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Everything posted by PenKase

  1. I've been lead to think that this would be the way to go. Trying to choose between all these writing programs is making my head spin. I fear that the step by step by step approach will turn my creative dc into grumpelstiltskins.
  2. I'm pretty sure the content recommendations have pretty much stayed the same. Some of the recommended resources may have been updated, added, and or changed though.
  3. I've pm'd you. Thank you for the offer and thanks to all of you for sharing your knowledge and hard work.
  4. I appreciate your wisdom. I've been avoiding scheduling history because it feels like taming a monster. I've been struggling with giving myself permission to simplify as much as possible. Thank you for your advice.
  5. For those of you who have used WWS, does it feel like pulling teeth?
  6. Umph! Thanks for the responses. I was afraid you guys would say that. Comparing MCT and WWS, I can see how the two will compliment each other. For those of you who are using multiple curricula, how do you intend to schedule them all in? FWIW I do like that with WWS, the student has to assume the responsibility of completing the assignments while the parent/teacher can act as facilitator.
  7. LOL!!! BTW....I truly admire your commitment to health/exercise. It's on my to do list. :lol: What you mentioned is indeed mechanics, but what I mean is direct writing instruction/how to in sentence/paragraph/essay composition, structure, and style. Sort of what WWS does but with an MCT flair. I had dd read through the WWS student sample yesterday. Although she is aware of the heightened expectations, I get the feeling it'll be a bumpy ride. She's had no past experience with the skill development in WWS while in ps other than the narrations she did last year when we homeschooled. Essentially, I don't want to have to "double dip" into the writing pot now if MCT will be teaching it in the later levels. KWIM? With another dd coming up in the ranks, I need all the time I can get to teach her too. Clear as mud? :lol::lol: ETA: She'll be doing Town in September (and plan to begin Voyage once done with Town later in 2012)
  8. For those of you who are working ahead in MCT, could you offer some BTDT insight on when MCT actually teaches writing mechanics? I've been wracking my brain and am up to my eyeballs in manuals. I'm considering implementing two/three writing programs (you know, kitchen sink model) this coming school year but I wonder if that's even really necessary? Honestly, all I want is to streamline as much as possible and get things done without too much push back and frustration from my sweet dd who adores MCT. Thoughts?
  9. Last year, with dd10 at the time, history DID take a lot of time. I am currently struggling with whether or not I want it to consume as much time as it did for us last school year. Like your dc, she did most of it independently but it felt like a check list of things she had to get through just to call it done. What did inject life into our studies was our literature/history read alouds and narration. Last year, we used the WTM's suggested reading list (SWB's insists it's not an exhaustive list, but as it was our first year of homeschooling, I didn't have the time and energy to look elsewhere for more suggestions.....we did supplement the list with books from the library and STOW whenever possible though). Some of the books I chose as read alouds which led to some pretty great discussions. We also connected during the times we reviewed her narrations of assigned history readings. Oh, and dd loved listening to the STOW audio CD's. If it wasn't for the CD's, the read alouds and yes, the STOW projects and coloring pages (she loves to draw/color) dd would have found history a pure drag. We did supplement with WAT and K12 Human Odyssey but you're right...getting through them a chapter at a time would take forever. There are some members (or is it one memember, can't remember) who have coordinated the books so they can be done in a reasonable amount of time. Try doing a search for "STOW & K12" or "STOW & WAT." I'll see if I can fish it up for you. I just may have to take another look at it myself. HTH ETA: Here is the schedule I was talking about. Also, you may get more responses on the Logic Stage Board. Good luck!
  10. I just read through my WWS 6 week sample yesterday to get a sense for the ebb & flow. WOW!!! It's MEATY!!!!!!! I have a feeling it will take dd quite a while to complete some of the lessons.
