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Everything posted by Nicholas_mom

  1. Thank you Woodland Mist for your perspective. It does make sense. Everytime I find a way to do something, somebody else has to throw a kink in it that starts me second guessing myself! :) The biggest thing for my ds is things are too repetitive for him. That's why I want to condense some WWS and do more practice of the topoi with what we are doing in our other classes. I also like the idea of doing some things orally.
  2. >>>>>>>OTOH, she now needs to kind of unlearn this in order to write actual analysis essays!!! <<<<<<<<<< Rose, your post sounded good until this part. Please explain! :huh: Then why should we do summaries?
  3. Thank you, Ruth!!!!!!!!!! After reading the TM I started looking at the Student workbook and your schedule is starting to make sense to me now. My ds likes to write from what we are learning, too. But there are some cool stories he won't mind doing in WWS. I want to use some of them as example exercises we do together and then have him do some of his own writing that he learns to do from WWS and implement them to our current studies. As always, thank you ladies for helping to see how to implement this to my ds :) Keep us posted Ruth on how things are going and I will try to do the same.
  4. Thank you, Ruth! Want to add: so I have been reading WWS1 and read your thread Ruth and I still do NOT like SWB's one-level outline! I can teach my son the 2-3 level outline right away and he will get it. ARG! I feel like I am spinning my wheels trying to get WWS1 to work. I do not want to buy another writing program, so somehow I need to make this work. I had Maxwell's School of Composition in my Cart this past summer and I knew I should have bought it! ok going to think some more................. :leaving:
  5. I am so confused to what to use with this kid. Last year we did MCT Town and he did very well with it. This year I wanted to do more writing across the curriculum on paragraph writing but I can't seem to find something to help me do the next step. So far, we did CAPS - Fable and some of TC. Those are way below his level, so I want to start WWS. But when I look at it, it is sooo incremental I feel like I can condense these lessons and re-create something usable. I do have WWS because I was planning to use it before going on to MCT Voyage Essays. He seems to need more practice with paragraphs because we only did the first 10 lessons of MCT Town. I haven't taught him outlining and I thought either TC or WSS would work. He either needs to do an outline before writing or just list stuff under a topic sentence to help him write his 3 paragraphs for a subject. So, I wondered anybody has tried condensing the lessons in WWS before I try to do it.
  6. Thank you, Happy and GardenMom5!!!!!!! Wonderful! Yep Yep and more YES!!! I know. It was VERY prevalent to me when the physical therapist brought out a model of the pelvis and all the muscles. BIG emotions came out of that! I am very inflexible so I will look for the 1st DVD you recommend and hopefully it will be at the library to try out. Thanks again :hurray:
  7. Hi, I want to try Yoga to release the tight muscles in my hip area. Anybody have a favorite DVD? Thanks!
  8. I am trying to do Quantum physics with my son. He's 11 yrs old. Thanks for the Teaching Co. courses recommedations. My library has one of them. Some of these were recommended here in the Logic Board: Six Easy Pieces: Essentials of Physics Explained by Its Most Brilliant Teacher by Richard Feynman. There are some graphic novels: Introducing Quantum Theory: A Graphic Guide to Science's Most Puzzling Discovery by J.P. Evoy Introducing Particle Physics: A Graphic Guide by Tom Whyntie Alice in Quantumland: An Allegory of Quantum Physics by Robert Gilmore Exploring Quantum Physics through Hands-On Projects by David Prutchi -- He has a website with lots of info. This one I found and had my library buy it and I was able to take this book out. Mr. Thompson in Paperback by George Gamow 101 Quantum questions: what you need to know about the world you can't see by Kenneth Ford
  9. I LOVE this idea! My ds loves CE but this year I wanted to take a break before doing CE 2. It has a longer list. I felt he did great with it last year but I don't know if he remembered the words from last year. So I was looking to do something with the words from last year and I love your idea! Thanks :)
  10. We are going to start AOPS Pre-alg in about 2 weeks. I am doing just some of Jousting Armidillo with ds because we didn't cover deeply the Order of Operations and Negative numbers and I thought JA would be a good slow start before doing AOPS. I have a 11 yrs, a VSL, and I wish I did AOPS Pre-Alg with him last year! So far, JA is nice for starting out for school but is waaaay too easy program for my son. He loves the puzzles and loves doing the "note to self" in the JA program. Note to Self is something I will continue to do while doing Pre-Alg AOPS with him. Thank you so much for your updates. Please keep it coming! :) Oh, and I forgot, he does have a low threshold for frustration of problems, too. Last year, he loved LOF -Fractions/Decimals/percent but he did have some meltdowns on occassion with LOF. SO, I am alittle nervous about AOPS but I like that we have videos to go along the program.
