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Everything posted by Lucy

  1. Pay depends on many things, how big your house is, how long it takes them, how cluttered it is with nicknacks, how many bathrooms, etc. I live in a four bedroom three bath home with few nicknacks and it's 50 dollars for two hours. She owns her own company and came recommended by friends. I checked with the bigger companies that send me junk mail, and they were 75-100 for each cleaning. I think the rate will vary greatly depending on where you live.
  2. My husband just recommended the same thing for me. He wants me happy and to have time and energy to hang out with him. Snatch the offer up! I have a friend who just sits down and relaxes when her housekeeper comes - she doesn't feel guilty, she reads a book! It has given her time to relax and reboot and be a peace. And you will be amazed at how calm the house feels when each room is clean... at the SAME TIME!
  3. I'm so glad the police are involved. Here is an extra thought: does he have any relatives that you know? It sounds like he may be suffering from dementia or something - and telling his family what has been happening may help him get checked out and helped. I'd love to hear if you got your hosta back. I have a few in my yard that need to be split, but they are so beautiful, I'm too terrified to try it!
  4. I've told them to let the homeschool comments roll off their back. Not the don't tell your parents thing. Trust me, we have talked about predators and what to do - it's well covered territory. I tell them all the time to trust their gut and be strong. I already said that they don't spend time alone anymore due to these comments and situations - not because I feel the kids are unsafe, but because she doesn't support our parenting choices. I do not have any gut feeling that this relative is a predator - she just wants to be the fun one in their eyes. Thanks all for your concern, but this is really just an issue of respect and my need to set clear boundaries.
  5. I can't stop laughing! You ladies are AWESOME! Why do we still hang out? We share a family vacation spot - all summer long. And we really do love her! We've already told the kiddos not to go anywhere alone with her and they always tell us what she wants to keep secret. But often with tears - it puts them in a hard place. You guys are so right, I need to just face the problem and address it clearly instead of just keeping the peace. Next time, I'll be ready to lovingly address it. Thanks for letting me know I'm not blowing this out of proportion!
  6. So, we have a relative that is always making comments about homeschooling vs PS to my kiddos. "You really should ask to go to PS, you are missing out on so much fun." "Your parents are soooo overprotective." "I feel bad for you - people just shouldn't homeschool for high school." "You can't possible be learning all my kids are learning." "You all should go to school now, so you can enjoy your life." Every statement is not just anti-homeschool, but are worded to make my dh and I look like fun killers. In fact this relative will do stuff with our kids that they think we'd disapprove of and then tell my kids not to tell us. It's usually stuff we totally approve of - ie. ice cream before lunch. But they says, "don't tell your parents, they'd be mad." I've instructed my kids that anyone that ever says, "Don't tell your parents," is not to be trusted, so this confuses them. I really think they just want to be the fun one and have us be the not fun ones. I've talked to my kiddos (K-8th) about why we homeschool, the benefits of each choice, the cons of each choice, and how we came to our conclusions. I've told them not to enter into an argument, and to let the comments run off their backs. The older ones can engage if they want to, but to keep in mind how much we love said relative. How do you all handle this?
  7. Don't wait for the right year, just jump in and do it! A wedding is such a wonderful way to celebrate before God and family! And congrats on the happy marriage!
  8. Another vote for Mod 1 at youth digital. For those of you who have looked at it and thought, man that's just too much money, I'm telling you it has been money well spent at our house! Definitely a fav here and she has learned soooooo much! The instructors respond to her questions by the next day, the teaching videos are funny and full of info, the instructions are step by step, and the kids get to be immensely creative. My dd is doing 3D game design 1 next. You can buy them for cheaper through the homeschool buyers co-op.
  9. Wow! These are really expensive! Are they worth it?
  10. Our dd was supposed to eat 1/2 an avocado a day and a Tablespoon of coconut oil - added to various things.
  11. Our co-op is doing archery, camping skills, basic car maintenance (refill fluids, change tire, etc.), American Art and Music Appreciation, Minecraft History, Photography/yearbook, and Hands-On Science, speech, and personal finance.
