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Twilight Woods

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Everything posted by Twilight Woods

  1. I am planning on only using the Audio CD's fro history and then do read alouds with it. Since I am not using the AG how do I find out which books are listed for each chapter?
  2. I ordered the orange book and Lab sheets, notes to teacher and First Grade Diary. What do I read first? For those that have used this program what ultimately led to your understanding on how to use the program effectively?
  3. I do plan on doing lots of fun things with her. :) She is already writing a list of things she wants to do/learn. Yes LOTS of Library time! Thank you! I want to start with the basics and once we get into a groove I will add in more stuff as we go along. :) DH wanted her to try school. We started back on the 16th. This week has been horrible for her... meltdown city. Dh finally came to his senses. He did add that we reevaluate every year.
  4. She has Asperger's and our psyc recommended she enroll in a social skills class.
  5. Thank you! You have no idea how relieved I am. I plan on working on spelling the sight words right now. She is using Reading eggs along with AAR-1 so I think for right now she will be ok. I am hoping after winter break I can add in a more formal spelling program.
  6. :party: Her last day at school is September 7th which gives me 2 weeks to get a grasp on Miquon and SM......For 1st grade is it ok just to focus on Math/Phonics/writing and handwriting and everything else be interest led? She will be doing an hour long class at co op learning about famous people who invented or did interesting things and once I find a social skills class she will do that as well. Is that enough for first grade?
  7. Our 1st chld was born with Hypoplastic Left Heart syndrome and suffered a massive stroke during open heart surgery when he was 2.5 weeks old. Our lives revolved around his care BUT we had out second child when he was 3. :) Granted my pregnancies were stressfull with worrying I wouldn't have done it any other way. My 2 living children have their own special needs... sometimes I think they are harder than he was. I think it was God's way of preparing me.
  8. I dont plan on it until he is ok with it... as much as I want to just do it I know I can't.
  9. I know silly question right? I have been up all night working so alot of this is jumbled. For those of you [including me] who didn't goto school to be a teacher... how did you figure out. Part of my hesitation on going full blown 100%- pull my first grader out-because clearly the social/emotional aspect of it is stressing her out-who cares what my husband thinks-and DO IT- is I dont have my feet under me, or I don't feel as if I have solid ground. I have this little girl who means the world to me, she has some disadvantages BUT is so bright it scares me. I dont need fancy curriculm for her.... I am pretty amazed at what basic CHEAP stuff is working already. BUT how do I know I will do it correctly-present the information to her correctly when sometimes I can't remember how to do it myself? Learn along with her?
  10. This might be a JAWM thread....... The principal called me today. DD [6] had a meltdown b/c she did not want to go to recess. To many kids/to loud. The VP had to "coax" her outside. I KNEW she was having issues with lunch/recess BUT my meeting with the school is not until Friday. so she sat under a tree watching the ants the whole time. *sigh* When she got home she was very angry and upset. I told DH about it and when I told him I didn't want to wait till winter break to see how it goes that I wanted her home now he said no-to early, see how the flex plan meeting goes. Im just super frustrated.... She loves going to school-loves the work-just hates the social aspect/noise etc. Thanks for letting me vent.
  11. We are using AAR LEvel 1 and Reading Eggs. We switched from OPGTR. DD needs more visual and activties to keep her interested and it is working out great.
  12. I hear you. I am dealing with the same with my 1st grader. I am giving it till winter break. I also promised myself I wouldn't hound the teacher until end of 1st quarter and talk with her at PTC. Are spelling words last week were HE and BE...... I know...... The teacher sent home the entire spelling list for 1st quarter and she already knows how to spell them all. So I am having her write different sentences with the words...... Math....... UGH. I am waiting for my Singapore books to arrive :)
  13. That is what I am leaning towards. I was also looking at Dreambox as well .......
  14. DD-10 has a auditory/working memory deficit/ADHD-I. She does not have hearing issues. I know she learns better with visuals..... Mastery based programs do not work for us... she needs spiral..... TT? If it helps she is currently using Holt Mathematics Course 2 at school which is 7th grade math.... she is in 6th grade. Im trying to find a supplement to use at home and this coming summer I need something to prepare her for pre-alg. Karen
  15. :iagree: I have seperate shoes that do not come into the house.
  16. 1st Grader: AAR-1 ETC SM/MM Cursive 6th Grader- Math-still trying to find a program for her that fits her learning style while catering to her auditory/memory issues and fit's with the accelerated math program she is doing at school.... OY! working on auditory/working memory issues is are main goal this year. Fun: Science Experiements History DVD's Audio books during Dinner
  17. I wouldn't send a note. I just sent my DD off for her first day at Middle school last week. I was super anxious and so was she... BUT she did amazing and made a ton of friends her first day. I orginially was going to go and talk with her social worker before school to give them a heads up but I am glad I didn't.
  18. How horrible!!!! How are things going now that he is home?
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