  11. Hi, I wasn't sure if my avatar was from public domain, so I changed it. I took a photo of my son's published book for NaNoWriMo. He painted this picture for his cover of the book. I did not post pictures other than my avatar. So sorry Susan you have to go through this. I hope it gets worked out quickly.
  12. I was going to suggest something but I see you have young ones, still. Ambleside Online and Farrar suggestions are great. I like MCT - Literature Guides for when you are ready for Sentence Island. He has 1 or 2 quotes per chapter that he asks who said that and just some questions after reading the novel for suggestion for discussion. We narrate the chapter and I give quotes of what a character says. My son loves this guessing game. It also leads to deeper discussion. These suggestions are not far from the suggestions from other posters here.
  13. Every year we take a summer break. Every September we take a 1 week or 2 to quickly go over what was taught last year. No biggie, they start remembering much quicker then you think, especially as they get older.
  14. Rose, do you think using Chreia with MCT Essay Voyage would be a good idea? First do MCT-Voyage and then do CHreia? I am definitely doing TC this year after we do CAP Narrative 1. I'm actually doing the grammar of TC first and then move into Narrative 1 with ds (11). Then finish TC and possible do Nar. 2 or possibly skip it and next year do essays. That I will wait until next year to decide.
  15. WOW! Oh this is so exciting! How wonderful for you to see their needs and be able to find something that works for them. Now I am motivated to find something like this for my son.
  16. Never mind I found the past message that I was looking for. To the OP this link might be helpful for you, too. I am right there with you! http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/476133-aops-prea-users-talk-me-through-how-you-use-it/?hl=%2Baops+%2Bschedule&do=findComment&comment=5095080 My son is VSL and so is my husband. I have to try, with my husband's help, to use with my son. This might be the program he needs and there are so many different ways to use it. Even in the book it says you can either use as a "discovery method" or use like a traditional course where you tell them how to do it. I guess with using the videos. It doesn't specify how to use it "traditionally". My son also loves Fred, so we are supplementing with LOF - Pre-alg Biology.
  17. Texasmama did you watch the videos first, or did you try doing some of the example problems first and then watch if confused?
  18. Interesting thread. My son is 11 yrs old and loves to play AND needs to play everyday. So, I can readily see him doing it at 14.
  19. This is so beautiful! So beautiful book. We did MCt Paragraph Town up thru Lesson 11. The rest of the lessons seem so daunting for me. I needed something else. I neeeded something like this book to help me last year. Is it too late to use? Because of your complex sentences to teach grammar, it may not be. Ds (11) is a natural writer and just wrote and published a book. Last year we officially started writing paragraph but were not able to write alot of different stuff. I was looking and looking for something to do before doing MCT -Essay Voyage and possibly Writing with skill (I own). I settled on CAP - Fable (w/ only the 3 samples) --> Narrative 1 (complete program - I bought it already- will use fast-paced) and then take a break before finishing the year with CAP - Narrative 2 before starting WWS in Fall 2015. Maybe do CAP -Book 4 before WWS? Maybe that is a bit much. Now, I don't know how to fit your book in. It is sooooooooooo beautiful. Did I tell you already? I feel like your book is like the AOPS of Writing that everyone wants to find. :) I want to meet you and hear you talk at a convention! :seeya:
  20. Definitely. I want to make sure I do no more than 40 weeks for Pre-alg, with a present goal of 36 wks. We do 4 days a week of school except in Jan and Feb when we do not have co-op and do 5 day school weeks. So, eventually something falls out of the loop or used quite differently than expected.
  21. OK so this is my ds' first impression of some of the books. "Jousting Armodillos! Armidillos can't possibly joust." I can't figure if he was sarcastic like his Dad or really turned off. He looks at the cover of Art of Problem Solving - Pre-Algebra. "What is that picture of on the front cover? It's neat. I like it. I want to try that book first." I told him to look inside. He asked if there were pictures or is it filled with math problems (computation type). I quickly skimmed it with him and showed him some of the pictures. "Yeah, definitely want to do this book first (AoPs)" You see, I knew ahead of time, I would have to test drive the math curriculum before really being sure. That's my son on choosing curriculum. :lol:
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