  12. I have had to accept who I am. I am not a do it all kind of gal. And I'm happier not doing it all! Here is how I don't do it all: Homeschool: has gone great this year... until I got overwhelmed and just plain stopped teaching my K to read. But the other three are well educated! They do much of their work independently as I have picked curriculums for that purpose. :) I think I'm getting a video curr. for reading for the poor Ker... ;) Best thing I've done for this is a daily printable schedule from fivejs.com called "weekly assignment sheet." Keeps all of us on track. Cooking: Much of our meals are based on the frozen aisle from Costco. Or from my collection of crock-pot recipes. Also, on their weekly schedules for school the older three have "cooking" once a week and have to make a meal or treat. I don't really help them, they just jump in - plus they love it! Housekeeping: Ummm... I'm always behind but we do a daily "sweep" of the house before electronics are allowed. The kids "sweep" through the house together and put everything away. It's awesome. When I feel like it, I add in vaccumming or dusting or wipe down the bathroom counters. It takes them 15 minutes and it makes such a huge difference! They also have meal routines that include dishes, handwashing, sweeping, and wiping the table. It's great. We do all major cleaning together as a family and then do something really fun afterwards for incentive. I'd hire a housekeeper if I could... Laundry: We don't have dirty baskets in the bedrooms anymore. When they get ready for bed, they run their dirty clothes to the laundry and put it in the right colored basket. That way, everyday I can walk in and just throw a load in - it skips the step of collecting it and sorting. Makes a huge difference! When it's washed and dried, it goes in the family room in a pile and they put their own clothes away as part of the "sweep." Waking up early: Yotally overrated and not within my genetic code. Cereal or bagels or eggs for breakfast that everyone can get themselves and for the youngest. Sleep in. It makes you happier. Sleeping in a bit and not stressing about being the perfect mom and wife gives just enough energy to play outside with the kids and be up for a bit of "tea" in the evenings. And really, those are both far more of a priority to me than a clean kitchen floor! (Not surprisingly, it's more of a priority to my clean-freak hubby as well!)
  13. Thanks for all those who shared. I enjoy hearing others' thoughts on what/why they believe. OP, I agree with many here who say this is a respect issue and they may be acting out in what they see as their new "freedom from faith." I hope you can sit down with dh and discuss what it is you want to pass down to your kids as their standards. While the beliefs in the family have changed, I'm sure there must be some common ground left to agree on. I wish you well and hope that you will feel honored and unified with your husband.
  14. So, I know Christians get their moral code from the Bible. But where do athiests get theirs? If there is no overriding "right and wrong" or moral code that is outside of ourselves (God) and all we have is the here and now, why wouldn't we just live for our own happiness? It seems that the OP is in need of something to hold before her family as an absolute to live up to like she used to have... but what is that absolute for the atheist? (I'm sincerely asking... just in case someone thinks I'm trying to stir the water!)
  15. We just read "Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library" It was lighthearted and fun and the kids loved finding book titles in the dialogue. We also loved the book "Tuesdays at the Castle" by Jessica Day George. Good clean fun - the parents disappear a the the beginning of the book, but they don't die, and they come back.
  16. yay! a kid neighborhood - enjoy it! We just bought a Ping-Pong table and set it up in the garage. (we'll park on the street for the summer) All the kids play in front of our house, but not inside. The neighborhood kids all play in our front yard, garage, on the street in front of our house. We also invested in a basketball hoop on the street. Best purchase ever! On occasion they will go to the neighbor's backyard because they have a trampoline, but I know the parents well. My kids don't go to houses I don't know the family. And like someone else said, if there is trouble brewing, I just call my kids in to do some chores. Now that they are older, it doesn't happen so much. We also bought Ripstiks for all our girls and the neighbors did as well. That really gives them all something to play together that is totally conflict free. They even play Ripstik basketball now! There is also an old paint can and taught them to play "kick the can" and that is what they ALL do in the evenings as it gets dark. In the summer, someone will pull out a firepit and the whole neighborhood will roast marshmallows. I hope you make many friends in your new home!
