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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. just wanted to update since I had to pay my bill today. I realized I made a mistake: For T-Mobile it's 30.00 for 1500 of talking/texting. I have a land-line so my cell is not my only phone.
  2. you're not alone. Normally, we like British period drama or mysteries and we were so excited about Downtown Abbey. We made it through the first season - but barely. Agree with much of what the others have said - especiallyl the soap opera comment. That is exactly what we called it.
  3. yes, unseasonbly warm. I don't mind as the house was SO dry before and now I'm all stuffed up. It's warm and humid now.
  4. our house sold because of an open house. They came to the OH, came back later in the day... and put a contract on it in 5 days.
  5. I live in the DC area. We've used Net10, Cricket, T-Mobile and Virgin Mobile. It depends on what you want. I just want talk and texting. T-Mobile has a $30 a month - it's 1000 min. of talk/texting (IIRC). I never use it all up and I've been happy with their service. The next level up is either $35 or $40 depending on the company includes internet and unlimited stuff.. but I don't use that. Net10 had the most sketchy service of them all.
  6. hoping for a positive update. Still praying.
  7. wow, this is great. My 11yr old loves making stuff and there's so much inspiration in this thread.
  8. PrincessMommy


    yes, puts a whole new meaning to the word "cupcake wars" :lol: I remember getting sucked in when I was doing a search on... something.. can't remember what now - but the thread titleds something like: "someone on the WTM boards is famous" popped up. I kept reading thinking someone would finally reveal who it was.... but Noooooo.
  9. Ack - I just saw that someone else posted about it earlier. Sorry for the double posting on the same topic (at least I gave out chocolate).
  10. I put the lights up last weekend when it was 60*. I always try to take advantage of the few last nice days for the outside stuff.
  11. Thank you Admins.. you brought back the ability to hover over the thread title to get a preview! No more extra clicking. Thank you!
  12. I decorate slowly and we never get our tree up until 2 weeks (or so) before Christmas. It's a live tree so I don't like it to stay long. I remember, as a child, that some families didn't get their tree up until Christmas eve. I think it was part of the tradition that you dont' celebrate Christmas before the Feast day. To them it was nice. They woke up in the morning and the whole house was transformed - garlands, tree, presents, etc. Of course, it was probably not quite so "fun" for their parents. :wacko:
  13. Water plays an important roll in the Eastern churches, but I don't recall being blessed with water on Bright Monday specifically. The priest goes around and blesses our Easter baskets after the Pascha services Easter morning. And the priest comes around to each of our homes after Theophany and the Blessing of the Waters (Jan 6th) and goes through the whole house blessing it with Holy Water. I've gotten doused at other times during the year too, so yes, it is important beyond Easter. I also remember a priest blessing people at a Easter Midnight service I attended in the Catholic church once. But that's my only experience within the Catholic tradition.
  14. They were probably Orthodox and the week after Easter is called Bright Week in the Orthodox tradition. In some places there would be a liturgy most days in celebration and fasting is forbidden. It is a week of celebration and great joy. The monday after Easter is called Bright Monday and our parish always has a service then. it's wonderful.
  15. I love the Feast Day itself and all the other feast days surrounding Chrismtas (St. Nicholas Day etc.), but what I hate is the getting there. I hate shopping and giving gifts is not my "love language" (If you go in for that type of thing)..
  16. Oh no! What a bother. We had that happen one year. Of course, it also happened to be the year we bought the "torture tree". So named because the needles caused a bad reaction on all our hands! It was painful just to decorate the darn thing and then a few days later it fell over! Oddly enough it was also the only year my kids didn't change the bulbs around over and over again. ;)
  17. This thread is so timely. My youngest has been suffering from itchy scalp for several weeks. It seems to have come out of nowhere and I was worried it was lice - but it isn't. We've been using Head and Shoulders for itchy scalp and it seems to work okay, but it's nice to have these other ideas too
  18. Just don't get rid of the photo in your siggy. It always makes me smile (even though it looks smaller now).
  19. somehow that sentence reminds me of something from Winnie the Pooh. Does this ability mean that people can change their names multiple times? If I wanted to be VERY hidden I could change it everyday? Is there a limit?
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