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Twilight Woods

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Everything posted by Twilight Woods

  1. I use the HIG. We also use Crods ALOT. I have a big bag of them. Last year when we did Saxon I ordered a saxon Math Manipulative kit and I so far have used the linking cubes and DD enjoys playing with the other peices that are in there. In the back of the HIG [at least in 1A] there are paper manipulative I laminated and use frequently too. DD uses the Text, WB and IP I use the Extra Practice as review.
  2. great! This is what I needed to hear! :) I didn't want to duplicate anything from WWE. :)
  3. I do not have one but my brother and his SO had one. They just got rid of theirs. My brother stated it was too much like an air matress. We are now looking at the Icomforts.
  4. I have been looking at implementing this with my First Grader but I am wondering for those that have used this what your thoughts were? Was there retention? Did it provide basic building blocks for the beginner writer? I looked at samples and I am on the fence.......We are doing WWE1 but I wanted to do WWW here and there with her too if it was different in structure than WWE.
  5. I asked her what she was most interested in learning and she said "nothing" just Dinosuars. Which we are currently doing for Science before we being Zoology [ANIMALS!!!]..... Sooooo I am thinking of maybe doing a state studies or president studies......... then try to move her into something more Chronological.
  6. Yes this is for my 6.5 DD. :) Im thinking of doing this.
  7. On Monday I explained number bonds to DD - we are using SM1A. The past couple days I have written the numbers and she has filled in the boxes on the white board with no problems... sometimes she does have to sit and think or count on fingers. Can I move forward or should I keep on the bonds till she has them memorized? The smaller numbers 1-5 she has down pat..... 6-10 takes her some time. She likes doing them so if I stayed on them a little while longer I am sure she wouldn't mind. TIA. ETA: When she completes a number bond set she writes out the math facts [ addition/Subtraction] for each bond.
  8. me too. My DD [ok she just turned 11...] has been without privledges for 4 weeks now............. She spews snark.
  9. How do you feel about your choice to homeschool? I feel ok most days.. others not so great. Are you happy you started homeschooling? No/yes Are your children happy to be homeschooled? Yes What do you feel is your favorite part of the school day?-sleeping in least favorite? The end of our school day :) What is your favorite part of the school year? Days off least favorite? days on... I see a trend..... What is your favorite subject to teach? Phonics/Art Your children's favorites?Math This exact moment in time....what are you feeling when you look back on your day (or yesterday if your day hasn't started yet)? accomplished We are only 3 days in and it's our first year. We will homeschool and reeval each year. There are some days that planning overwhelms me and I don't feel qualified to teach certain aspects which overwhelms me. Im hoping when we get in out groove things will improve..... Im chalking all of it up to newbie anxiety :)
  10. All great ideas Thanks! I am thinking that maybe I will go with the reading library books and timeline and see how that goes and if she ever gets more interested add in more stuff down the road.... for now I will read SOTW b/c I love it.
  11. She is fine if I just read the books suggested in the guides and didn't make her do anything else.........
  12. DD would do Science every day. She cries when we do History. What do I do? For Science we are doing interest led. For history we are using SOTW1 with AG. We listen to the audio and do a oral narration and do a project. SHould I just listen to the audio then craft/map forget the narration?
  13. So far we are averaging 2 hours...... I need to tweak things tho... She would much rather do science everyday and never do history :001_huh: ..... So I may have to only do coloring sheets while listening to the Audio of SOTW1 with her...... still debating. Math/Phonics/WWE/FLL is our seat work.
  14. Our first day went great. We also had co op today so I did not think we would get everything done but we did. Handwriting was the worst part of our day :)
  15. Im proud of her. She did well. Handwriting was her hardest subject of the day..... go figure LOL. It took her 2.2 seconds to figure number bonds out. This is going to be an interesting year. :)
  16. They always strike....... :glare: IL is broke..... I have no idea where they plan to squeeze anymore $$ out of. We will see how long this one lasts.
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