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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. we love board/card games here too. My oldest son got Dominion for his Nov. birthday and we played it a lot over Thanksgiving weekend and Christmas break while he was visiting. The kids all enjoy Settlers of Catan although I've never played. I'm definitely going to check into some of these other ones mentioned here that I've not heard of. My youngest son and DH love Ticket to Ride... me, not so much.
  2. the policy is different for prescriptions. They won't take those back. My dad tried to take back my mom's unopened presc. after she died and couldn't do it. He even tried to donate them to a local health clinic (they were expensive anti-rejection meds) but they couldn't do it. It was such a waste as my mom probably had a couple of months worth of medication stored up.
  3. I saw that too, but the other comments afterward were very, very helpful.
  4. if they're not prescription, you can try. maybe call them first to save you some time if they don't.
  5. One of the things I am frustrated about with Netflix and Amazon Prime is that most of their movies/tv shows available for live-streaming are pretty mainstream. I've looked at Hulu and it's the same. We prefer lesser known, indie, and foreign shows/films. Is there a source for that? For example, Secrets & Lies has never been available at Netflix either for dvd or live-streaming. Another movie is The Eighth Day. same thing - never available on either - also not even available on DVD. We don't like to buy dvds, it's just another thing that needs storage.
  6. Thanks Lemon Pie. That was it and I was able to fix it. I guess I got an extra Christmas present from my dad
  7. I noticed this about a day or two ago on my RSS feed. One or two words of one a couple of my reg. blog titles were highlighted and I could click through. Its some weird search engine capability. I wondered what Netvibes was up too. Just now I've noticed that several random words in these threads are doing the same thing! I won't click through, but it's annoying and distracting to have that littered throughout someone's reply. Why is that? Is this some kind of bug I've gotten on my computer? My dad's been using my computer while he's been here. He's not too computer savvy (he's the kind that loves to send the multiple FWD. emails! ugh). I think he may have clicked on something unknowingly. Anyone know how to get this stupid thing to go away.
  8. It could fall under "hobbies" though. Are you making the box too and just attaching the wheels or making the whole thing?
  9. hey thanks for that rec. I'll check it out and see if it's available for non mac tablets.
  10. Out of Milk. I like it, but we haven't used the share option.
  11. I just discovered this game app for my new tablet (Samsung Galaxy) and I'm in love. It's a beautifully done puzzle type game called The Room. Reminds me of Riven or Myst, only on a smaller scale (it all takes place in one room with a series of boxes). Graphics are lovely and puzzles are fun without being super hard. The story-line is a bit silly. I could definitely do without that part. I guess the developers felt it was necessary, but I don't think so. I don't think I needed it to solve any of the puzzles. I just finished the first game and am doing the (free) Epilogue. I'll probably buy Room 2 when I'm done. Thought I'd let others, who enjoy these types of games, know about it. It is Christmas break after all. :D edited to add: I should mention that it did give me some grief with freezing up my tablet. I just had to reboot. It didn't happen all the time, but enough to be annoying.
  12. sorry I went MIA on this thread. Life got very busy leading up to Christmas and I forgot to start it last week. I'll have a house full until the end of this week. I know a lot of us were making things for the holidays... how did everyone do? I finished the 6 kitchen towels and gave 4 away to my adult married kids. My oldest is moving into an apartment (been living with her in-laws for nearly 2yrs) in Feb. She cannot wait. Two went to her and her husband and the other 2 went to my newly married son and his wife. About 3 weeks before Christmas my sis. mentioned that her teen daughter really wanted a scarf from me. This motivated me to get those last three scarves off my other loom that were earmarked for my dd's school friends. I was able to get another scarf done in less than a week. It turned out really nice - probably the best I'd done in a while. But, I didn't get a photo of it. I'll be using that yarn again, since it turned out so nicely. Goals for 2014 I'd really like to try and take some more weaving classes. I'm not sure how I'll get to a live class but there's a recorded online class about color and weaving fabric for clothing. Making clothing is a goal I've had for a long time, so I may load it onto my computer when things calm down here. +I'm thinking that maybe now that the holidays are just about behind us we can start doing a monthly check-in instead of a weekly one. What does everyone think?
  13. I think you're getting great advice. But, if you feel like you really must go for this one occasion then please DON'T stay 5 hours. Go late and leave as early as you can (2hrs tops). Seriously, if you have to do it minimize the damage. Make up an excuse of someplace you have to be (after they've planned the time). It's only going to get worse for your children as they age.
  14. That's not fundamentalist. That's conservative and not necessarily unusual. It's probably more helpful to understand what the LCMS teach about what exactly Prayer is - or more importantly what a prayer service is in their understanding before we start judging by our own religious understandings/standards. Fundamentalist believe that the "fundamental" principles in the Bible are to be followed rigidly along with believing in the the inerancy of the Bible. I believe the LCMS would believe the Bible is inspired... (former LCMS butting in)
  15. wow, that does look cool! I don't have 2 hrs right now to sit down and watch, but I'll definitely check it out later.
  16. But you're not the first person who has had to remind people to be kind. I'm not picking on you - I'm just sad that the WTM board has come to a place where it's constantly necessary to remind people of this. It's been bothering me for a bit and your reminders just made me sad that you had to do that to keep people from jumping all over you (we've all seen it before and it's sad). I'm sure you're in a very raw place right now and you had every right to protect yourself from snarky people who feel the need to speak their mind. :grouphug:
  17. I'm so sorry for your loss and the difficult circumstances surrounding it. How sad that you had to be alone because of your inlaws. I'm also sorry that the boards have become a place where we have to remind people multiple times in one post not to judge others. I don't think there's a problem with waiting, but I'm not a run to the doctor person anyway. You seem very on top of it. Many hugs and prayers
  18. I was just looking around and found that Syberia is also available for the tablet & on gog.com. I loved playing that game. I guess it just depends on the platform you prefer.
  19. sorry. I realized earlier today that I got it wrong, but figured it was much too late to fix.
  20. I'm sorry it's so unresolved. I hope you get help and find some answers soon. And sorry your Christmas was bad. Poor kids. You're probably extra emotional because your hormones are going crazy too....plus the health issue stress. Big Hugs... maybe you will be well enough to make New Years special for the kids.
  21. I agree. I hate secrets - especially in marriage. Not cool.
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