  17. I relate! My two oldest take a shower daily and it's still not clean - wish I had some advice, but just know you are not alone! My oldest has sensory issues and hates to scrub her hair. Unfortunately, her hair is really thick and needs the scrubbing the most. The second dd is just unexplainable. I just keep telling my self this is just a faze... It is, right?
  18. I"m doing a giant teen girl party this weekend. We are having pizza and pop. A fire in the firepit with marshmallows. I hung lights on the fence. Ping Pong table in the garage. Wii, board games, Kindles. Everything is color coordinated (B&W with teal) didn't cost much - got it all at walmart. Cupcakes and chips. Oh, and my neighbor is going to come over and take photos of them with funny glasses and masks and stuff in front of a sheet. (a DIY photo booth!)
  19. OP here. Thank you, everyone. Your stories really do help me sort this all out in my mind. Thank you for the links. KrissiK, I looked on your blog, and your quote from CS Lewis is one I said to my husband just last night! Thanks again ladies.
  20. We have three bio dds and 1 adopted dd. It's awesome! After I had dd #3, I knew I was done being pregnant, but not done having kids. We got dd#4 from China. She is "different" in two ways: she is Chinese in a white family, and she is missing most of her left hand. She is 6 now, and being the only "different" one doesn't bother her, at least not yet. I seriously don't think she thinks about it. Im sure it will come up sometime in the future, but for now she is happy, bonded, and content. She is my most affectionate child and initiates 'I love you' more than the other three put together. At her birthday party, we have a tradition of going around the circle of aunts and uncles and gparents and saying one thing we love about the birthday girl. When it was done, she sighed and said, "I always wanted a family... I'm glad I have one now." We were all crying! I know you have a lot of kids already, but there are some countries that say "NO" on their requirement sheet, but will in fact let you adopt from the special needs list. We are currently going through the foster care system and they don't seem to care at all about how many kids you have. Adoption is a great thing - a wonderful thing indeed! But it is not always a smooth road. We have had two adoptions not happen (one local, one international) and it can be heartbreaking. As you research this, you will hear happily every after stories, and scary ones. Learn, but don't let it affect you too much! Just follow your heart, because it's worth it! dd#4 is worth more to me than the world!
  21. I need to hear some stories from some of you foster or adoptive parents out there. We are in process of fostering a beautiful boy, 6mo. He was exposed to Meth and maybe alcohol (maybe more, we don't know and can't look at his file till we begin the adoption process.) He was full term, he's calm, sleeps well, eats well, hitting his milestones, 95th in height and weight. Big boy! And his smile - Oh my, he is sweet! So, here is my question: when you look up drug exposure, it tells you all about the struggles a baby can have when they are little - low birth weight, delayed, eating issues, etc. And then it throws in aggression, learning, and emotional issues down the road. If he is doing really well right now, does that mean he'll have a lesser chance of issues down the road? Or is there no connection between the physical and the emotional consequences of drug use? I have four dds, one beginning high school, one with special needs. I don't want to take on too much, but this baby has appeared in our path and we really really like him! One more kid sounds wonderful. :) How have things turned out long term for those of you who have raised drug-affected kids? Advice and wisdom needed.
  22. I'm dropping spelling after 8th for my dd, she's just no good at it. Everything she does is typed now, and she can use the spell checker. Her reading skills are off the charts, she's a very good writer - I just don't see the necessity to keep beating spelling into her when it doesn't stick and it frustrates her day. BTW, I'm an author and a horrible speller, so I understand and feel her frustration - and I know from experience that it's not really a big deal.
  23. If you take the Bible literally, you shouldn't have any problems with Veritas.
  24. I've been looking for a program that I can just plug in our info for a transcript. (I'm not very good at excel and such.) TranscriptPro by Inge Cannon looks like just the thing, but I've been hearing people talk about how important it is to use the word "Official Transcript" across the top. In their online example it just says "High school transcript." Can you change that to say Official? If not, does anyone have any other program they love?
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