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Twilight Woods

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Everything posted by Twilight Woods

  1. :) DD is VERY excited. I have a really bad sore throat/cough so this should be interesting. :D I am thinking hand gestures and signs will work for today so I do not have to talk. :tongue_smilie:
  2. I am starting to think about 2nd grade....... I need spelling.... Im torn between LOE and AAS... WE will be done with AAR level 1 by Thanksgiving so I was planning on starting spelling after we got going with level 2........ But I can't decide. I Plan on continuing with everything else as she finishes...... I will add 5 paragraph essay writing when she is a bit older.
  3. We are using NAC. DD [6] is doing well with it and I have noticed her printing has gotten better as well. She prefers cursive though.
  4. We start Monday! DD is very eager to start. She woke me up this AM asking to do school... um no it's the weekend. LOL. I am also sick and waiting for my Rainbow Resource box to arrive. It will be a light week untill that box arrives.
  5. Lesson learned hopefully? In my DD case the teacher gave her full credit even with it being 3 days late. I was upset about this b/c it isnt teaching DD the value of turning something in promptly. UGH.
  6. I pulled my DD out after 2.5 weeks of school. No amount of time for "adjustment" would have mattered. You are the best judge of what is best for your DD.
  7. Yes. But typically it is to make sure she turned in her assignments... we have been having a problem with her "forgetting". How does one forget to turn in an assignment they worked on the night before? :confused:
  8. I would LOve my DD to take Intuniv. She wont swallow pills. :( We are stuck with Daytrana to manager her ADHD symptoms untill she learns to swallow pills. I don't patch her everyday b/c she doesnt eat when on the patch.
  9. I had to specifically work it with my ortho.. month to month for the entire 15 months. I received a statement each month I had services so I could send to my flex card to be approved.
  10. Thanks. I like to try and kick it without the aid of antibiotics. I do not think this time will do.
  11. B/C I am borderline if it's just viral or bacterial. I get a fair amount of lung infections ..... so given it is the weekend she wrote a script for me in case I got worse. I have a long history with this DR so they dont just write scripts willy nilly. I typically KNOW when I need it.... this time im on the fence.. like I said borderline.
  12. I woke up yesterday feeling like crud. Different from allergies. By the afternoon I had a mild fever 100.4, body aches and my chest upper back hurt. I went to the Dr today to r/o pneumonia [had it in May] and the flu. Both were negative. I still have a mild fever and my body hurts. The Dr. wrote a script in the event I needed it. I have a steriod already and inhaler that I have been using. To fill or not to fill? I work this weekend and I do not want to wake up in the am with full blown bronchitis sometime this weekend had I taken the antibiotic.
  13. I definilty think you should give it a go! You have nothing to lose :)
  14. and my box from Rainbow Resource is still in KY! CRUD! I need my SM workbook!!!!!!!!!!!! :glare:
  15. I can tell you that the RT program is a tough program. Many colleges who offer the program highly recommend NOT working fulltime while doing the program. It is intensive and with clinical hours you will need to be flexible. Lots to consider. :) :grouphug:
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