his information is so good and I really enjoy going to his talks. I bought them all at Cinci this year and have listened to them several times since.
  4. Barb's (of HarmonyFineArts) daughter sells art kits at her blog, Hearts and Trees. I've considered purchasing from her, but my kids are still little.
  5. My kids love the plastic magnetic letters and numbers ... I use them on our easel and they like to spell words and do math equations with them. Target had sets of letters in the dollar spot last week (26 letters for a dollar). My son likes to draw on the white board the number of lines/dots around the number.
  6. "Light" it is a derivative from Eleanor, as I recall.
  7. My Grandmother-in-law was Mary Lenora and we used "Lenore" for one of our girls' middles. Lenora Jackson _____ would be pretty.
  8. Yeah ... we're getting back into the swing of our school schedule after some time off, but our new school year "officially" starts January 6. N-Boy turns 4 on January 5 and it doesn't make sense to me to start on the 4th to take the 5th off. We'll probably do some things (practice memory work, reading, & math) between Thanksgiving and 1/6/10, but not a full schedule.
  9. I made this Red, White, and Blueberry Trifle for Independence Day and it was super easy and yummy. I used Angel Food cake instead of pound cake, but oh, man, it was gooood.
  10. M-girl (4.75) is reading quite well, but is only at lesson 59 of the Ordinary Parent's Guide ... we started First Language Lessons this week.
  11. Started More Millie-Molly-Mandy today at the pool during break time (the only M-M-M book our library has ...)
  12. We have the new square foot gardening book and had a lovely garden last year (no thanks to the deer).
  13. I taped (heavy duty packing tape) a ziploc bag (quart or gallon size, depending) to the back of the puzzles. It doesn't help consolidate, but I can stand them up in big rubbermaid bins and keep them together that way.
  14. No, I'm not using a program, either. I bought the D'Nealean font and make some pages for M-girl in Word.
  15. I know printers are a hot topic around here. My last el cheapo all-in-one won't pick up paper to feed anymore :glare: I'm just getting started on the whole homeschool thing. My husband has a B/W laser that works pretty well, so I'm looking for a color printer that will copy & scan (don't care about a fax at all ... we have no land line) I'm tired of buying a new printer every 2 years. It should: have wireless capability utilize separate color cartridges with decent page output I would like both a flatbed and document feeder not cost a fortune (Ha! I want the world, eh?) Here are 3 that I'm considering, any endorsements/anti-endorsements: HP Officejet 6500 Brother MFC-490 Lexmark X7675 Orrrrr, should I be thinking laser? TIA
  16. Pasta with Prosciutto and Peas. I had never bought shallots before I wanted to try this. It was worth buying shallots for! Delicious. Were they easy to grow?
  17. Mmmmmm ... Pineapple-Chicken Salad. Had this tonight served on lettuce, but it is also good on bread/croissants.
  18. My laundry is right next to the garage. I have one of those standing drying racks and I stand it up in the garage and put my laundry that needs air dried there. Not pretty, doesn't hold a lot, but does what I need done. I wish our neighborhood allowed it as well.
  19. I like the letter factory DVDs. The Explode the Code pre-books are good (Get Ready, Get Set, and Go for the Code) Ordinary Parent's Guide to teaching reading teaches letters for the first 26 lessons. Letter of the Week has fun ideas and book lists. Make an alphabet book! Put apple seeds on the "A", Buttons on the "B" ....
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