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Twilight Woods

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Everything posted by Twilight Woods

  1. If you have netflix the leapfrog Phonics FArm and NUmbers are available.
  2. Oh thanks! I must have missed this on the website! :)
  3. If we used US editions for 1A/1B can we switch to SE for 2A and up or will that mess DD progress up? I like the HIG for 2A and up more than US editions.
  4. I will be praying for a positive outcome. :grouphug:
  5. :iagree: we have been on CVC words for awhile and it is slowly clicking for her. She will even sound out harder words and 75% of the time get them right unless it's a phonetic rule we haven't gotten to yet... like Silent e. The only reason we switched progams was b/c the other was not working even after a lengthy break. I switched and she is cruising along at her speed. It's wonderful to watch her progress and enjoy it now. I definitly agree to just let him read what he wants and read aloud while doing legos or drawing. :)
  6. I think your schedule looks fine. :) Granted I am only starting.... first grade..... :)
  7. I just received that same email AND I live in IL. I guess that is what you get for free shipping. :glare: I would be better off driving downstate to get it..... it would be faster.
  8. If you go on their website they have a list of corrections. Seems the SE has more errors than the US editions.
  9. Mat, Hat, Rat etc.... I have to use a combo of things with my DD. We started out using OPGTR and after taking a 6mo break I had to change programs b/c it just was not a good fit for her. OPGTR=tears. We now use AAR-1 [expensive has a good return policy but thankfully its a good fit for her she loves the readers], Reading eggs [this is her favorite] and ETC. With this combo we have been progressing albeit slow but she LOVES to read now so I am happy.
  10. Awesome! I would love to be a RT. Our local CC does not have a RT program :( You should definitly be able to get 3rd shift as entry level. :) I work at a hospital I should look into their tuition reimbursement program...... hmmmmmm Congrats and goodluck!
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