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Twilight Woods

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Everything posted by Twilight Woods

  1. I found a class today for my DD. They will also bill my insurance too! This is such a huge relief for us!
  2. this made me LOL. :grouphug: I wont feel bad when my stuff does not arrive on time this week so I can prepare for our first day next Monday. :)
  3. :eek::scared:I spent my morning on the phone with poison control. :glare: She will be fine thankfully. It was homeopathic. Off to look at lock boxes.
  4. Thank you! I love this book series and the movies! I have it set to DVR! WOOT!
  5. It is less time in most cases. I also loved only going in every 6-8 weeks for adjustments. The visits became for frequent the closer I got to being retained for fine tuning. :) My total time in braces was 15 months.
  6. Seeee that is what I truly want! DH's father and step mom live in the ozarks [mo] and they have a huge amount of land and such a nice place.
  7. Sangira is my fave! My 2nd is pink moscato. :)
  8. I totally understand. BUT OTOH I do wish we lived in a less suburban area. I would kill for some acerage. DD wants to move to MO b/c you can get a huge house with land for a decent amount.
  9. woot! I did this last week. I will hopfully finish this week. My house might start looking like a home instead of a storage unit soon.
  10. On a light traffic day we are 45-60mins from downtown. Not bad but the drive... UGH. Then there is navigating the city...... I am sure if I spent more time in the city the navigation wouldnt be so bad.... then there is parking.... UGH. But the musems are so nice and there is so much to do....... :glare:
  11. I just had mine taken off in June. Amazing results!! :)
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