  11. In a word, yes. You reuse the same set STOW levels all over again. The theory is that they will go over the levels again in greater detail. In our situation, this is our fist time using it with a dd7 and dd11. We've just completed our fist year of homeschooling. My older dd received no history in ps and all the content in STOW Ancients was brand new to her. STOW wasn't the only thing she did for history (we did ease into doing History according to the logic stage recommendation in WTM) but is was a great jumping off point. For dd7, who does remember a lot of the content, our history study is more for exposure and the pure excitement of it all. Although we do use the AG, I do not expect the level of retention/discussion that I do of dd11.
  12. Last year, I outsourced science for my dd11 and did interest led science with my dd7. In addition, they both took science at our co-op. This year, we are doing most of our core subjects together and I plan to teach to the oldest. This works only because my little one works at an advanced level. HTH
  13. Have you seen this thread: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=273729&highlight=3rd+grade+plans
  14. Honestly, from where I'm standing, it looks like you're in a good place. Keep in mind that SWB's materials are, for the most part, skill leveled, not grade leveled so if your dd is working on WWE2 and STOW2 her placement does not indicate she's in grade 2, but level 2, according to her abilities. As far as math is concerned, you seem right on track. Singapore is a very solid (and accelerated) curriculum (comparing to my district's ps standards). That your dd is working at "grade" level is spot on. To give you perspective, when I pulled my dd, then 10 and in 5th grade public school, I had to place her in MM4 and will be doing MM5 starting in September. For history, we will completing STOW 1 and then dive into 2. Now, because dd is in the logic stage STOW isn't the only thing she does BUT it has serves as a great jumping off point. Depending on where you think your dd is ability wise, you can most definitely beef up STOW with the Activity Guide. Hope this helps. Best of luck to you on your journey.
  15. You could make a foldable timeline from posterboard. I was thinking about making one for my younger dd this year. Cardstock could also work. Just tape the seams together and the whole thing could be accordion folded and put away. For the poster board, I would cut it into halves or thrids and draw a line down the middle (landscape style) then have dd glue the cards in the back of the STOW AG in chronological order. If I use cardstock, I'd print the line right from my printer.
  16. Yes, yes, yes!!! The Michael's I went to did not want to honor the 50% and only took it off after I had to speak to two managers. Then at the register, the 20% didn't come off either. It wasn't till I got to the car and checked my receipt that I noticed. I went back to the store and got the extra 20% off the pencils only after speaking to the cashier and three managers? I was fuming by the time I got out of there!! Both the in store sign and the online coupons are VERY clear: 50% off Prismacolor Sets, 20% all in store items including sale items...the Prismacolor sets are on sale, not clearance.
  17. This described my dd7 almost exactly. I could have written your post about a year ago. She cried every day for a month in Kindergarten. We fought and fought the school district for a grade acceleration and it when it was finally approved in April, the situation got a little better but it still wasn't enough to fill her needs. She is MUCH happier now that she is home. :) My girl a VERRRRRRRRY INDEPENDENT learner (we frequently bump heads because she refuses to be taught anything). Because of this, I tend to lean heavily on short lessons and non teacher intensive curricula.
  18. With dd11 who was ps'd until 4th grade, I began after schooling with MCT in late 4th and plan to continue homeschooling grammar with the series until the end (barring any castastophies). DD7 will gently work through the Flash Kids Language Arts books before moving onto MCT in the next couple of years. I don't feel a need to work through a grammar program until at least late elementary/early middle school. As it is, MCT has been thorough but gentle enough for my older dd. As far as diagramming, MCT does cover it, but in later levels. I think dd11 has learned TONS from MCT's 4 level analysis. I'm good with that.
  19. My girls are currently using will be doing MM3 and MM5 and I agree with previous posters that MM does not need supplementation. I have been extremely happy with this program and it suits both of my dc's learning styles and ability. However, I do supplement for various reasons. My dd7 has been using and will continue to use CWP alongside MM and my dd11 will be doing LoF with MM this year (I plan to phase in LoF as our main curriculum once done with MM).
  20. While I Love AAS, I too agree that it is costly so I've recently made the decision to switch to SWO. With FLL and WWE lined up, I decided that spelling should be less teacher driven especially considering that dd7 is a natural speller and strongly dislikes being taught anything and everything.
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